The Artistic Family ^.^ *We return!*

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by myoblivion, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    O.o Creepy......

    I want an assignment to make a manga ;^;....Because then I actually have to make one >.<..
  2. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    it's things like: "A deeply disturbing satanic smile of satisfaction danced across her crimson lips as she tasted the sweet iron on her tongue. Pleasantly surprised that the warmth of the body she had just grotesquely mutilated still lingered on in the fresh blood even though the remains had been cold for some time now. She emitted a small shuddering sound of pleasure as she dragged her tongue over the blood splatters on her arms, the taste, the texture, the taboo nature of what she felt was her deepest, darkest more secret guilty pleasure."
    And I have rather spindly writing and when it's in blood red on a ripped up sheet of paper it looks insane ._.

    It's SO hard to do, I was going to do a short doujinshi style thing but I would of had the time ._.
  3. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    O.o Very good piece. And if I picked that up at school I would be scared >.<, and curious on who wrote it haha.

    Thats true....It seems really hard Dx
  4. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    In short reply to all that I missed-

    Seriously, I agree with it all.

    About that
    Vampire Knight comment, the main guy is Kiryu Zero, he does need it, but it seems a bit more of a want than a need with the way he acts. It's like a bad drug addiction really... -__-;
    In the manga though, there is that bit about vampires actually needing the blood to survive.

    Making an actual doujinshi/manga piece is hard, you'll keep wanting to restart because of things you notice a little while after you finish.

    That piece of writing was very nice though.

    I dunno if I commented on all I meant to, but I need to go back and finish something I need to have done before I go back to school from lunch break. I may still make a few comments here though before i leave.
  5. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    lol, I agree. Nice one there Demi.

    Wait, u got school. Oo (or is it just me who has a break this week?)
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    And that would be why I'm keeping it away from everyone. People think I'm a psycho anyway, I don't want to fan the flames. ._.

    So I'm just doing a very VERY large three panel thingy.

    The idea of doing a short manga in 6 weeks when I have to come up with everything, make it look like his work and condense this huge plot I have into it AND do a load of studies and character design sheets just seemed insane.

    Thankies ^^

    And I'm English so no Thanksgiving break for me
  7. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Feh. I miss school so much it makes me ache.

    I really want to go back to college also, but I'm not allowed. School was one of my favourite places to go as I was growing up.
  8. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    I'm Canadian. :|

    I got Thanksgiving Break back before Halloween, though you guys are lucky, I only get one day off, to make it a long weekend.
    You're not alone in that case. :/

    O_o only three panels?

    Well, that would be a little more than hard. >_<
  9. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    I'm going to rant here...or else I will explode.

    ....I have some boyfriends. I already said with one I messed around as a joke and caused him to be upset. This also upset my friend who does art because he knows that what it's like to be cheated on. I've never been cheated on before (but I have cheated) so I really can't relate.

    Truth is...I slept with a person I claimed to my friend that I hated (even though I really don't hate him, but I say it because everyone else does and its fun to pick on this guy). I don't really like this guy and I told him 'no', but we did anyway because I felt sorry for him. He was trying to get me to like him the whole time.

    My friend and I recently had an argument, but today we made up VERY well...but then he found out I slept with that guy and cheated on my boyfriend. He stormed off and told me his life was over and he had nothing left and that I was the only thing that was important to him now...


    "Kazuki: you said all that stuff yesterday..and try and help and all that, and I think about how i might give it a chance..and you go and F*** MARLUXIA just for the F***ing HELL OF IT!?
    Kazuki: I trusted you..i thought you werent like that..
    Kazuki: forget it..
    Larxene Larxene: ...i did that like 2 days ago....dude....
    Larxene Larxene: not since i talked to u about stuff...
    Larxene Larxene: it was the same day i
    Kazuki: yet a day ago you wouldnt stop showing your hate for him.
    Larxene Larxene: messed around on zexy
    Kazuki: forget it..
    Kazuki: i have nothing left in this world..."

    Then he signed out. That was the last bit of our conversation on YIM copy/paste.

    My boyfriend doesn't know that I slept with another guy behind his back...and I pray to gods that Kazuki-san doesn't tell him. Because I don't think my boyfriend would handle it very well.

    Suggestions on what I should do? I trust my art family with some good advice for me....


    On a more artistic note, I have art block. I was drawing a great picture for Kazuki-san but that just now made me stop sketching and colouring as soon as he went off on me.

    I need a good suggesstion on how to overcome this. Someone give me a good art exercise or request art (I feel obligated when I get ideas or requests so it pushes me more into art mode). I know for certain I need to hone my colouring skills with photoshop, possibly with my tablet, as I really haven't coloured with it before.

    Ideas? Requests? Suggesstions?

    Thanks family, for the help. Sorry I seemed to have joined up at a very difficult time I'm having.
  10. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    I couldn't tell you what is best, I've never had a boyfriend, much less have I ever cheated or been cheated on. :/ I could give you some request to maybe help your art block, but I can't help with life problems.

    I'm not gonna really preach, but I gotta say, picking on someone then turning right around when nobody is there is pretty harsh. I've had some 'friends' do that to me, they just wheren't the same when they where with other people, and you know, it really hurt. Thye where to close to just stop hangin out with, but just to mean when others where around.
    I don't know what it feels like, but you know, I assume someone cheating on you would be about 50 times worse.

    Again, I think I'm going in circles with what I'm trying to say. My mind is fuzzy, I think my cold is making me not think straight.
  11. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Oh yeah...I'm pretty much wrong here. Kazuki-san HATES Pink (that's what I call th guy I slept with...much to his dismay). So I always told him I didn't like him because I really care about Kazuki-san. Having Kazuki-san blow up at me over that wasn't worth it...I really don't LIKE LIKE Pink, but I don't think he's a bad person at all. I love my boyfriend and another guy more (which is another problem in itself).

    I also confessed to Kazuki-san today, after he found out...that I didn't hate Pink at all, which seemed to upset him more. I don't understand why kazuki-san hates him as I don't believe they have met, so for that I am unsure. When I ask about it he just blows me off. Pink doesn't seem to return his hostile feelings. So it's a one-sided hate.

    I don't feel I'll ever sleep with Pink again, but I can't promise. If I see someone feeling lonely and they ask, I'll say 'no' then end up doing what they want anyway. I've always been this way, hence constant relationship problems. Too many guys and only feels like I'm drowning sometimes. I told one of my boyfriends today (not the one Kazuki-san is defending but another one) that I wish every guy that liked me would roll up into one single person. That'd solve basically 90% of my stress in life. Haha.

    Also, art requests are great! Just no overly romance themed ones please..or ANYTHING to do with Marluxia, Vexen, Zexion, or Kazuki-san. That's too sensitive of a subject it seems for now. Unfortunately.

    Vexen is such a perfect model for artworks!

    I may try a Sora and Kari (is that how you spell it?) picture.
  12. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Ugh, too much drama. You seem a lot like my girlfriend, except she knows how to handle these thing, and hasn't slept with anyone yet. -__-
    I'm sorry, I really with I could help...

    Would it
    be alright if it's not a Kingdom Hearts request or something like that, but rather a Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro one? If not, would an OC request be alright?
    Normally I hate asking for request and would offer an art trade, but I'm kinda swamped with stuff I need to finish drawing at the moment.

    Sora and Kairi drawing, huh? I used to draw Sora a lot, though I could never figure out his hair, so I gave him a different style.
  13. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    What is Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro? Ha. if I knew what that was I'd draw it. I love drawing OCs.

    I have things I'm "supposed" to be drawing too (like the character art for my team's games or my boyfriend's space shooter game....), but I have no motivation right now.

    So...hit me with a request!

    I'm terrible at drawing hair. Its the worst part of the body to draw besides hands. I just noticed Sora and Kari seem popular to draw (I saw much of them as I was searching for an image of Vexen to use for something recently) so i was going to try it, though I'm not very interested in them.
  14. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Demon Detective Nougami Neuro~ <3 A manga that I love, there is an anime to, but it's not as good. It's where I got my name from, Sai, they are a character in it.


    Sai plz, if not Sai, then Neuro.
    I can give you a clip from the anime, some manga pages maybe, and some fanart as a reference
    I just need a minute to find the right things~ <3

    I just noticed, I have like, no OC pictures. :| they all have back stories and really developed personalitys, but I hardly draw them, and need to redesign some things.
  15. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Oh sure. I'll give it a shot. Just give me some references.
    I hope I do it right. I know nothing about the characters. Haha. I don' read much manga, but I used to watch some anime.
  16. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Right, let's see here~


    Sai + Neuro Fight

    Manga pages


    My crap: (What happens when you're VERY bored) (already posted here, but whatever)

    Sai can change forms, so that's basically how he's never caught, in case that confuses you. And Neuro's a demon from hell.

    Holy crap that is a lot of stuff. O_o I put a lot of manga pages.
  17. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Sure. I'll do an art of them. Any specific suggesstions for poses/settings or should I just pull something out of my head at random?

    I'm especially interested in Neuro.
  18. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Neuro huh?

    He likes standing on the ceiling, is extremely sadistic, and is very smart, he picks up on things well.

    He and Yako (the girl with blond hair) have a detective agency, he forced her to play the role of detective while he's the one actually solving the mysteries. He only takes on certain cases, ones with real mysteries in them, because what he eats is the energy or whatever given off by a mystery when it's solved.

    He also has a tool for like, EVERYTHING.

    Finally, this is the BEST. FACE. EVER.

  19. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Sadistic....and smart....


    Don't make me fall in love with him. Haha. Intelligence (especially mad scientist type) is my biggest turn on.

    Love that face. He's beautiful.
  20. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well he does like to experiment with what happens when things from this world mix with things from the demon world~ <3