the alchmist's

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by iam-a-alchemist, Sep 24, 2007.

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  1. iam-a-alchemist Banned

    Sep 24, 2007
    Well,this is my first rp in this website and i done this millions of times haha well to the rp.
    alphonse and edward elric still search for the gate and the philofters stone (sp)and are on there way to the state alchemist hq,but new people are going to join,and mustang wants them to pass the new people and there are new people who are alredy are in but some of them will go with ed and al on there journey.

    any one i gotget please tell me or not haha

    `for a oc`
    rank-if is goign to join do nothing but i alredy in right rank
    alchemy type-

    appearnce-[​IMG] when she is noti n uniform but wears uniform mostly all the time
    weapon-big swordin appearnce
    alchemy type-all types but doesnt know
    other-she knows al and ed
    bio-she has a crush on al she knew them since she was 3 and joined the state alchmist when they were and stayed

    please join.
  2. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    Edward Elric and
    name- Dmitriy
    appearance- [​IMG]
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name: Matt (code name shade)
    Age: 17
    Rank/Civilian: civilian
    Alchemic Attack Type: general
    weapon: Only the metal on his wings (You will understand when you read the history)
    Appearance/Discription: He is tall, about 6'2" feet tall really, has black hair, and light red eyes. His skin color is tan (like scars. I forgot what his race of people is called), and on his back, though hidden in his cloak, are two bat like wings, which have some mechanicle properties to them, and are covered with alchemic circles, as well as his own arms. He wears a cloak, not only covering his entire body, but also, covering his face. He looks a bit blind, but he walks as if his sight had perfect clarity (the bat wings will be explained in his history)
    History: Matt, back when he was a kid, used to leave a peaceful life, but after the war in ishbal, when most of the ishballens were already dead, he was left all alone, cowering in a corner. He was discovered by one of the state alchemists, and unlike all of the other ones, he was captured, held as a prisoner of war. They kept him in a strange facility, where for years, he had to grow up in a white room, eating strange, chemicly altered foods, containing a special, modified steroid, so that as he grew up, his body became strong, without any side effects. At one point, around the age of 15, he was taken against his will, into a testing room, where they used him in order to experiment with alchemy, of course, in the end, the only thing that ended up happening, was that they fused him with a vampire bat, making him the first human chimera, code name shade. It was a complete and total success as well, and they kept him secret for about a year, sending him on missions that the military thought would be useful if handled by him, so that not only would their backs be covered, but people would think that it was some sort of monster that committed these illegal acts. At one point though, when security was low, he was able to get out of there, and destroyed all of the records on human chimera's, making it impossible for them to figure out. Not only that, but he even killed the men who knew how to make one, so that all information was lost, and the military would have to start from scratch. Ever since then, he has not been found by the military, and it has been a year. He is currently in search of the philosipher stone in order to revert himself back to his normal human self, and he will obtain it at any cost.
  4. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    ((well she got banned so lets get this started))
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