The Bible/Christianity and Homosexuality.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by HOSPITAL STAT!, Jul 23, 2007.

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  1. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    After some comments from the "Gay Marriages" thread, I thought I should create a seperate one about the Bible/Christianty and their conflcting 'feelings' for Homosexuality.

    I WANT TO POINT OUT TO ALL CHRISTIANS (who may *** this thread with resentment) to keep in mind that there ARE (and I say this as a FACT) different interpretations of the Bible that claim it DOESN'T condemn Homosexuality. Refer to this for further information.

    Honestly, the whole thing is a bit of a confusing conflict, becasue one party says one thing and the other says another. I guess it depends on the person's personal feelings towards the issue as well. But if you're going to stick with your religious beliefs as an argument, I think it's good for you - or any christian - to have a listen to each party, read the Bible for yourself and come up with your own interpretation. (This is an interesting site that goes through mixed views.)

    Now, spill.

    (I'm thinking if this should be in the Debate corner... ._____.)
  2. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    What is it with people and this 'The Bible does not condemn homosexuality' thing?
    I don't understand. Why can't we just settle down and let the Christians do what they want and the homosexuals do what they want - I don't know why they're fighting with each other. It's like trying to fight with the Devil - which means no one basically wins. Just let God handle it, because fighting and trying to 'make' one believe another is not going to solve the problem. It's like David (I think, or John's) vision of the beasts. Whenever I go to church everyone one would say the last beast was the Roman-Catholic church (you know the one with the ten horns?), and so then on I didn't understand what the Christians had against the Roman-Catholics.

    Years before politics and researchers ignored the Bible completely, saying it had no scientific evidence OR proof whatsoever. Now, they decided to pull out their Bibles from the trash and sift through it, thinking up these wacky ideas like the Roman-Catholic church was represented through the last beast. And, no one wants to actually sit down and take the time to READ and UNDERSTAND the Bible. Since they just read about 1/2 of the Bible, they're saying that is says NO WHERE, that God codemned homosexuals. The Bible, people who are not faithful believers, does not have evidence that pops out at you. As long as you have faith and belief in the LORD, you will only truly understand the Bible. Obviously these people do not have any faith and do not believe that he is the creator of man and beast and everything around us. If He wasn't here to help us the Devil would probably have killed us all (which he is trying to do right now, sadly) and there would have been no more humans. That's all I have to say, and I'm not trying to be offensive or anything SA (Oh, and SA, please be aware that some people may not be as sincere as I am, because not take it too kindly :), so please do not take it as a critical comment, I'm just expressing my confusion about this topic.
  3. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Sadly, what the Bible, or those that take verses wrongly provide just a few verses. One that is their favorite, you know the Leviticus one? I like how they just ignore the rest of the verses telling us that polyester/cotton blends, eating shellfish, playing football etc are no-nos and a damnable offense.

    A great deal many verses involve such things as "temple-prostitutes". Which were common sights in the areas were Paul and the other writers of Scripture lived. It is an error of translation to replace homosexuals with these "temple-prostitutes". Likely since there was no clean translation of the words from, I think it's Aramaic but I could be wrong.

    I myself being more of a worshiper of nature, than of an all knowing, all powerful God, do not see a problem with Homosexuality. I see it more as human nature since there has always been homosexuality, it's not anything new that we should be raising chaos over...such as the Catholic Church has been doing for countless Millennia.

    But if God were so adamantly against Homosexuality, then why does he allow it to continue? Why is it that there are no bolts of lightening to strike down those who admit they are gay? Why does he not send his Angels to execute these blasphemers of his Word?

    I'll leave you with these wise words of a man that once lived. While I don't agree he is the Saviour, I do agree with this quote.

  4. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    What scripture was your quote from? And yeah, I think I remember Leviticus...I'm not sure...I need to read my Bible again, but yeah, I have been hearing them say a lot about this one scripture. And yes, they do use very few versus, which doesn't make sense, because if you're trying to prove something, wouldn't you use a lot of evidence.

    And, Saix, to answer your question about God not striking these people dead is because on the Day of Judgement, these people will be told of their sins. Some of these supposedly 'gay' people may not even be gay, which I realized. I know that soceity says if you don't show any sexual interest in the opposite sex then you're gay, which is very rude if you're not even interested in getting married.
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    As my personal opinion, I have no idea why God would ever--or any being for that matter--look down upon homosexuality. God should love you no matter who you are or what you do, and it appears so by things he has apparently said in his own text (and I'm sure I don't have to list examples). In total, I have no interpretation of this. Then again, I really don't care about religion at all.

    I hope you all enjoy my non-contributional post. ;)
  6. Pirate2Love Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 29, 2007
    in a house
    The think with the "no gays" in the bible thing. I've personaly never read it but my mother has and she says it purly depends on how you read it.
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    It was from the book of John in the New American Bible. The story of a woman being called out for adultery. The Scribes and the Pharisees bring her before Jesus citing an Old Testament verse for their reasoning. He states this verse and one by one, they all drop the stones they were going to stone the woman, I think it's Mary Magdelana, with. At the end, Jesus is the only one standing.

    An interesting story...

    Yes I am quite aware of the Doomsday text the book in question puts forth. But consider the real meaning behind the book of Revelation, and I apologize as this is off-topic. The Book of Revelation has been found to relate of the time known from history as the Babylon Exile. I'm not going to bore you with such a topic but feel free to Google it sometime.

    My point of the quote I used was that we have no right to judge others. We are no 'Hands of God' or Krishna/Allah/Bhudda/Ra etc. so we have no right to act as such. Who are we to point fingers and say with such authority, 'You, sir/madam, are damned to a firey pit to languish for eternity.' ? Even the Holy People do not have this right. Yes that's right, they are human beings themselves even if they try to act differently.

    I find this very interesting. Perhaps society as not heard of a medical condition called 'Hyposexuality'. It means you have a lack of a sex drive and thusly are not interested in sex, perhaps even dating anyone of either sex. To other people with healthy sex drives, some just prefer to live alone. It's just a choice some people prefer to make.
  8. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    You kind of basically answered my question. I posted first, and I asked why do homosexuals and Christians fight? Glad I've read that, :).

    Oh, I wasn't saying that you didn't know about the Doomsday text. P.S. - I know this is off-topic but do you know what 666-666-666 means. They were talking about it but I still don't get what it means...

    And, anyways, if Christians don't agree with homosexuals why don't they just let God handle them, like they're supposed to do? That's probably the one reason why I don't really attend church, because of the people's inability to see that God can handle things.
  9. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I honestly think that people are taking homosexuality a bit too far with the hatred at all.

    Why do you hate homosexuals?

    The bible says they're evil (or whatever, I don't give a crap about the bible)

    I honestly think people depend on the Bible too much nowadays. They seem to care more about their religion than other people's decisions in life. I think they need to get their damn heads out of the Bible for one second, if possible, and coem back to reality. (Some of this might not seem true; this is a lot of what I see in my state.)
  10. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    The church needs to focus more on morals than who you sleep with. The last time I heard about the Catholic Church, the Pope deemed all other Christian sects NOT true Christians.

  11. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007

    Amen to That.
  12. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Man, God loves all his children. If some bend the rules alittle then it's okay, he would want them to be happy, and live life without worrying about God hating them.
  13. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Y'know I've been thinking a lot about this.

    Wtf, LBGT's don't choose to be like we are, so, why in all hells would god make us if he's just gonna zap us down to hell?

    I think it's pathetic. If god does exist, then it would be pretty pointless making people like me and then just taking us to hell.

    The guy's gonna lose fans.
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