A Comedy about four nerds and a pretty girl. the funniest show in america XD who doesn't love the big bang? Sorry if this is already created. My faverite character is Penny and Raj. Raj can't talk to girls or woman unless he drinks an adult beverage. Penny is your typecial Nebraska pretty outgoing nice common sense tough sport girl. She is the only person who never went to college to get a masters...(all of the nerds have PhD cept howard & her). While sheldon bugs howard the most sheldon will sometimes refer to her as 'the common stupid people.' Penny will give the most hilarous death glare that is hilarous to even micmic. Dicuss this hilarous EPIC series right here. : ) rules stil apply anyone is mean i will get admin. thank you^^
Great series I love it Except for Sheldon. He's way too... How do I put it? Insensitive, stubborn, Close-minded err you get my point. Howard is just... the guy who still lives with his mother but he thinks he's hot and that all women love him .-. He's hilarious either way xD Raj is too funny because of his shyness toward women. Not like there's anything wrong with being shy. Leonard is the more normal-like of the group. But overall I love the series, They always cause me a good laugh xD
I will never understand why people like this series. I respect the fact that they do but i can barely giggle watching it. The whole show is based on American stereotypes and to be honest i don't like the characterization "nerd" that it seems to be written all over the show. I've watched 2-3 episodes and aside from a few funny moments it was boring. My opinion of course.
You do understand that they created these characters like this on purpose, right? As a joke? Well, either way, I love this show. I enjoy watching it every Monday evening. It's a family thing, now.
Sheldon: "I am not crazy. My mother had me tested." I think the best episode thus far was when Sheldon was getting on everyone's nerves, trying to get them to drive him everywhere since he couldn't (he's in his 30's, btw), and they forced him to get a driver's permit. After getting it, they put him in this advanced simulator so he could practice driving...he would up everywhere, from the park to the second floor of a mall, and eventually he gave up, saying he was 'too evolved to learn how to drive'. He believes he is the next stage of human evolution, a 'homo novus'. .-.