Spoilers aloud. Chat/discuss the author and any of the 3 books in the Trilogy. Just wanted to get some opinions on the Trilogy in general. I loved it all the way through. And I did not see the ending coming. If I like a book enough, I'll become really wrapped up in it, so if the ending isn't happy, I fling the book or something of the like. In this case, the book was flung and I lamented on there being a part four. I'm okay now, still coming into terms with the fact that it's a Trilogy and therefore Ptolemy's Gate is the final book.
The ending was crap. We had a massive buildup, trying to solve the problems of the endless cycle of violence, then it just ended with "Okay, here's a bad guy, you guys need to do a Heroic Sacrifice to stop him." That sort of thing really bugs me. Nothing really got resolved, and instead the author went for a flashy conclusion. It's not satisfactory at all. I was ultimately disappointed in the ending. As for characters, whenever I was reading about other characters, I spent wishing I was reading about Bartimaeus. He's easily the most interesting narrator. Also, Nathaniel was a dick in the second book. :p
*on Which is why my book was on the floor. >.> I thought of three possible endings that involved no one dying. :l
I have to agree with this. I read these books in middle school I think. ...Or maybe high school. I dunno. The only one I bought was the last one I think. Since my school didn't have it. I was a bit disappointed with the ending but the last book was pretty exciting with all the fights and stuff. Really good series just...it left something to be desired with the ending. I really love the little footnotes. XD Especially in the last book since Nathaniel would tell Bartimaeus to stop doing it since they Spoiler "fused" at the end to do some awesome fighting. It was amusing for Nathaniel to tell Bartimaeus to stop going off track since it confused him.
Great series for young adults i think, i read it a couple years ago and i loved it, though i do agree with both the ending being a bit of a letdown and bartimaeus being the best character. Did anyone read the Ring of Solomon? It was quite nice to have another look at ol' Bart.