The Amazing KH paradise...

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by Te Deum, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    HALELEUA!!!!! What up all you'sssss KH fans!!!!! I know I'm gonna sound really stupid when i say that the only KH game i'v played so far is KH 1. I kinda have a dilemma..... I (technically) beat KH 1 --You know, defeat Ansem and close the Kingdom Hearts big white door-- but my PS2 (or the disc) keeps skipping and pausing. I wanna have that feeling, ya know, when you beat the game and see that final cutscene... and I want to know what happens at the end of the cutscene.

    Ok, THAT, and the fact that i don't know whether to get Re: Chain of Memories or 358/2 Days. My friend says that i should play 358/2 Days first, but i wanna know what u think.

    Besides that, I feel very welcome already.

    Alright, I guess that's it. I know what you're thinking, "As if it wasn't enough!!!!!" Well, that's it.
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    ...Is your avatar Danny Fenton using Keyblades? 8D

    Anyway, welcome to KHV, a lot of people here actually haven't played the entire series, so no worries.
    Please read the rules and whatnot, and if you have any questions feel free to message me or any other staff member. :]

    To be honest I'm not a fan of either of the games, but I think Re:CoM has more to do with the plot of KHII than Days does. Unless you just want to play as the Organization. >>
  3. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    CoM has more to do with KH 2? oh..... ok. so the answer is..... 358/2 Days?

    PS: Yes, it is Danny Fenton using a keyblade. (the other one is a shadow/reflection.)

    PPS:My real name is Danny.... So..... DOUBLE AWESOMENESS!!!!!!
  4. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    :ff10sora::lol2:Lolz Danny Fenton using the keyblade....0_o.....You should play both even though I havent played CoM yet.....But, Days is kinda hard with The final boss even though I beat game in about 24 hours....Anyway welcome and hope to see u around! Peace out!
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Yo. Welcome and all that.

    I'd recommend CoM to start off with since it's the gap between KH 1 and KH 2 while Days is also part of the gap between KH 1 and KH 2 but won't make much sense without having played KH 2 first (though, to be fair, it's not really adding much to the story and doesn't go anywhere. It was more or less a massive set up for a BBS hint). Either way, I hope you enjoy your gaming and your time here.
  6. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    Yo, welcome to kh-vids like everyone says play RE:COM first it's the first step before kh2 but if you want to know what happens at the end of kh1 vm me and I'll tell you because I beat all three games kh1, RE:com, and kh2 anyway read the rules and post alot and make lots of friends gerneraly just be active well I'm out, see ya around.^ ^
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