The Avengers

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Hayabusa, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    I do agree that he is more of a solo superhero, it fits his style better. But I guess, the main reason I want to see him in the sequel(s) is probably because I'd like to see Spider-Man get more screen time and I think that he fits in well with The Avengers. It's just a matter of opinion. And yes, I do know he'll be getting more screen-time with the Spider-Man remakes.
  2. Scruffy Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 18, 2011
    If they did do an Avengers movie with Spider-Man in it, I hope they'd do it down the road where Wolverine is in it as well. That'd be pretty awesome.
  3. Razgriz Thirteen Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2012
    Just saw Avengers last night, AND IT WAS DOWNRIGHT AWESOME! Loads of people I know loved it, and these guys aren't even Marvel fans like myself. The elements just came together perfectly, the seriousness, the comedy, and getting to see all the heroes together is just amazing.

    I love how Robert adds that quality to Tony that you just don't see much of in the comics, it's a nice touch. :)
  4. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Just came back from watching it. It definitely lives up to that 5 year hype, that's for sure.
    Now, the story itself is alright, nothing we haven't seen before. But it's the characters that really made it shine. After so many movies, everyone really sunk into their roles. I was afraid that some characters might get more screen-time and importance than others, but no. Black Widow and Hawkeye, despite not getting their own movies, really got a lot of great scenes. Captain America was also handled very well. His personality and leadership skills were superb.
    And one other little thing I was worried about was Mark Ruffalo playing Banner/Hulk. I was wrong again. He definitely stole the show >_>
    Loki's a cool villain too.

    What can I say besides that? Not much really. It was one of the most satisfying comic book and action adventure film I have ever seen. Definitely my top Marvel movie. Some actions scenes are really glorious.
  5. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    I have second thoughts and don't know if its better than Batman the Dark Knight, or not... enough said is AWESOME! All the Characters: Black Widow, Cap, Iron man, Nicky Fury, Hulk, Loki.. even Thor! All badass! Even though the plot leaked for some time in the web, the depths of the movie surprised me! Hulk smashed, Thor ditto, Iron man and the Captain made an interesting duo. Even Blackwidow and Hawkeye where great.. but I wont spoil it.. Logically there was a scene after credits, by the way do you believe that here in 2012 there is still people leaving the theaters before the credits? There's been a decade of marvel movies showing things after credits... you would imagine that people learned by now. Thanos at the end... AWESOME there will be ultimate carnage with him! But the mightiest heroes of earth will sure avenge it!
  6. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    You mean in 2012 most people still aren' t geeks ? Well that' s a shocker !
    Gotta love the way Thanos smiled at the mention of "courting death". ^^
    I was quite surprised when I spotted the name of the actor hiding behind his CG makeup in the credits : Alexis Denisof, a regular in Joss Whedon' s shows.

  7. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    I saw it last night, in a stream [and I'm going to see it when it officially releases here in America] But I was honestly surprised by it. I mean last night I thought it was amazing and all, but thinking about it now.....I thought it was good in the sense for the characters. I'm REALLY glad that they didn't do what I thought they would do, make Black Widow and Hawkeye just there and have little screen time, but Black Widow was really one of my favorites out of the movie among even the "bigger names". Hulk, I never even liked and I found a new found respect for him because of the way he was portrayed in the movie.

    Thought, I was kind of eh about giving Iron Man a lot of the spotlight, or at least that's how I felt about the movie. Most of it revolved around him in my eyes. Even the whole Loki and Thor battle was kinda overshadowed by Iron Man fighting of Loki's army. And Captain America's role in the movie was not really up to my standards in the film as much as I would've liked. His lines were good, but it didn't feel like how he was in his own standalone movie.

    Maybe when I see it again my opinion will change, but yeah, that's how I feel
  8. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Apparently they shortened Cap' s role a little : some scenes in which he finally meets Peggy Carter again got cut. They' ll probably put them back in the DVD.
  9. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    I actually wrote a lot more on my Tumblr, so here's the full post I made

    Since I had about a day to think about it, I'm just going to put my view on it.

    It was an amazing movie, not so much on the actual....plot, but character wise, it was good. I honestly found myself surprised that two characters that didn't have their own movies (Hawkeye and Black Widow) had really good character development and were really great within The Avengers. Honestly, my two favorites out of the movie were Black Widow and Hulk

    Now, Hulk? Really? I was surprised that I came out of watching it liking him so much. The history behind Hulk's movie career was terrible, but this new guy played him pretty much perfectly and I began to respect the character of Bruce Banner a lot.

    Black Widow, on the other hand, she wasn't actually what I thought it was going to be, another pretty face on a screen with her boobs and ass right in frame as she kicked someone's ass.

    Maybe because Joss Whedon directed the film, and he's had a great track history with writing strong female characters (Buffy, of course, among his other series) that made her much more than that. Don't get me wrong, BW was definitively sexy in the movie, but it wasn't really...forced or expected, if that makes sense. She was a respectable female within the club of boys she was with, she had as much power as say Thor or Cap, even if it was in a different way, he wits and smarts.

    I mean, like the Loki and Black Widow scene, when you see that, you'll understand how she operates. She was amazing for that scene.

    Anyway, on to the others: Thor, Cap, and Iron Man.

    I liked Thor, Thor was actually really one of the stars of the film to be honest. He was really likable, and the Loki and Thor dynamic the respective actors had going on was really cool, because it felt genuine and real. Brothers fighting, while one is trying to honestly help him, and the other just refusing to.

    On the other hand, I really didn't enjoy Iron Man and Captain America within the film. Which, to me, was surprising because Captain America (was) my favorite out of the movies.

    For Iron Man, I guess because we've had so much of him, and to me, The Avengers movie felt like it revolved around him and his escapades, and not the whole team. Yeah, you had a lot of stuff with the others, but it also reverted back to Tony. The beginning and ending pretty much started and ended with Tony, a lot of the fighting, where it had its moments of having various members teaming up, went right back to him. The whole thing with the "flying fishies" as I called him, almost none of The Avengers couldn't take them out, without Tony doing it. Oh, and his snarky sarcastic commentary was good, but that's a staple of RDJ for any of his characters, right?

    And then Captain America, he was just...kinda there. He had his scenes, but he wasn't really memorable. Yeah, he gave the team orders and stuff

    but that was it.

    That was all that was really important. They didn't really expand on him actually adjusting to the modern world. You can argue since its a two hour movie, they can't hit all the bases but

    It was like "Oh ****, I'm not in the 1940's anymore- oh well" I mean, he was not really...convincing I guess? I dunno.

    As for Loki, I never really liked him before this, but I LOVED his role in the movie. I thought it was going to be a generic villain like some are, and forgettable, but you can actually feel bad for him, and debate if you actually want to root for The Avengers or him.

    But overall, the movie was GOOD, and I loved they showcased characters we haven't seen in action at all, but ones we know (save Thor and Hulk maybe) were kinda flat.
  10. xkreativity Moogle Assistant

    Feb 2, 2012
    I live in the United States so The Avengers will be playing in theaters on May 4th. I'm so excited to watch it, considering my European friends have blogged and praised the movie. Mostly I'm looking for Loki and Thor, after that Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. I have a sinking feeling Captain America and Thor will get more screentime than the other characters however....
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I still have to wait till at least Friday to see this movie. Man I'm looking forward to the chance to see it
  12. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    *spoilers ahead*

    Eh, as far as plot goes Avengers was incredibly disappointing. It was like seeing Transformers 3 all over again "we must save the world from the giant portal opening the earth up to monsters". Also, it didn't flow well at all, it was all about just getting in as much metal bashing action as possible( which is expected for these movies and I usually love, but this was ridicilous).

    However I absolutely loved Loki as the villian, not only is he hooooooot, but he plays the part perfectly. Also, as Forsaken touched upon the characters were really well developed, and Mark Ruffalo as Hulk is genious.

    What made the entire movie well worth watching and not entirely dissapointing was, in addition to the characters, the way everything looked. This was just a true eyegasm.
  13. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I think I've got a fairly good chance of going to see it on Sunday, so that's cool. I'm really looking forward to it seeing it.
  14. Razgriz Thirteen Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2012
    Now, about the scene after the credits....

    Anyone got any ideas how they're gonna work Thanos into the next few movies? I'm kinda worried since anything involving him in the comics usually had the ENTIRE Marvel Universe taking part. So how they'll manage to make something with only a handful of heroes vs Thanos worries me a bit..
  15. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    If the sequel is also written by Joss Whedon I' m sure he' ll think of something, it really wouldn' t be the first time he deals with god-like antagonists.

  16. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    So, the midnight premiere was worth it.

    HOLY HELL. I was literally smiling the whole damn movie. So many memorable scenes and lines. Every character got their time in the spotlight and felt badass. Such great dynamics with their different personalities. Although, I kinda thought the movie was on the Helicarrier for a bit longer than necessary. Of course the plot takes a backseat to the action, but it wasn't too bad actually with all the BAM POW EXPLOSIONS going on. Genuinely thought Loki might have actually joined the team...then he stabs Thor in the tummy like a dick. Loki was so great in this film, with that devilish smile and sinister style (oh ho ho rhymes up in here). But I do agree, Steve Rogers could have used more important scenes, but I can understand the difficulty with implementing him as much as the other team mates, due to him being a dude with...a shield. Still, he was awesome when we saw him. Everyone was.
  17. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well, we know there's other Marvel movies already made, and a good portion of them take place in New York. All I mean is that I'm sure they'll find a way to bring everyone from the other Marvel movies in as well, since I'm sure we could use something like a Ultimate Alliance movie
  18. Razgriz Thirteen Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2012
    I'd reeeeally love to see a Marvel Universe movie too, but there's a problem with that. A good number of the movies were made before Marvel Studios was created, so trying to get stuff from the previous movies would have a lot of legal complications. For example, Fox has the rights to some of the X-Men films, the FF films, and a few more. :/
  19. Captain America Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 4, 2012
    Meh, it was alright.
  20. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I went to the midnight premiere of it (I'm not a fan or anything, just went for the sake of going).
    I wasn't terribly impressed or unimpressed. It was an enjoyable movie, not one that's going to go down in history books (for me), but enjoyable nonetheless. While I'm usually bored by action flicks, this one managed to hold my interest. The costumes were really nicely done and it was very pretty to look at it, but I actually felt it lacked much expansion on any of the characters. That may just be because I've never seen any of the Avengers movies, though. The actors certainly fell into their characters well, and they each had a distinct personality, but I didn't find their interactions to be very convincing. When they were all arguing and such, that made sense, as they all have different values and histories and so on, but when they banded together it seemed more like "well let's just do this because it's better than arguing :L".

    The plot was rather basic and generic, but... it's a superhero film, hah.