Plot: The apprentices of Ansem the Wise are experimenting on people, trying to find out secrets of the heart. Then, someone lets out the experiments, and the six apprentices have to find them before Ansem the Wise finds out that the experiments are gone. I know, crappy plot. Characters: Xehanort: TwilightBlader Braig: Dilan: Eleaus: Even: Ienzo: Ukali_Rules Ansem: Other— Rules: Experiments are playble, although all of them are Heartless/ Nobodies. No Keyblades, no magical powers out of the blue. You can steal people's hearts if you are a Heartless, and there can only be three Nobodies. No god-moding. No spamming. No REALLY bad words. You can use them, just block them out with stars and symbols. The regular rules. Anyone can join.