The Artistic Family ^.^ *We return!*

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by myoblivion, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    no...that was two of my friends talking...i am known as larxene to them, so vexen was talking about me to my boyfriend.
  2. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well then... that does seem a bit...creepy.
  3. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Exactly....I'mbeing experimented on, and don't even know it, apparently.

    I've also decided because of :

    Alkasirn Alkasirn: What I noticed is:
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: -Vexen is against how love is a valid emotion and all that. -Vexen didn't like it when you got real close to him or snuck into his lab. -Vexen suddenly reverses 100%, lets you kiss him, lets you in his lab, etc., and didn't gradually get there, it was just *bam* done. -Vexen says you're the subject of an experiment you don't know about
    Larxene Larxene: ...ya i know thats weird <_<
    Larxene Larxene: which is why im scared now
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: The only thing I can think of to complete that list is "Vexen uses an experiment to see if his theories of love are correct or not"
    Larxene Larxene: Ugh i dont want to be experimented on
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Truly, if he's of the scientific sort, he'll want to see how accurate his theories are ._.

    That I will do this:

    Larxene Larxene: I think its time for vexen to die ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Always a chance I could be wrong though D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^!!!!!!
    Larxene Larxene: No beleieve me ur right. -_-;;; and now he should die.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 Nues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: How can I be right? You see him everyday, you'd have a better idea on what's happening than someone who just gets little bits of info
    Larxene Larxene: because ur always right DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: and an ad just randomly popped up when my internet was off
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I'm rarely right ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Shi-Shi~! Cmon! Don't go and kill Vexen ._.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: You'd have to remake a DA account all over again too if you did! XD
    Larxene Larxene: he needs to die
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: NUUUUUUU
    Larxene Larxene: Why do u care -_-
    Larxene Larxene: U should be saying GO SHI~!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Wai? ._.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: And I care because Vexen is a fellow scientist 8B
    Larxene Larxene: Ya hurry and ap so we can slaughter vexen together ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: and I'd feel insanely bad if there was a fatal misunderstanding because of a small assumption...
    Larxene Larxene: I wouldnt
    Larxene Larxene: ^^
    Larxene Larxene: Id just like th eblood
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ._. but, see, it's MY assumption. So I'd feel bad if it led to anything
    Larxene Larxene: Vexen is ******ed anyway. so KILLLL
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Coming from someone who was waking him up from the waist down before DX
    Larxene Larxene: -_-__-
    Larxene Larxene: *-__-
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX Sorry
    Larxene Larxene: yaaa
    Larxene Larxene: sur eu are
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: go to bed or something
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Cmon Shi-Shi~ *points at you*
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Actually I will go to bed soon
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: But still! DX!
    Larxene Larxene: ya
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Don't kill the Vexen DX!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: it's past Thanksgivings anyway ._.
    Larxene Larxene: U cant stop me
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I can try DX
    Larxene Larxene: good luck with that ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: The good thing: because i have completely converted them to demonkind pretty much, no multiples of themselves exist sooooo kiling him would mean no mor evexen anywhere EVAR~
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: So if we realize this is a mistake?
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: "Oops sorry Vexen. Hope that's enough to make you feel better"
    Larxene Larxene: No id just say screw him he was old anyway he might as well died of old age -_-
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I thought he was in his 30s
    Larxene Larxene: old enough
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: That's a good... 30% of his natural life if he doesn't go off making life preserving potions or something
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: *sighs* Cmon Shi-Shi~, don't kill him.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: He might be experimenting on himself and you're more like his assistant, and he just chose bad words to describe it. ._. ...
    Larxene Larxene: well he can experiment in teh afterlife
  4. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Omg bareri, ur really goin through with it? O_o

    I can't believe I'm goin through with this...



    For the first time, I have created OCs. Not one, but two.......
  5. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Sadist much?


    You make it seem like she's having a baby or getting married XD

    Nice new OCs~

    I have to many nameless OCs to count, and a select few I named and now love.
    ...yet never draw.

    They have massive back stories because there is nothing better to do than think for those minutes before you fall asleep, but I never tell anyone about them, or even bother drawing them. D: I'm such a terrible mother.
  6. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Yeah...I hate being used....I don't care who it is using me, Vexen or not (and I did like him a heck of a lot), I don't tolerate it whatsoever. I'm pretty ticked off.

    Love the sketches.
  7. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Yea, it's hard thing to take, sometimes even harder if it's somebody you care for...
  8. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Yeah, I'm not so great.

    He's the only reason I even do alot of things I did. This kind of stings.
  9. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    I know how you feel, and I'm sorry to hear you even have to deal with those feelings -__-
  10. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Yeah, but because of it...I was inspired to write something for Pink (Marluxia).


    Can’t I say I love her?
    When we were both on our backs in the time of rain
    Feet soaked by the hushing drops

    Can’t we save the future?
    I don’t want to go on believing in lies
    I want to gather those distant aspirations
    And run home with you

    Not because I love
    But because I have been loved

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this freezing place
    In the wind, the petals will blow
    Dancing to an unprecedented melody

    Can’t I break one promise?
    She will tempt me with the kiss of fools
    Bodies pulsing in untamed corruption

    Can’t we forget this mistake?
    I only want what is real for myself
    I also want to take everything
    Even if it doesn’t belong to me

    Not because I want
    But because I need to be wanted

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this timeless chasm
    In the wild, a flower is dying
    Weeping because it’s heartbeat went unheard

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this freezing place
    In the past, I was also somebody
    Even now I want to be somebody

    In the wind, the petals will blow
    Dancing to an unprecedented melody


    For Zexion

    “In Obscuro”

    There is fever, a sickness within truth so we cover it with dirt and lies
    If the pain is no longer visible the fleshly heart will not get pricked
    As long as you have illusions billowing from you, straightforwardly
    There is nothing left to question. Our countenance has been marred
    Only by matters of patterns we deem as emotions.


    See the indistinct shadow?
    That is the heart’s only solution to emptiness
    Fill your head with fancies I’ll fill mine with facts
    You’ll look over your shoulder
    But I’m not turning back

    Try to count on one hand the number of times idle words slip from our mouths.
    Try to count on two and you’ll fill up too quickly, the toes aren’t even enough
    As long as you are oblivious to your own self you will never have to look at the past with shame
    Try not to make light of such imperative concerns


    Take the specters called lies
    Take the specters called lies
    Take the specters called lies
    This is your face
    Written with those words
    Illusion master just cover it up

    How can you know me


    See the indistinct shadow?
    That is the heart’s only solution to emptiness
    Fill your head with fancies I’ll fill mine with facts
    You’ll look over your shoulder
    But I’m not turning back
  11. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Very nice, I would like to give you some better feedback, but writing is not one of my strong points, I prefer to read what has already been written than try to write something myself.
  12. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Thats okay. You at least know if you enjoy reading them or not. Haha.

    My band and I are doing a whole album entitled 'XIII' with songs for each of the organization XIII members on the album.So both 'Gentian' and 'In Obscuro' will be on that album.
  13. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    I would really like to hear that~
  14. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    Hopefully the album gets released eventually. If so, I may put it up for sale online or something like I do with some other CDs we make.

    And for those artists interested, we're having a LOGO COMPETITION HERE AS WELL. Yes, there are prizes, cash and CD prizes, plus your name tacked on as our logo creator (yay fame!).

    Go join nao. I know there are so many talented artists out there. Haha.

    Plus who doesn't like CDs and money?
  15. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well good luck with the then. :)

    I may give
    it a shot, if the deadline is December 24th I can probably make something up by then.

    Aaand if
    I fail and don't get anything made, I totally vote or 1 or 5
  16. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    I'm entering as well, though I'm going to do collab with someone (if anyone opts to do collab with me). I can't really win anything for myself. Musick is free and the money is coming from my pockets, but if the collab piece wins, the prizes will go to the partner who helps me. Haha.
  17. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Collabs are fun, it's nice working with another person on something.
  18. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    ....I think my boyfriend is mad at me.....

    Larxene Larxene: but he died very slowly xD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Now I'm going to be eternally scared when you go up to me and say that
    Larxene Larxene: lol
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Seriously DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: "I love joo" "WHY!? DX!!!"
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: and buu slow death
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Slow deaths should be reserved for people who have repeatedly pissed off hundreds of people DX
    Larxene Larxene: LOL i used his own creations against him
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: creations?
    Larxene Larxene: kinda poisoned him i guess u could say
    Larxene Larxene: XD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Poison? ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Eh then depends on the poison
    Larxene Larxene: so the last oh....hour of his life he was trying to work on something to fix the problem.....with an antidote that he hadnt created yet. but he didnt make it in time.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ._.
    Larxene Larxene: it was funny
    Larxene Larxene: i watched
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: That's sad DX
    Larxene Larxene: no srsly it was funny
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Seriously sad DX
    Larxene Larxene: cause he was all running back n forth trying to work
    Larxene Larxene: XD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Did he say anything that whole time? DX
    Larxene Larxene: Ya it was funny when he was working, he was listing off things he should do to make it and thinking out loud xD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX DX DX
    Larxene Larxene: im liek dude
    Larxene Larxene: xD
    Larxene Larxene: ur gunna die
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Did he say anything directly to you or was it just "DX NUES"
    Larxene Larxene: He was more of too in a rush to say anything but he did ask me why
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Ohes DX
    Larxene Larxene: he asked me it at the end after he gave up
    Larxene Larxene: XD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Strange timing DX
    Larxene Larxene: well not really gave up...but waaaaay to sick to go on trying
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Larxene Larxene: it was funny. the whole time he was like so detrmined and 'im not going to die im not going to die' then at the end his whole expressions jhust changed and he was looking like ' going to die...'
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Larxene Larxene: ^^ funny
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Nues DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: his last words was confizzling tho ^^
    Larxene Larxene: it coffizle dme
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: What did he say? D8
    Larxene Larxene: *CONFIZZLERD
    Larxene Larxene: agh
    Larxene Larxene: *CONFIZZLERF
    Larxene Larxene: -_-
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Confizzlerf DX
    Larxene Larxene: *CONFIZZLED
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I should rename myself from Alkasirn to Confizzlerf
    Larxene Larxene: XD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Anyway! What did he say? DX
    Larxene Larxene: well after hes like ' going to die...' he looked at me and told me 'i only wanted to know' and he was gonna say something else and he died
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Larxene Larxene: and his eyes! they were all watery and pretty ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Isn't that kinda obvious? He wanted to know whatever the result of his experiment was DX
    Larxene Larxene: oh ya i forgot about teh experiment
    Larxene Larxene: makes sense
    Larxene Larxene: xD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Isn't the experiment the whole reason you killed him in the first place?
    Larxene Larxene: ya i t was just so funny i forgot the reason xD
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: ^-^

    Then he logged off.

    You think he's mad at me....?

    (I didn't really kill Vexen by the way. My boyfriend just always is a sarcastic arse so this was payback. I think he really believes me though. Not that my boyfriend should care about Vexen...he barely knows him.)
  19. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    It doesn't really seem like he's mad to me.

    Nah, pretty sure he's just playing along...if not... maybe tell him to get a better brain. It's kinda obvious you're kidding about killing him.
  20. Vexen_Is_God Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 22, 2008
    In a red box...with Zexion.
    I still honestly feel like killing him. For serious.

    I just like him too much to go through with it. Le sigh.