The Book Is That Good?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jiku Neon, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I've seen many things discussed regarding the good book, or the Bible. My question to all of you is this; Is this book truly the word of some divine being translated through man? Or is it simply a group of very good writers that brought together this book over a course of years? Personally, I think there is no proof or rationale for a divine power so I just think some people wrote it of their own accord because they felt they could get people to follow along. Does this mean anything really, whether it's human or deity that's behind it anyways?
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
  3. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    That made me laugh.

    They really shouldn't take everything said in the Bible literally. And more importantly there hasn't been any proof any divine beings and there probably never will be.
  4. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    All Religion is a system of beliefs that were created by a person with one point: To worship a god (monotheism) or different gods (polytheism). There is still no justified proof that god or gods do or ever have existed. It has been human nature for millenniums to worship a higher being. Be it a chief, king, or even a god or a pantheon of gods.
  5. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Why do you think that is? I never got why people were so up for being some random guy's doormat.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I see the Bible and most other religious texts (as there is a great number of them) as important literary works, but little beyond that.

    It is not that people feel the need to worship, it is that people naturally want to fill gaps. Gaps in knowledge or gaps in their very being. Some of these being "Why am I here?", "Why do certain things happen?" and "What is the point of it all?". Some choice to take the (in my opinion) easy option and say that there is a higher power or powers that control everything and decide on humanity's ultimate fate. Others choice logic, reason and ultimately science to answer the same questions.

    Both methods seek truth, as through truth we are freed.
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    Even with the first Neanderthals, Humans have always been grouped in separate groups, and the group has always had a leader. I think that it is Human nature to be commanded by someone that has more power and prestige than the normal person. That is why in Anarchy, when there are no rules and no one to guide the Humans, disaster usually happens. Somalia has been in Anarchy for years now, and look at its present condition.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I don't see the 'good book' as being so great at all. It's filled with atrocious things that when I actually sat down at 12-13 and read the thing I was horrified and I read it again just to make sure what I read was right. From that time on, I wanted nothing to do with it, when it came to the religious aspect of the book at any rate.

    Reading more into the Bible, studying the terminology, and reading into mythos from all around, I could see many similarities etc. Also, the violence is more in that book than what is found in any video game, song, or anything else of today. I suppose this is why I do not get why Christians constantly try to banish everything that has a sign of violence in it. But eh..oh well.

    I think it's a book written after Jesus's life, which some people even debate if there ever was a Jesus or Yeshua in the first place. It was collected etc 200 years afterwards. The Old Testament was collected in Babylon when the Jews migrated there. People were really diligent to want this story out, but it seems to me that it was formed in the first place to be a society holder. I.e. that if people would not obey laws to obey laws, they would do so because some divine entity had a grip on their eternal soul. The fear of a death that was going to lead to utter damnation seemed like a plausible thing to use in order to build a society and keep people in line. A lot of cultures used religion for this and Judaism and Islam were no exceptions. Mesopotamia region did, Egyptians did, Celtics, Norse, Romans etc did. To fill in the gaps of the unknown with a society rectifying way of keeping order was plausible due to the times.

    Despite the fact I don't believe in the religions of the world, I do think that 'some' good can be taken from the Bible, but too much of it also makes me point out how I don't want to be in my life. I can find some quotes in there that are admirable and also historically some of it is held up well and it is good to understand the mind frames of people of the time who were Jewish, converting to Christianity. It is a historic period. So, I would never seek to get rid of it or any book for that matter that tells us these kinds of things, unlike some others I know who would rather see it gone. I apologize now if my post offended people but it's just an opinion like anyone else's.
  9. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Actually your description of the Bible where "a group of writers were trying to 'control people'" that was actually the Roman Catholic church. The Bible is written by God. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? God wrote the Bible by putting his words into the minds of the authors of the books of the Bible. How you ask? Well he is God isn't he. He has power over all things and people.

    If God is in control of all things why do bad things happen to people? Well he gives us free will so we can make good/bad decisions on our own. But you have to remember that all things work together for good so anytime your in a tight squeeze you can guarantee that.

    anyway yes I think it is the "Good" Book ^_^
  10. Imiko Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 5, 2008
    I disagree with that. How do you know that this 'God' person put it into their minds? They could be deceiving you. HOW DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE? There is absolutely no proof. This 'God' Person could be made up altogether, it's almost as if someone wrote it to be a story, long, long ago and someone found it and Mistook it for something real. That's my opinion anyways.
  11. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    You don't know. You just believe. I'm sorry if the concept of baseless faith seems alien to you, but there are many people who will believe something with no proof. Why? Because you just don't know.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    That would be the exact reason others won't just believe something without any proof. Just because something is unknown does not mean it needs an immediate explanation to fill the void. Some of us can leave questions open-ended and wait for something to fill the spot when the time comes that there is any evidence to support it. So, really, that's a two-sided debate there. Not picking or anything but just had to point that out.

    As for the Bible being written by God...I just have a problem with it. There are so many inconsistencies in it that it screams to me of human error and if God is supposed to be all knowing, can do anything etc, I doubt he'd on purpose want so many errors to be in a book he guided people to write.
  13. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I respect that. It's true that some people don't need to make their own explanations, but my religion makes sense to me, so I stick with it.

    As for the Bible, it was written by man, true, but I believe the ideas came from God. Humans, being flawed in their perception (as we all know), misconstrued the words, which explains the human error. I think God didn't fix this because he wanted to see if we would still believe even with the blatant error and hypocrisy. I don't think he ever meant for it to be believed and followed word-for-word.
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    God is omniscient. All knowing. He is also omnipotent. Therefore if He did not intend for it to be taken the way it is, it would not be.

    It is not all loving to allow someone to miss out on heaven because of a badly worded phrase.

    I disagree with the notion of god.
  15. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    I don't believe in any one god. I've never read the Bible and I never will. Sue me. I actually like normal books. Books that won't make me have to believe in something like heaven and god and make me fear a place like hell. I like books that will wash away my fears and cares. Books that will make me forget about those kinds of things. I personally like Fantasy and Adventure books. The Bible is just a big book that tells you to believe in these huge entities that we're supposed to believe created the universe. Then who or what created them? Answer that. OH WAIT. You can't. Sorry if that's kinda unfair but that's how I feel and that's how I'll always be. Some guy probably just one day thought: "Ohh I have an idea. I'm gonna spend my life writing stories about a guy named Jesus!" Pathetic. Religion kills more people every day then wars.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I've never seen anyone review this in the newspaper, but I guess they would give the book a 10/10! XD

    But seriously, thinking about it books is just away for one man to tell another man something, the book may be true, it maybe false, it is purely your perspective on the book. Books can spread lies, like any other piece of information.
    Take for example a newspaper, it has stories and tales of the world around you, about natural disasters, celebrity scandals and so on. The media is often credited with making things up, making a story when their is none, but we the readers, have no other window into the outside world, we can't see if thier is a disaster happening in China, a political break down in Russia, the polar icecaps mettling, we can't see any of this for ourselves, and we can only trust in this paper, this book. We are told that it is happening so it must be happening, is the exact tactic papers use to sell their papers.

    The 'Good' book, is mostly likely the work of man, and not some divine act. Many people have tarnished the Jesus' name for their own gain and not in the name of the lord. I believe this to be fact with the Bible.

    I mean this with the most respect when I say, that it's just not good enough. I believe their is some type of God, but I wouldn't believe he would use his phernomal powers to put things into people's minds. God created with free will for a reason, he wanted us to make our own choices in life, make mistakes and learn from them. I just can't believe God would ever do that.
  17. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    god created us with a free will to test us ,yes our whole life is just like a short final exam ,
    and god doesn't have any sons or daughters or even a wife , not good enough you say..well he didn't put things in peoples minds if he did then every one will believe in him and worship him ..but he could .

    i don't believe in the bible at all ..well maby some parts of it , the bible was sent to jesus (wrong spelling)cause he's the messenger of god ,at first the bible was originally created by god ,but then man put some of there own words in it which made it seem more fictional in fact man did this to most of The Books until the last book (quran) which they tried to but at the end it vanishes or get's burned suddenly ...(it has been tried many times ) that makes the last book (quran) the right one, the one and only book which contains the right religion (islam)

    (sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling i was feeling a bit sleepy)

  18. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Because people have been looking up to someone with more power for centuries. It only make sense that these people create a "great divine being" or "divine beings" to watch over them and tell them their problems. It has been practiced by the first people, and religion still continues today. It is a trait like how most humans are naturally violent.

    The Koran is supposed to be a separate text itself, not part of the Bible.
  19. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    That is why the religion tied with the Bible is based on Faith. Nobody really 'knows' if the Bible was written of truth or somebody just wrote it for a 'good read'.

    However, I'm a Christian and I believe that the Bible is true and truly the word of God.
  20. Asylum Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 27, 2008
    In the Head Office of my Asylum.
    Nobody really knows much about the Bible. What we know has been passed down to us from many generations. For people who are apart of that religion, they are told what the bible is, whose word it is, etc. Yet, I'm not sure if there is any evidence of what we are told.
    For me, I do believe that God's word is the Bible but I'm not too religious. It's not that I'm afraid that if I die only following the Bible, it may turn out I did the wrong things. It's that, like the rest of the world, I don't know or have an evidence of whose word the Bible is. All I have to go on is what my parents, priests, and other religious leaders have told me.