The Bouncer ,or should i say....the first square-soft ( now square-enix ) game for the ps2 ... Actually , they dont sell it anymore (they only sell it in the net ) GOD I USED TO HAVE THE GAME BUT NOW ITS LOST! Boy...i sure do missed the year of 2001..... Did you any of you guys played it ?
I used to play that game on a daily basis, man. =D I haven't played it in so long, though. I love the crazy guy, um what is his name...Something with a M. EDIT// Mugetsu was his name.
I saw it a few times in shops. I've been tempted to buy it but i didn't want to waste money on it knowing nothin about it.
Oh yeah! One of my favourite fighters from years ago. Too bad I don't have it anymore, but I remember it fondly D': Sion, Duragon and Dominique were my fav. I used to laugh my arse off when Dominque was revealed to be an android/robot, and she totally kicked PD-4's ass xD It was just totally unexpected. I used to wish they'd make a sequel to it, but I gave up on that idea about.. 2 years later ;_;
Saw a few preowned ones at my local EB when I went to visit today. It's one of those games that can't stand the test of time. I tried playing it at my friend's house who still had it. It sucks so much *** I can't even begin to explain. I would've given it some redemption points for having dual-audio, but the Japanese track failed so hard, it wasn't even worth noting.
I'd say it's worth it, kitty. But everyone's opinions are different. Soushi said it's bad, but that's what he thinks. You'd either have to take the risk and get it, decide not to, or even try to find it in rental stores (doubtful).
Awright, i'll maybe do a wee bit more reserch into it see what it's really like. Thanks guys for your opinions. ^^