The Apocalypse/Armegeddon

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Thir13en, Jun 16, 2007.

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  1. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    First, sorry for bad spelling in the title

    Second, the end of the world. The mayans (or maybe it was the aztecs) predicted that the end of the world would come at (insert day here cause I forgot but I'm fairly positive that they said in December...)

    So, stupid myth...or coming reality?
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Correctly if I'm mistaken but apparently that day past already? I remember there being some fuss over it.
  3. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    yeah white rook is right...I heard that the end of the world would be on 6/6/2006...
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think the end of the world will certainly be man-made, and is probably closer than we think. But, religious fanatics (tempted to use the term religious nuts....) will jump on it and claim that prophecy is coming true when it really isn't. It all depends on how you interprete the Bible/<<Insert Holy text here>>.
  5. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Ever since the dawn of mankind, there has always been theories and myths as to when the world is going to end. Poeple always keep thinking "How long will we last? I think we're already spreading this whole life thing a bit thin...", and expect things to come far sooner then it probably will.

    (May I point out to those that have the wrong idea: The Apocolypse is not the end of the planet, it's the end of the world as we know it. Earth won't be destroyed until the star explodes, humans will most defidently die out before that. The death of all humans is armagedden, or the apocolypse)

    And, this may sound a bit evil on their part, but those with religion, and a strong sense of it, crave heir gods, and crave their love, crave proof that they exist, that's why you get idiots who find pita chips with "Jesus" on them. People will see what they want to see,and believe what they want to believe. They want to believe the apocolypse will come in their lifeimte, becuse the apocolypse, to christians, means the rapture. The rapture is when the bonds of hell and the bonds of heaven will be broken, and Satan and all his "evil" will spill forth on the Earth and create all sorts of chaos. Jesus and God will descend ont he world and "save" it, basically killing everyone and sending them all to either heaven or hell.

    Christians at least, WANT the end of the world. So they can all go to heaven without trouble, so they can see their savior, or be given proof that they spent their entire lives contributing towards a truth. I am atheist and don't want to die...that would suck ***. So I never believe the end of the world mumbo jumbo, and really don't want it to ever happen. I usually ignore it because I know that nothing will happen.

    Humans have been fighting the planet since their creation, the planet will win. But it will win slowly. It's a lot bigger and a lot stronger then us. Humans aren't stupid enough to destroy themselves. But through either some natural disaster or something, the Earth will strike back one more time and kill all life on it's surface. Either to start it's life cycle over again, or finally rest in peace as it floats through space till the sun dies and explodes. Unfortunetly for the religions and their followers, the world will not end in some marvelous magical showdown of fates.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I seen a program on TV about a group of Christians that are trying to bring about the events in Revelations and the Second Coming of Christ. They are trying to get the Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt so that it can be destroyed to fulfill prophecy. Unfortunately three of Islam's holiest sites are now located where the Temple used to be, so it's caused a few setbacks in their plan to say the very least :). They also want WWIII to happen with nuclear weapons so that they can die and go to heaven. I, personally, think that is very selfish and is forcing something on others and if they want to go to heaven that badly they can kill themselves.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Taking your own life is considered a sin and will send you to hell, in the eyes of Christians, Bunterx...>.>

    And truthfully, I'm not surprised. Christianity has always been a religion that has pushed it's views and beliefs on others. The only reason so many people follow it is because europeans a few hundred years ago went all over the world and said "Believe what we believe or die". Nowadays they've changed it. Regular christians say "Believe what we believe or go to hell when and if you die.", while the extremist christians of today say "Believe what we believe...THEN die."

    Humans won't cause the end of the world. I just know that humans CAN'T be that stupid. But truthfully, if they are...they'll kill each other over a religious dispute. Which tey'll probably be fine with. They died in the name of their god, and will or will not go to heaven. For atheists, it will be a sad day indeed.
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Whoops, my bad :(. But I disagree about your point that humans won't destroy themselves. Maybe not intentionally, but I'm sure it will happen at some point (just hopefully not in my lifetime). But, Mother Nature may pull a fast one and take us out before we can do it ourselves as you said. I don't have a lot of confidence in the human race, the people in charge tend to have too many agnedas of their own, and not the welfare of their people as a high enough priority.
  9. Frodis Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    Apocalyptic predictions This section does not cite its references or sources.
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    2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the twelfth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.
    Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:
    • The 1995 book The Mayan Prophecies linked the Maya calendar with long-period sunspot cycles.
    • The book 2012: Mayan Year of Destiny claims the Maya may have been instructed in their wisdom by discarnate entities from Orion and the Pleiades. Contact was maintained through shamanic rituals conducted in accordance with the movements of planets and stars.
    • The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.
    • The book The Nostradamus Code speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by a comet (possibly as above) which will allow the third Antichrist to disperse his troops around the globe under the guise of aid in preparation for a possible nuclear war, although in the strictest sense it is unspecific as to nuclear war or some other natural or man caused destruction.
    • The book The Orion Prophecy claims that the Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
    • The 2005 book Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.
    • The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.
    • The 2007 book Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization's End by Lawrence Joseph does not make any specific new predictions, but it reviews a number of 2012 predictions made by various sources, and presents arguments for the possible existence of dangerous positive feedback loops involving solar storms, Earth's magnetic field, cosmic rays, hurricanes, global warming, earthquakes, and supervolcanoes which may be on the verge of erupting.
    Other prophecies and apocalyptic writings and hypotheses for this year include:
    • Terence McKenna's mathematical novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which a great number of things could happen, including "hyperspatial breakthrough", planetesimal impact, alien contact, historical metamorphosis, metamorphosis of natural law, solar explosion, quasar ignition at the galactic core, or nothing. [11]
    • The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, speculated that Pope Benedict XVI would reign during the beginning of the tribulation of which Jesus spoke, and sometime later a future pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", the last in this prophetic list, would appear, bringing as a result the destruction of the city of Rome and the Last Judgment.
    • Many new age spiritualists and philosophers ("new-agers") believe humankind will enter an age of enlightenment in 2012. There are a range of varying, generally positive, beliefs shared by a subset of spiritualists from the mundane to exceptional — including a positive social shift and age of peace, mankind becoming psychic and connected by a collective, and/or an evolution of the human race into non-corporeal beings made of "spiritual" energy, or light energy, i.e. 'ascension'.
    • Some alien-enthusiasts (e.g. Riley Martin), along with some new-agers, believe 2012 to correspond approximately with the return of alien "watchers" or "caretakers" who might have helped the first human civilizations with developing their technology and may have been waiting for us to reach a higher level of technological and/or social advancement. Beliefs range from the extra-terrestrials having benevolent purposes — such as to help human society evolve — to malevolent purposes — such as enslavement of mankind and/or manipulation.[citation needed]
    • The NepaleseasceticRam Bahadur Bomjon, the so-called "Buddha boy", reportedly told his followers that he would return around 2012.
    • Some proponents of a peak oil catastrophe place major events in 2012. Richard C. Duncan's book The Peak of World Oil Production and the Road To The Olduvai Gorge claims that the Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide. Several studies predict a peak in oil production in or around 2012. [12][13][14]
    • There is a Hindu following indicating the appearance of an Avatar (God in human form) with God-like powers who will herald a new age.. An interesting website to this effect appears at: End of the World 2012.
    [edit] Astrological predictions

    This article does not cite any references or sources.
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    Several authors have predicted a special astrological/astronomical alignment between the Galactic center in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Winter Solstice point, and the open cluster of the Pleiades. Factually, the coincidence of the Winter Solstice point (due to the precession of the Equinoxes) and the galactic center is basically true.
    However, the opposition of the Pleiades is not true. The Pleiades are located in the constellation of Taurus, and lie at an angle of about 150 degrees to the Galactic Center. The Pleiades would have to be located in the constellation of Gemini to be close to being in opposition, or a 180 degree angle.
    Further, the proper motion of the stars in the Pleiades Cluster is such that they move across the sky relative to Earth. This takes place quite slowly as seen on the human time scale. Three million years ago the Pleiades were seen near the constellation of Cassiopeia. Three million years in the future, they will appear near the feet of Orion. This is easily validated using freeware programs such as Move A Star[15], which allows one to see the proper motion of stars over an extended period of time.
    The Pleiades have never been, and never will be, in 'opposition' to the galactic center as seen from Earth

    Yeah..But when the world wants to blow up it will.
  10. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    The Mayans said that there would be a new beginning in 2012, not the end of the world. Plus, many other so-called "prophets" predicted many things. However, it wasn't until after the thing they predicted happened that people made a connection. Prophets are too vague.

    Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but the Rapture will NOT happen, even if the Bible is true. The Bible says NOTHING about Rapture, and only 40,000 Jews will be saved. The Rapture is a relatively new thing.

    Also, why the friggin' heck would you want to bring Apocolypse?! Does anyone realize that it will be the most horrific thing ever? A third of humanity will die. The rest will be plagued with many things. We will be covered with boils so painfull that it will cause absolute chaos. Many will try to commit suicide to ease the pain. But, unfortunately, during this time we are immortal, and therefore must suffer. Or so says the bible.

    How can anyone with good morals wish that on someone?

    BTW, Armageddon=/=Apocolypse. Armageddon is the place where the last battle between God and Satan will take place.
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    No bubble burst here, I don't even believe that there's a God or a Satan to cause a rapture.

    But anyway, like Mirai stated, the Mayans predicted a new beginning in 2012. This could be misenterpretted as the end of the world, but for those with positive outlooks and the knowledge to understand it, you'd know that the mayans were waiting for this day to come, and were planning to celebrate it if they lived long enough. Unfortunetly they didn't. Why would they celebrate the end of the world? Well...I guess the same reasons that christians are trying to cause it. Either that, or 2012 is supposed to be a good year.

    And Mirai, I don't know. I've never truly understood Christianity. In my opinion it's a fickle religion, and a hypocratic one. There's so many ways that the bible contradicts itself, most people get confused and in the end everyone comes up with their own conclusions. These conclusions are often warped and DERIVED from good intentions, but end in bad things happening. Thse bad things are often warring conclusions. Everyone's out there looking for something, and when they find what they think is right, and others don't agree, it can anger you and make you feel threatened, so you fight back.

    A perfect example is someone like iPraise. No offense to him/her, but despite how hard he-she fights for his-her beliefs, he/she is not quick to follow them.

    Either way, I'm getting off topic again.

    The end of the world, will not happen anytime soon, unless Jellystone decides to erupt, or we get a flash freeze in the near future. Mankind won't destroy itself. The rapture won't kill us. In fact, from where humans today are, we can only go up from here. I'm hoping that in 2012, wehave something really good happen. Like a unification of all nations, or the creation of a noosphere, the integration of nuclear fusion into our power plants, an end to poverty, good-hearted extra terrestrials appearing. In the words of Mel Gibson's crazy ***: "For every end there is a new beginning.". Let's hope that what must end in 2012 is small and minor, if anything at all.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    That was the most optimistic outlook of the future I've ever seen, but me, I'm a pessimist and from our track record so far, I doubt things will get much better in our lifetime. Wow that is so off-topic.

    I think that if the world does end, ie humanity dies out, it isn't going to be for a long time and at least not in our life-times (hopefully)
  13. Frojo Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 30, 2007
    In a house.
    There are liturally loads of ways that the world will end, wither it be our by global warming or nuclear missiles being fired, the sun exploding and possibly a solar flare, but the world is gonna end some time though and I hope i'm dead before that happens.
  14. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I keep hearing you guys say "I hope I'm dead before the world ends."

    I have to say my views are exactly the opposite. Truthfully, when I die, I know my only regret will be to not know what happens after I die. If I die during the end of the world...nothing will happen after I die. There will be nothing left to know or learn, so I'll be happy and fine with it. That's the only death I can imagine where I'd have no regrets. Not to mention the honor that would be gained from it. Imagine being one of the last living humans. Wouldn't that just be awesome? Wether I die painfully or quickly would not matter, seeing the end of the world would just be...amazing.
  15. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    Thank you! See, I'm atheist too (we'll technically I was baptized but I don't believe in God). I believe that back then, all the rich people wanted to live forever and thought they had souls to live on in, then they created heaven or limbo (whichever comes first) to live on in. Then the poor people started to like this idea but they hated the rich people and said 'You're going to hell unless you give stuff to us!' And hell was created.

    Awesome things to read in a novel, I admit (I even write about them) but c'mon. Sorry all you guys out there.

    Yeah, the world will end, but NOT NOW! I don't get why everyone wants to die for religion. They just don't want to admit being lower on the society scale. Don't get me wrong, I believe every person deserves a chance to be great, it's just incredibly harder for most (which I hate).

    We should all live happy and fruitful lives until the day we die. We shouldn't be killing each other for saying something exists that we can't prove.

    Beautiful Dude. With you all the way on that one
  16. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I suppose you make a good point, but to be honest I have too much to think/worry about know to be thinking about what the end of the world/humanity will be like. If it happens in my lifetime it happens, I just hope I get to live my life first.
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