So I've been making a lot of siggies lately and I wanted to post them all in one place so yeah, here they are. CnC is welcome :3 A set for a friend at Nintendo Worlds And thanks for taking the time to look at them.
Wow. These are so amazing!! I love the colours you use,and the way all of them are blended perfectly. And that Axel and Roxas one is adorable :3 Good work
These are very adorable signatures. I just wanted to say that. I like how the majority of them have a nice pastel feel to them. x3
These are adorable too! I assume you used paint or the like to draw the last two (Link and Marth) and they're pretty good too. The only ones I have a problem with are the first two. In the first one (Blue Toon Link w/ Red Rupee) the quality of the stock is a bit low, but it's still cute. In the second (avi of Blue Toon Link w/ a bomb) it's blurred a bit too much in places. I've done this before but it takes away from the stock a bit. Although this is just me being picky...
I love them. Those new ones the second one [its an avi] seems a bit too blurred. Great job on all of them though!
That demyx on the right sure does look like the one a site staff made on KHI in this link. Did you try to resize it and edit overtop of it.? Wallpapers/demyxsmaller.png
Well you certainly have one style down... and the ones in said style are fairly good. But try expanding your tool set. Your tags start to become very homogenized if you use a limited number of tools. Just try and learn as much as you can about your program. Knowledge is power :D
Yeah X3 , I thought I could've done better on the paint ones. Kay. I know, I just tried to make Toon Link and the bomb more noticable. Kay and thanks :3 I found it on google before I joined the site while looking up Demyx wallpapers. Thanks :3 AND POWER LETS YOU TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! And more: Website Banner