The battle begins....

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Sabby, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Says the guy who joined in 2011. You can't possible know anything about the past community just by reading old threads and posts. And honestly, there were barely any events back then. Take it from people who were there.
    While was have lost old members, and activity has weakened, a lot of new members joined that became active, including you.
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Thanks. So am I.

    I trust my hunches. The forum had a better, healthier vibe when I first joined. Now Voxli is dead, many of the forum regulars are leaving, and the overall quality of posts has gone down. Not to mention that the Discussion section is a lot more dead than it was when I joined. I am even creating threads sometimes just to have something to talk about. What is this...?
  3. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    KHV was a hostile, elitist place in 2007-2008, and even later than that. The forum suffered from having an owner who didn't care, so it stagnated, as the staff's powers to actually make changes and improve the user experience was limited. People drifted, we were in a malaise between games, people kept accusing the site of dying, the staff were sub-par in many respects and more and more things I could mention.

    In the last few years, the community has banded together a lot more than it used to. Site involvement has increased manifold, people work together on projects, people chat to eachother off-site and make friends. I'm not saying these things didn't happen before, but the increase in frequency has been exponential.

    The community back then, I highly doubt, would have banded together to make projects like the Premium New Year video, or things like the KHV chorus, because there was such snobbishness and elitism that there was no room for such things. You can't possibly know, unless you exhaustively read through a great many threads to do with KHV's history, exactly what it felt like, unless you were there. I felt intimidated to post because whenever I did I felt like I was being judged or whatever, because there was such an elitist culture I thought people didn't like people they didn't know, which in some respects is true.

    Now though, we have a much tighter community based AROUND community, friendliness and openness, and I think it's a wonderful thing.

    On Voxli, while it's a shame that that particular avenue of pleasure has been denied from us now,
    the group of us who frequented Voxli were a very, very small facet of the total populace of the forum. The fact that it is gone now does not in any way mean that the site is dying; people leave, people come and go. That is the law of the internet and something that we as denizens should know - it's so easy to leave and never come back, never tell anyone, and just be gone, leaving people to wonder where you are and what you are doing.

    Nobody really cares when you joined as long as you contribute, the time you joined has very little baring on whether you're able to communicate and discuss with members to be honest. You may have a few more friends, but that's nothing that can't be rectified by actually talking to people.

    As for the quality of posts, this is incredibly subjective, but I speak as a member here when I say that is it maybe, just a bit possible that you're holding standards a little bit high for an internet forum populated mostly by fans of a videogame series targeted at early-teen audiences, many of whom are not native English speakers and are under the age of 16? People come here to find companionship with others who have the same interests as them, people who find it hard to connect with others like them because their interests aren't mainstream and thus must search further afield to find a place to call home.

    Really, I'm running out of things to say on the matter, but honestly, in my humble opinion, the community here on has never been more close-knit, has never been as open and friendly and has never been as strong.
  4. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    You know what I learned from this? I cannot read your ****ing text colour for **** unless im right up in my monitors grillz, my eyes they bleed.
  5. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    What the hell is Voxli? I was around from 2008 (well, earlier, actually) til early 2010 (I think), so I missed about 2 years of stuff.

    That too.
  6. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    It's a neutral colour, it works on both skins ... you shouldn't have any trouble.
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It was a chatroom that members frequented for a while. It had a rather large cult-following, for whatever reason. I never understood the appeal, myself.
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    I use the dark skin and im partially colourblind so there, didn't consider my feelings did you D:

    Some devious plans were hatched there, some devious...hysterical plans.
  9. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    You're either trolling or serious and I'm not sure. But yeah ... copypaste and chang the colour manually? Idk.
  10. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    What happened to it?

    I too use The Darkness...though I'm not colorblind (haha! American spelling) at all.
  11. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    No troll, Vivi never trolls.
  12. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    It was in a Beta stage apparently, and disbanded to the public sometime in January.
  13. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I get irritated by people's fonts sometimes, if anyone is interested you can use this stylish (available for chrome & firefox) script:
    @namespace url(;
    @-moz-document domain("") {
    * { font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif !important; }
    For font color it'd probably be:
    @namespace url(;
    @-moz-document domain("") {
    .postbitlegacy .postrow { color:#cecece; }
    Change the hex to whatever you want. Haven't tested it.
    Edit: Doesn't work. Will try again when I'm not half asleep.
    Edit2: This one seems to, might cause some issues here & there.
    @namespace url(;
    @-moz-document domain("") {
    .postbody * { color: #cecece !important; }
    .postbody a:link, a, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { color: #62BCF9 !important; }
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    While I see a bit of your point, I still consider the Voxli crew and the people who bothered with Voxli to be the heart of the forum in that they were the most dedicated members. I have a habit of disregarding the majority of the forum's populace, my bad. I only pay attention to those I come across. Being someone that has read nearly every single thread in he Spam Zone since they joined, I feel a little at liberty to judge who the key pieces to the forum's general essence are. If that sounds too vague, then let me put it this way: I feel at liberty to judge the people who are needed to keep the site at the current vibe it has. If these members left, it would not be the same place. It would be hollow; a bunch of people would still be there but the community would be completely different. They are the people I care about, not the majority of the populace. Call me callous if you like, but the rest may come and go. These guys (the heart) are the forum, not the passengers on the ship. Some will be added to their number from time to time, but they will never be a majority of the members no matter how you slice it. The community is too big for that anyway.

    About the second to last part, my standards are not the question. If the quality of posts has decreased, it does not matter what my demands are whether the previous quality met them or not, the quality still decreased. What I personally regard as ideal is not what I was addressing.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Claw is correct, that was effectively the feeling of members who weren't part of the elitist side of the community, though not all members were elitists in said group but a majority did seem to keep to themselves and shun others (mainly, if memory serves correct, people who joined in Apr 2007) a number of members I felt were being bullied by said group and no action was taken by the staff at the time. If I hadn't of stocked to the Discussion section for a majority of the time, I think I would have likely been in a similar situation.

    I doubt anyone who didn't see a number of the cruel threads being posted and deleted would understand the kind of things that use to go on here, and the timely efficiency of it just made it worse. I can safely say I'm happy to be here now, and it was likely the members of that elitist group moving that convinced me to start posting in the Spam Zone, otherwise I would still be in the Discussion section.

    As much as I wish the Discussion section was more active, I currently can't do much apart from post the odd question that comes to mind. I swear that place use to be fueled simply by 'Science. Vs Religion.' threads at one time. I have no questions to really ask and when members that use to post a lot like Repliku, Styx, P, etc haven't stuck around as much then the section has almost 'died' but it can be revived if enough members dedicate some time to it at least. But that's a different thread entirely.

    So you're saying the best part about the KH-Vids community were members who didn't use the official forums as much as the unofficial Voxli? Then how is that anyway representative of the members on the community if it doesn't encompass the them all. You're talking about the group that you associated with most not being as frequent as before, and that's not a community that's a group you hang around with. Just like school, you hang out with a group of people, if they separate it doesn't mean the school is collapsing it just means things a re moving on.

    The community is about everyone not a select few.
  16. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008

    Indeed. There is hardly ever any real conflict these days, and everyone seems to be pretty good friends. I, for one, find this boring as fuck, which is why I'm not quite as active anymore.
  17. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Sorry to say that I am elitist and that I feel conflict is healthy. A species or a community cannot evolve past a problem if it is kept away from it. Protecting the status quo is not the way to make the community more peaceful. It is the way to make it stagnant. Let peace come on its own with minimal prodding, because you are right, not because you make it so.

    Did you read anything I said other than the word "Voxli"? I have read nearly every single thread in the Spam Zone since I joined from the first page to the last. That includes the threads during the time that I was banned. I consider most of the guys I met there the heart of the forum because they are friends outside of it and they are more of a community in that right than the vast majority of the others who simply post on the forum and know each other a tiny little bit. I have observed the kind of respect that these members get from the rest of the community and the vibe that their group gives the site. There are many members of this group that never or rarely joined Voxli. There is a correlation but not causation.

    It might be more accurate to say that the people I am thinking of are the charismatic ones, and the rest are the woodwork. This does not change my position.

    "The community" is the same as a gang or club. Think of it as a club at a school. Is it surrounded around a place and a name or a particular vibe and feel; a particular level of friendliness, interest in various things and wit? I hold that it is surrounded around the vibe. The place may stay the same, but if you take out those who hold that level of friendliness, have those interests and that wit, and replace them with others who are lacking in them, the community is not the same. Same name, different vibe, different place. If all of your friends graduate and you alone get held back and new people join the club, it will not be the same club that you were in. If the previous club was collectively fan of one thing, the new club will be fans of an opposing force. If it were a sports club, they would collectively shift to be fans of the team opposite to the team your club was a fan of. I am sure that almost everyone old enough has experienced this feeling before, and everyone else should be able to relate either way.

    Voxli helped shape my view of the forum because it was far easier to discuss the forum there than on the forum itself, and a large number of the frequenters were the strong-willed and older members. Faces that stand out in the crowd. They were the charismatic members, those who played strong hands and caused things worth remembering on the forum. Posting often and posting when it counts are very different concepts. The kinds of people who aren't afraid to get on a voice chat protocol are more likely to be influential characters. A lot of my conversations with members about the site happened there because talking about that kind of stuff on the forum isn't always welcome and is more of a hassle than a real time conversation. Not having been there, you are judging it as 'a minority', but who are you counting? The small fries who have never been at the heart of a major forum memory and never will, or those whose names every member knows or will grow to know?

    Oh, but I wasn't there for most of those. I couldn't possibly judge what did and did not get us to where we are today based on my intuition and reading or asking alone. I guess my viewpoint doesn't matter, does it?

    Perhaps that is why I am bored... I really just want something to stand out, to be memorable. To have a major thread that will be remembered for years to come rather for a week or two. Know what I mean?

    I want some storms to come... Something exhilarating.
  18. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    As someone who has been here... pretty much since the beginning, I can tell you guys this: there are a lot of different groups & cliques that move around the forum. I consider Voxli one of those. For a time, the group is popular, but it eventually dies out. Happens to everyone, so it goes, etc. With it, many of its members drift away; along the way, a select few of them complain that the site isn't what it used to be and that all the "good" people have left.

    Well, guess what? Of course the site isn't just going to remain the same. It's constantly growing and evolving; people leave, new people join, some people return; it's a constant cycle. There are some who remain active for long periods of time, others who pop in every now and then, and some fleeting. You can spend a lot of time wearing your rose colored glasses and reassuring yourself that those you were involved with were tops, or you can get to know the new members and learn what the site is now changing into. If you don't like what it's becoming, you have two options: try to suggest reasonable changes that can be made, or leave.

    I've very little patience for the people that ***** and moan about how they miss the atmosphere from when they first registered, or when they were most active. For a time, I was one of those people, and suffice to say, it got me into quite a bit of trouble. From that experience, though, I've learned that nostalgia is all well and good, as long as you don't miss out on what's happening now.
  19. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Please give some examples of what is happening now. What direction are we moving in? Are we moving? I grow impatient in a setting where I must create my own shenanigans in order to have some. I am not complaining about change. I am complaining about a slowing in the rate of change.

    I said something a long time ago that still holds true to this day...

    I dislike quiet on a forum. It is opposite of what I come there for.
  20. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well, I do find I'm a bit uncommon in that the sedentary lifestyle does not bother me, but there's plenty going on on the site. There's always things you can join in on, or post about, and what have you. We as a staff are trying to host more community events and the like, which was part of our reasoning behind this on-going hiring process--to find people to help with the new workload we are taking on. We're in a transitional period right now, and while there may not be much in the way of staff-sponsored things (though there is always the Chorus, SotW, TAotM, the podcast, etc.) at this very moment, that doesn't mean there's no movement or nothing going on.

    As for the speed of change, well, none of this is easy or without obstacles. Secondly, for (I would think) all of us, KHV is a secondary concern. We have jobs and school and social lives, some of us at least, so you can't expect as to move at a rate akin to a group that does this as their career. Maybe we do move slowly and I apologize if that's grating, but I think the end results are worth sticking around for.