The Crossover Sagas: OOC & Character Signup Thread

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SmashFan127, Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    or maybe directly into Bowser's Castle
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Ok, so since my hand was ****ed up on Saturday...

    ..someone mind reminding me where my characters are? XD
  3. Well fine, although its been like 3 days
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Rule still applies. Not our fault you took this long to reply.
    Choose three, leave the others for everyone else.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    lolwut? What is this black hole of doom you speak of? All I know of is black holes that rape people.

    We could all have some fun with Pakura in the abandoned village. Or endure Genma's jokes in the middle of bloody nowheresville Savannah.
    Ah but no one wants to play with mummifies people and suddenly that's a big no-no.
  6. Well you didn't have to be quite as abrasive as that... Anyway I am taking Maka Albarn, Black*Star, and Death the kid in my reserves.
    Black*Star: But why am I in the reserves and Crona isn't? No offense Crona, but I am a big star after all, so I just need to ask.

    Crona: Oh, I don't mind Black*Star, I actually want to know myself, and why is Maka not a obtained Character yet either?

    Soul Eater: And why am I not even on the list!?

    Me: Guys, I tried to fill out bios for Stein, Liz and Patty, and Kid, but it deleted itself and I am not sure on how to write the other bios yet anyway... Gosh give me some time guys!? I can only reserve 3 per day and I'm too tired to re-wright all those sentences

    Black*Star: Oh, well fine wise guy *Goes and cries in corner* I just want to be official!
  7. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    On a special request I am transferring the following reserve to TwilightNobody13

    Vert/Green Heart [Neptunia]
  8. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Well... that's my post done... finally... at last...
    Now, hopefully, I won't get backtracked again.
  9. A new day, a new reserve set:
    Prof. Franken Stein, Soul Eater, Tsubaki
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Did anyone take Ouma Shu from Guilty Crown?
  11. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    I did.
    Forgot to put him in my reserve list though.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Updated my character lists and I have a few new characters...just cause I love them.


    Gaara of the Desert and Shukaku the One-Tail (Naruto Shippuden)
    Temari (Naruto Shippuden)
    Kankuro (Naruto Shippuden)
    Shikamaru Nara (Naruto Shippuden)
    Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Shippuden)
    Neji Hyuga (Naruto Shippuden)
    Rock Lee (Naruto Shippuden)
    Sai (Naruto Shippuden)
    Yamato (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hayate Gekko (Naruto)
    Genma Shiranui (Naruto)
    Raido Namiashi (Naruto)
    Yashamaru (Naruto)
    Fourth Kazekage (Naruto Shippuden)
    Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hinata Hyuga (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hinata Hyuga (Naruto Shippuden 6: Road to Ninja)
    Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden 6: Road to Ninja)
    Vert/Green Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
    Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia)
    Yuan Ka-Fai (Tales of Symphonia)
    Goddess Martel (Tales of Symphonia)

    Pain/Nagato (Naruto Shippuden)
    Konan (Naruto Shippuden)
    Deidara (Naruto Shippuden)
    Sasori of the Red Sand/Hiruko (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hidan (Naruto Shippuden)
    Kakuzu (Naruto Shippuden)
    Tobi/Madara (Naruto Shippuden)
    Zetsu (Naruto Shippuden)
    Nappa (DBZ Abridged)
    Pakura of the Sand (Naruto Shippuden)
    Seimei Aoyagi/BELOVED (Loveless)
    Soubi Agatsuma(Loveless)
    Xenree (OC)


    Might Guy (Naruto Shippuden)
    Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru (Naruto Shippuden)
    Karui and Omoi of the Cloud (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hashirama Senju (Naruto)
    Tobirama Senju (Naruto)
    Fourth Mizukage Mei (Naruto Shippuden)
    Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto Shippuden)
    Hei/Li Shenshung (Darker Than Black)
    Yin/Kirsi (Darker Than Black)
    Queen of Faries (Legend of Zelda Wind Waker)
    Obito Uchiha (Naruto: Kakashi Gaiden)
    Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
    Raine Sage (Tales of Symphonia)
    Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales of Symphonia)
    Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)
    Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
    Estellise Sidos Heurassien (Tales of Vesperia)
    Raven (Tales of Vesperia)
    Karol Capel (Tales of Vesperia)
    Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia)
    Judith (Tales of Vesperia)
    Fear Cubrik (C3)
    Kirika Ueno (C3)
    Seth Balmore (Lost Odyssey)
    Sed (Lost Odyssey)
    Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)


    Zagi (Tales of Vesperia)
    Mummy Maker (C3)
    Kotake and Koume (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)
    Havoc/Carmine (Darker Than Black)

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Character Name: Hinata Hyuga
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Media they are from: Naruto Shippuden

    Hinata is a timid and very polite individual, as noted from her always addressing people with appropriate honorifics. She is also very kind — a trait that Neji and her father used to consider a flaw — and dislikes competing and fighting. Hinata lacks self-confidence, but is very hard working — the former, a trait her father took notice of the first and failed to see the second. She is also incredibly empathetic, and, because of her upbringing, is one of the first few characters who identifies with Naruto's painful childhood and desire to be acknowledged. Generally, Hinata opts to think carefully before acting, and when she does manage to muster enough self-confidence, she can be surprisingly competent. She becomes more open about her opinion as Part I progresses and, by Part II, Hinata is more confident overall and demonstrates a willingness on occasion to take decisive action, unlike before. Hinata's lack of self-confidence and introversion have been accredited to the fact that her title as heir to clan felt like a massive burden to the young girl, and her father's gruelling training regime did not help matters and as such, her development began to be stunted.
    Hinata gets along well with her team-mates. Kiba's actions toward her are often motivated by his concern for her, such as when he urged her to forfeit if she was matched against Neji or Gaara during the Chūnin Exams. Shino possesses a quiet confidence in Hinata, and will make a point of assuring others when they doubt or worry about her. Hinata is also the closest to her sensei, who is not only interested in Hinata's growth as a ninja but also as a person. She knows Hinata's personal struggles and unlike her demanding father, Kurenai tries her best to coach Hinata in ways in which she knows her pupil will best respond. After Hinata was knocked down for the final time by Neji in the Chūnin Exams, Kurenai silently congratulated her student's resolve and perseverance. By the end of Part I, she also fostered better relations with both her cousin, Neji, and her father and began training with the two of them.
    Hinata has always had a long-standing admiration for Naruto, which later developed into much stronger feelings, eventually leading her to fall in love with him. Even Naruto's two-and-a-half-year absence did nothing to diminish her feelings for him, and in fact, she fainted when he first returned. From the beginning, Hinata's affection for Naruto was clear to almost every character around her except Naruto himself, who was oblivious to her feelings at first (before her confession) despite her constant blushing when around him. Nevertheless, Naruto has shown to have a great deal of care for Hinata, and always held her in high regard as a friend because of her desire to change herself and be acknowledged, something that he can relate to. As the series progresses, Hinata goes to great lengths for Naruto because she fiercely believes in him. During the invasion of Pain, Hinata finally confessed her love to Naruto and was also willing to protect him, even at the cost of her own life. This event is the first time Hinata had spoken to Naruto without blushing, fear, or awkwardness.
    By the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Hinata has demonstrated more bravery and confidence so much now that she is willing to put her own life on the line for her friends and family, seen when she protected Neji as they fought alongside each other. Hinata has resolved to protect her team-mates and village no matter what, stating to Shino that this war was to protect Naruto, and failing was not an option. When the entire shinobi force was rushing to Naruto's aid, Hinata resolved that once the war was over, she would be standing right beside him, walking with him, holding his hand.

    Character Name: Hinata Hyuga
    Media they are from: Naruto Shippuden 6: Road to Ninja
    The alternate world's Hinata, compared to the Hinata that Naruto and Sakura know, is more aggressive and very confident with herself and her figure.
    However, like her other self, the alternate Hinata is in love with Naruto, but is much more confident and aggressive about it to the point of threatening any girl with Naruto. This includes Sakura who, despite not being attracted to Naruto, is terrified of how bold and aggressive the alternate Hinata is in comparison to the one she knows.

    Character Name: Sasuke Uchiha
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Media they are from: Naruto Shippuden 6: Road to Ninja

    The alternate world's Sasuke, compared to the Sasuke that Naruto and Sakura know, is more of a carefree flirt that goes after several girls his age compared to his broody self who held interest in different things deemed more important than romantic relationships. Furthermore, the alternate Sasuke never became a missing-nin and thus is still a resident of Konoha while his brother Itachi and the Akatsuki are heroic ninja instead of villains.
    Also, the alternate Sasuke seems to return Sakura's feelings by giving her a rose to show how he cares for her that makes her happy, however, she later sees him giving roses to a lot of other girls, breaking her heart.

    Character Name: Vert/Green Heart
    Appearance: [​IMG][​IMG]
    Media they are from: Hyperdimension Neptunia
    Info: An obsessed video gamer, Vert is usually mature with a calm composure who generally seems to be friendly, but at the same time, Vert will usually put her desires and needs before more important things and seems tired more then rarely due to often playing videogames instead of work.

    Character Name: Sakura Haruno
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Media they are from: Naruto Shippuden
    Sakura is naturally hot-headed, overbearing, stern and irritable, and because of that temperamental mindset, she tends hit people out of explosive anger and rage on more than one occasion (the victim usually being Naruto Uzumaki), and somewhat hypercritical, along with being easily impulsive and stubborn, but most of the time, she is relatively kind, cheerful, and rational. In the anime, Sakura has been shown to be a bit of a flirt and uses this to her advantage: with one such case being when Naruto asked her out for dinner, though she only agreed if he paid for her half as well. She also prefers to speak formally, very reliant on approaches of theory and principle and tends to be a heavy and calculating thinker when it comes to details on almost any matter and very analytic when on or off the job, but she is also capable of being very naive and narrow-minded on certain matters such as Naruto's feelings for her, which went unnoticed until Sai stated it to her or when she tried to force herself to kill Sasuke twice, despite the fact that her heart wouldn't allow her to do it, leaving her vulnerable for Sasuke's attempts on her life, even her attempt to lie to Naruto about loving him instead of Sasuke, ignorant of the fact that Naruto personally witnesses Sakura's most extreme and inimitable signs of love for Sasuke.
    Sakura has shown to be strong-willed and determined, not one to lose or give up in a fight easily most prominently seen during her fight with Sasori where despite being told to run by Chiyo, she stayed and fought, thought she even admitted that she pales severely in this aspect in comparison to Naruto, which is why she decided to leave the situation with Sasuke solely up to him after failing at it herself. In addition, she has a very strong need to be useful, and is often easily frustrated with herself for being a burden and not being helpful, often having to rely on either Naruto and Sasuke for help in Part I. One of her greatest regrets was relying solely on Naruto to bring Sasuke back, burdening him with the promise while she couldn't do anything but cry. It was with that resolve that she sought apprenticeship from Tsunade and since training with her, Sakura has improved, but still frets over her ability to only help others in one way.
  13. Team list:
    Prof. Franken Stein, Soul Eater, Tsubaki, Maka Albarn, Black*Star, and Death the kid
  14. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Wow. It's been silent today.

    Janus: You bet.
    Wolfwood: Well, I'll say.
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Don't forget, it's the Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S.
  16. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    M. Bison from the movie: OF COURSE!!!

    Me:.....Why do I even bother liking that joke.
  17. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Reserving Ra al ghul (Batman Arkham City version)
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    But let's give them one just because.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Yes, Philip has gone into his knowledge obession mode. He doesn't come out unless he obtains the knowledge he needs.
  20. Reserveing: Liz and Patty Tompshon. Death Scythe (Spirit) Albarn.
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