The Crossover Sagas

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Roxas' group-

    Near the group that the sandy blond haired Nobody was in, a portal appeared and someone fell through the portal. A person that came from the portal was a young girl, she had long bushy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She wore a black robe with a yellow and red necktie, which looked like some kind of school uniform. She stood up, a bit dizzy from the fall, and noticed the group she was near. Taking a breath, she walked to the group and asked, "Excuse me, have any of you seen a boy with messy black hair and green eyes wearing glasses?"
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007

    Kurumu's tension seemed to let down when he heard the strange looking man speak. His odd gentleness; something about it reminded her of Tsukune. She lowered herself onto the ground, ridding her appearance of everything that made her look like a monster. "We are almost like vampires. Folk stories portray us as a temptress of lust. I feed, or, I used to at least, feed off the life force of men. That's in my past though. There is now only one person I care for and I will never take his life." She then moved her attention to Tifa, realizing that she always needed to keep her guard up.

    Todd could barely make out what was going on in the distance. Slowly, he took quiet steps to hear what was going on. His razor was pulled out of his side holster as it made a small noise when he unfolded it.
  3. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -The Forest: We are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-

    Behind the trees where Natasha and Clint had found their friends, the turtles leapt out.
    "Yo Natasha! Who are these guys?" Mikey said.

    "Oh, Leo, Mikey, Don, Raph. These are my good friends, Doctor Banner and Thor Odinson, god of thunder." Natasha replied.
    Raph looked at Thor. "Not very impressive for a god."he said.

    -The Field: So we begin-

    Lightning looked at L. "Fine then." She turned to Tifa and Noctis. "We're going now. Don't fall behind." Then she started walking in the direction of the forest.
    Noctis followed Lightning quietly. She's kinda cute... he thought to himself.
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Shadow Star: Eyeballs do not work like that~

    As he flew away Shadow Star took the blow of the fire and felt it on his backside before strangely starting to lose conciousness as he landed on a nearby mountain, A round black and dark-red mass of unknown substance started to rise from SS's back with a red outline of a star on it, this was then followed by a blue eye with a black iris ripping open before it got to looking around it's new enviroment and it's host body before it said in calm "In due time, you will lose all of your emotions, your heart, and your body...and the cataclsym of universes will begin once again"

    ~Space Station~

    "Yeah, I think I might be at fault for bringing those people in ma'am, my machine's not working right or something. But yeah I guess we're ready to go down to the planet now" Kenneth explained to Cosmos as he rubbed the back of his head in embaressment before NHB-K calmly "Might as well be ready, who knows what you'll find down there...anything is a possibility. Now you know the drill if you find anything of interest, you are to call me and inform me of it so we can make a plan". "Yeah, yeah, we've gone through this routine before...nothing changes, doesn't it" Kenneth said calmly before NHB-K stood beside Cosmos and said in a rather joking tone "Nothing ever changes, my friend...nothing ever changes"
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tifa looked at Kurumu,lowered and unclenched her fists and followed Lightning towards the forest. "So what did you guys think of those two back there? Good, evil? Should either of them be trusted?" She questioned. Even though at first she thought of the girl as evil she started to wonder if she was wrong, maybe she should have waited and saw if she would like to join them.

    "Interesting." L pondered the possibility of this. To him it didn't seem possible, then again he was trying to find a person who can kill and control people by just knowing a name and a face. "So you can just change between wings and a tail and human for as you please? That is useful."
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Jaden turned around, carrying his duffel bag, lookign off intot he distance before somehow...spying perhaps the path leading to the mountains an dhe started wlaking towards teh path and placed a finger in his mouth and put it up to feel the breeze as Edward looked at him. "What you got there?" he asked him and Jaden turned in confusion before noticing Edward was refering to his bag he carried with up after leaving Duel Academy..

    "Just the usual stuff, but I kinda forgot about it." he said and placed it down, opening it as he pulled out a small laptop from within it garnering looks from the group he was with and turned it on as it came to life and he tried to access to the Internet but alas, it failed. "Not getting a signal, thought it could help us discern our location, but I guess there goes that idea." He sighed and turned it off.

    "Then we get to higher ground, if anything, the mountains will provide some cover right?" he said and looked to the others.


    "Then north it is." he said and walked north, his sword remaining sheathed.


    The dark red sphere of Lambda hovering above Sasuke's group, duly noting no one took notice of his appearanc,e then, who would bother staring up?
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Xenree lifted her hand out of the water and took Itachi's hand. She'd regret it sooner or later...maybe. Wrapping herself in darkness, a pair of large bat wings sprouted from the darkness on her back and she did second best to walking on water, hovering over it.

    Space Station:

    Kankuro peered out a window at the blackness of space, "Holy...Sage... Uh...hey, you guys wouldn't know how to get back to earth would you? This whole space thing is kinda unnerving." Temari turned towards Cosmos, her blue eyes playful, "You don't need to apologize. Even brought here forcfully, we're staying here of our own will. I'm sure Gaara would agree with me. If something's troubling you...we should be able to help, right Gaara?" Gaara had closed his eyes, he did not like the feeling of empty space. "That's enough, Temari. Soothing their doubts will only cause us more grief. I agree we should help them, but without knowing who are enemy is...and without allies, we won't do much good."
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Not amused by Raphael's words, Thor looked at Bruce Banner, who nodded in agreement, knowing what Thor was about to do. With Mjölnir in his hand, Thor struck Raphael's feet with a small electric strike, giving him a harmless electric shock that surprised Raphael. Everyone laughed, then Thor began speaking, "I'm sorry to be so rude, but anyway, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, these are our friends." Thor pointed towards the Mario brothers, Princess Peach, and Merlin. "Their names are Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Merlin," Bruce said, introducing his new friends to his old friends. "Anyway, who are these silly looking green creatures? And who is that man?" asked Thor about Clint and Natasha's friends. "Well, this here's Captain Jack Harkness," Clint said while pointing towards Captain Jack, "As for the oversized turtles, ask Natasha."


    Altair rushed to Hermione, who still looked dizzy, and tried to keep her balanced while standing. "Do you need any help," said a concerned Altair.


    Xion, assuming Jiraiya, Light, and Asbel didn't hear, noticed the attack next to the river, and shouted, "Jiraiya, your friend was attacked by someone! We have to go help him!" Xion noticed that Itachi was alright. The attacker flew away, and with Itachi was a woman with large bat wings.


    Cosmos just stood there silently for a minute. Then, she said, "NHB-K, Kenneth. Do as I commanded. Batman, if you wish to take Gaara, Kankura, and Temori with you, it's your choice.I need some time alone." Cosmos then left the meeting room by teleporting herself to her room, all alone. Cosmos couldn't hold her tears any longer, and began sobbing, remembering how Fate broke her heart many years ago.
  9. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007

    "Yes, it is," Kurumu nodded to the odd looking man. She felt uneasy still abut Tifa, but she felt know immediate danger around her. "And what's your story?"
  10. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Jiraiya laughed at what Xion said and started to walk north "Trust me Itachi can handle himself and it looks like he has a girlfriend now. and besides in my world weren't friends enemies in fact. We tried to kill each other before."
    Jack smiled at the new people. "Looks like I don't need to introduce myself anymore."[DOUBLEPOST=1349570647][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Itachi saw her wings and almost didn't believe it. "guess you are something speical". He then started walking down the river. His eyes changed back to black as he walked.[DOUBLEPOST=1349570921][/DOUBLEPOST][​IMG]
    Mountains of Despair
    Fate finished talking to Angeal and Genesis "You both know what you must do right?" "We got it Fate" replied Genesis. They both made there wings appear "Stay alive" said Angeal to Fate and they both flew away into the skies. After they were gone Fate stood up he had a feeling a guest would soon be coming "Time to get prepared."

    -- Never Ending Forest--
    The brigadier went around the same tree for about the eleventh time. He made another cut in the tree trunk with his knife. It was clear he was lost "If this is your fault doctor i'm going to shoot you, watch you regenerate, and then shoot you again. What he would give for a blue box to appear right about now. He faced monsters, villains and time lords and now a forest was going to do him. in. He sat on a fallen tree as he was thinking.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Hermione smiled at Altair, she said, "I'm fine, still a bit shaky from the fall I got. Thank you for your concern." However, she fell to her knees and sighed, guessing the fall was a bit much for her.


    Haruto nodded, and noticed Harry's pained look. He grabbed his wrist and placed his hand on the hand shaped buckle on his belt. It spoke in a male voice, "Please, Please." Harry began to glow in a soft light for a moment and Haruto let go, Harry felt embarrassed, gripping his hand. Haruto then put his own hand over his belt buckle and it spoke again, "Connect, please." A red circle appeared and he reached into it, pulling out a motorcycle.
  12. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    -Forbidden Fortress: The World Map-

    Sasuke looked down at the map that had been forged over the while. "It appears to be done finally. Now we can see everyone who is he--" Sasuke gasped in shock. One named jumped out at him. Itachi Uchiha was on this map. His brother was dead for quite some time. Sasuke's eyes also saw Naruto in a party of four.

    Toguro looked over seeing Yoko Kurama on the map. "So, this is where the fox demon has been hiding." He looked over at Sasuke for instruction.

    "Everyone look at the map. Tell me who you recognize. Tell us everything about them, if they are friendly, if they are our enemy, and how we can defeat them."
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Forbidden Fortress-

    Seymour pointed to where the names Harry Potter and Lukya Guado were at, he said, "Here is where that boy and my sister are at. Looks like they're in a group of quite a few people. If we head there, beware. My sister is a skilled archer, so she might pierce your heart if you're not careful." He ignored the name of Hermione Granger and her current location, though he had a feeling that Voldemort might know who it was.
  14. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Cosmos would suddenly feel a giant shockwave as someone who could take both her and Chaos on any day he wanted was summoned into the world....
    Joker was flung back as the strange summoning circle more-or-less exploded. When Joker could see again, he saw the golden smoke clearing.... to reveal... "Hmph. So your my new master? I've had peasants more appealing than you." Joker just looked on, completely stunned, then he finally said. "You what?" The apparent servant just scoffed. "Your telling me that I was summoned by accident!? I who belongs to the heava--" "Ok! Ok! No need to get dramatic. Sheez, almost makes me miss Batsie's hero speech.... almost." The blonde-haired deva suddenly looked extremely interested in the place... and a smile played across his lips. "So... that's how I was summoned." Joker just looked confused, and was even more confused when the guy kneeled down before him. "I am Gilgamesh, King of Hero's and your servant... Master." A devilish smile grew on Gilgamesh's face. "And I believe that we are in the same boat..."
    Meanwhile.... somewhere else...​
    Illidan woke up with a massive headache... I suppose you have one of those when your brought back from the dead. He looked around, and there, standing above him, was a strange... girl. "So your still alive. It's a start, I suppose." Illidan just shook his head, trying to figure out what was going on, where he was, who this person is, but all that played through his head was a single thought... 'Belt'. "Who.... who are you?" "Ratrex, I know who you are, Illidan. I beat it out of that naga." She gestured to a badly wounded Naga Myrmidon, who wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Illidan was impressed. "Impressive.... what can you tell me about the 'belt'?" Ratrex shrugged, apparently not knowing what the belt was. Illidan got up and looked around. "It would seem, then, that you have a reason for knowing about me." Ratrex nodded, and then pointed towards the edge of the Forest. "I see... so he is here... how peculiar..." "Yep. He knows your on this planet, at least... now let's take you to him." With that, they set off for Kael'thas's camp.​
    Kael'Thas's camp.​
    Kael'Thas woke up with the same thought as Jafar. "Whatever this 'belt' is, we must find it! Will you help me, strange old pedophile sorcerer?" Asked Kael.​
    Altair, Hermione and Roxas.​
    Roxas rushed over to help Hermione to her feet. "You need to rest... that must've been some fall." And apparently, Roxas wasn't taking "no" for an answer, as he carried her over to a conveniently placed bench and sat her down.​
    Cosmos's room - Comfort.​
    Cosmos would suddenly feel a hand on her shoulder... a hand of comfort. A quiet voice whispered in her ear. "Shh... always remember, you are not alone." Whoever this guy was, he wasn't an enemy... or maybe he was... or maybe he wasn't... or... you get the idea. Enemy or not, it would seem is objective at this point in time was comforting Cosmos.​
    Other room.​
    Batman looked around. "If you three want to help, then I'll take you with me. We've got to find the belt before it falls into the wrong hands." He offered.​
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    River: Itachi Uchiha

    Xenree touched the toe of her boot to the water, it sunk in. "Ah...there was a time when I could've walked on the water's surface like you do. It's been such a long time since I've used any of my powers, I'm a bit rusty." Itachi's words sunk in and she laughed, "Of course I'm special. I wasn't born like the rest of humanity. I was created as the perfect being....just not...human exactly. Well, close enough anyways." She tapped her chest and her head, "I have a heart and a brain...the tiny details do not matter as long as I have those."

    Space Station:

    Temari and Kankuro seemed to be the only ones actually listening to the man in black...Batman, Cosmos had called him. "Belt? Hey, buddy, we're not your helping search party. Willing to help out, sure, but we take our orders directly from Gaara." Temari glanced over at Gaara. Their younger brother seemed to be entertained by himself with watching the people called Kenneth and NHB-K. "Gaara?" "Why are you doing this? Why do you fight?" he asked Kenneth directly.
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Xion suddenly became very confused. "Wait, WHAT?!?!" Xion shouted after hearing Jiraiya's revelation. How can the two of them fought in a battle to the death, they seemed like they were good friends, Xion thought to herself. Before thinking of more questions, she realized the group had began moving north. Xion ran and followed them, deciding to ask Jiraiya questions later.


    A wormhole appeared in front of the Brigadier. Out from it came Firion, who fell to the ground. When Firion got up, he looked around, observing his surroundings, wondering where he is. "Where am I?" the warrior asked himself. Noticing the Brigadier, Firion asked him, "Who are you?"
  17. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    -Forbidden Fortress-
    Darth Maul looked at the map and found Obi-Wan. "There's my prey next to Sirius Black. I don't know Black but Obi-Wan is powerful and not on are side but his weakness is his emotions. He then pointed towards the mountains of despair "Someone is there with a lot of power" He read the name "Fate?"
    He checked the map some more he saw 3 people named the doctor and by a river another Uchiha "ally?" he askes Sasuke. Then he read a name that just appeared "Who's Albus Dumbledore"?

    Dumbledore walked out of the wormhole and was in some kind of wasteland. There were only rocks to his left and rocks to his right. It looked like he had a lot of walking to do. He then heard a sound above him, he looked up to see his phoenix fawkes. "Go find Harry Fawkes, then he will know I am here." Fawkes then flew away to find Harry. Dumbledore put his hands in his pockets and found he just didn't have his wand. He also had the sorting hat which had the sword of Griffindore inside of it. "Seems like this will be an interesting day." he said as he started walking.[DOUBLEPOST=1349627641][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Itachi smiled as they walked. "I know you do I saw them" he said referring to his eyes. He rather be traveling by himself but it seemed he had no choice. She kinda remind him of Kisame. He didn't real wanted to tell her anything else about himself. "So your a Queen in your world impressiv.e"[DOUBLEPOST=1349627997][/DOUBLEPOST]
    "I am Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart but people just call me the Brigadier. As for where we are all I know its a very big forest and I been stuck in it for hours." He laughed "Just my luck got stuck in Peru, now i'm stuck here."
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Xenree waved off his question, "No one better to rule a dying planet than me." Remembering her home, she sighed heavily, "You seem to have an awful lot on your mind, Itachi. Now...I may be wrong...but you don't seem like the type to take orders. In your world...didn't you at least have one person to share what was on your mind with?"


    Kisame's inevitable demise came and went. Wandering what he considered a pretty poor version of Hell for him. Something about dying at the hands of someone who couldn't remember your face seemed...saddening. He doubted he'd see Itachi here. Just then, in his non-watery Hell, a hole opened up leading who knew where. "It's probably better wherever there is than here." Heading into the darkness, Kisame grinned, baring his serrated teeth.

    Forest: Night of the Fourth Great Shinobi War:

    Deidara had had enough of all the pestering questions. How could he work on his new ultimate jutsu with everyone bugging him. If he had to be tied up, why couldn't it have been with a bunch of quiet people? "HEY, how about you shut up, hm!" Annoyed and bored of wracking his brain, he poked his finger into the long since growing black hole near his feet. What a big mistake. Sucked right in, Deidara barely had time to cry out or anything but grab the last of his detonating clay.

    Sasori, Kakuzu and Hidan sat glaring at each other in the middle of nowhere. Hidan was rambling on again about something involving mass murder, Kakuzu was probably enjoying the peace of tuning him out while Sasori sat there, fixing his puppets. With Hiruko destroyed by that little girl and his current body having just been fixed after the slaughter from his own Granny. The worm hole opened near them and Hidan jumped up, "Finally! I can't wait to get the hell away from you lame idiots!" "I'd watch what you say, Hidan. We're not leaving so easily. There could be money on the other side of that worm hole." Sasori flicked his eyes up and clambered inside Hiruko, "Then lets get going." Hidan watched the two of them enter the hole and half turned his head, "You coming, Zetsu, or are you going to just sit there?" Zetsu didn't respond and Hidan snorted, "Suit yourself then." He left with Zetsu following shortly after.

    Hidden Rain Village:

    Konan breathed through the pain just before her eyes shut. She felt her body falling through space as the worm hole opened underneath her. Her wounds shut and life was breathed back into her numb body. But why? Nagato...will you be there too?

    Alternate dimension:

    Pain opened his eyes along with the other five of his bodies. Were they...falling through space and time? They'd slipped through the worm hole easily. Looking over, he spotted Tobi sitting with his arms folded, looking rather irritated, "Unhappy with the way things turned out?" "You could say that..." he responded, his voice that same deep tone he remembered when they spoke in private.

    Hidden Leaf Village:

    It was nothing more than a supply run, returning to the Leaf Village when Kakashi found himself trapped between a dead end and a worm hole. His feet slipped on the ground and he was dragged into the darkness. Having been followed by his fomer underling from the ANBU, Yamato, Kakashi reached out for his hand, only to drag Yamato with him.
  19. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012

    As Vash and Wolfwood followed their new comrades into the building, Vash sat down at the counter.​
    "Beer, please!" The bartender looked at them strangely, but gave Vash a mug anyway. One man said "Typical for these blokes nowadays."
    Another replied with "Two young ones with them, too. Ain't that weird crap."​
    The first man pulled out a gold pocket watch. After looking at it for 10 seconds, he smiled and walked towards the new group. "You people new here?"
    He wore a red jacket with a black shirt underneath, fingerless gloves, a necklace with a ring on it, yellow eyes, bright blue hair, and he wore white pants.​
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Absel looked at Xion who seemed surprised and he could probabaly wonder why, Jiraya and Itachi were friends yet they almost killed one another, he should know, war is something no-one ever wants to experience in their lifetimes, since he did take part in overthrowing Barona for hsi friend Richard to reclaim the throne after his Uncle poisoned him.

    "I wonder hwo the others are faring...?" he said quietly, he and his friends were travelling to stop Richard who was absorbing eleth from the Valkyines and almost seemed hellbent on making sure no oen gets in his way but Asbel coudl still see good in hsi friend.


    Lambda decided to make the sphere he was encased in disappeared and he landed before the villians, looking no older than perhaps a child, but his eyes, well what the others could see had teh swirling emotion of hate and he spoke with a rather demonic tone. "Who here desires the power to end all conflicts? To end all manners of rebellion? To make sure not one person objects to his rule?" he asked them.

    ~Meta Doctor~

    Meta was walking with hands in his pocketes of hsi blue striped suit, one thing he missed was the good old coat of Janis Joplin, unfortnately, his original self was the owner of it, whenever he was however. "Come to think of it, I wonder if our other selves are here? Oh ho..." he said in fascination. "Would be nice to meet the me wearing that piece of celery, met him once but the most Doctors in one place was during the Death Zone with First, Second, Third and Fifth, Fourth was kinda stuck in in a time eddy... wibbly wobbly timey-wimey all that stuff." he rambled a bit.
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