The Affinities

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SORA!, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Jo yawned and cracked her knuckles. "I don't have time to argue with all of you. I've come to accept what I am."
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: We have a problem with people going to sleep and waking up 5 minutes later, fully recharged because people want to get back in it while others haven't even been to sleep yet. Everyone needs a good nights sleep, so I'm suggesting everyone goes to sleep after my post and we do a time skip to morning when everyone's rested. Is everyone okay with this? I don't know what injuries Jellal has either, so I'm guessing here, if you tell me after I'll edit.

    BIC: Haley sighed as she walked over to them, "Guys, don't fight, we've all had a long day and just all need a good sleep." She noticed they'd more or less stopped anyway but she said this for good measure before moving over to Jellal and kneeling down next to him. "I'm no doctor but I know a little first aid, I'll do what I can. He doesn't seem too bad, it's mostly exhaustion which a good sleep will sort out. His cuts and bruises will heal naturally provided he doesn't stretch himself too much. I think he'll be fine." She smiled and stood up.

    "Now I'll be honest, I'm no fan of what you did out there. Although I understand perfectly your reasons, you could of got yourselves killed. Just be careful if you have to fight them not to start a war because I guarentee that won't end well for anyone." She shook her head and walked away before they could retort. "But now's not the time for this. I'm getting some sleep, I suggest everyone does the same. If you don't want to then you can take first watch, just make sure you get some rest at some point." She snuggled up in a corner and finally got her own rest.
  3. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Ariana nodded to Haley-agreeing with her 100%. While she, Jo and Jell did have a good reason, it was risky and they could have died. Ariana yawned- realizing she was tried. "Good night everyone," she said, as she layed down to sleep.
  4. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ooc: Jellal was going extremely fast and slamed into a rock so he probably has a few broken bones and he was shot in the ankle. On top of that he was in a fist fight with the commander.

    Unable to get up, Jellal decided to just lay down and return to sleep.
  5. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    Caeli sat down beside Jellal. And quietly asked if his wounds were vital. Because Caeli didn't want their resistance leader to die already. He now wanted more revenge, more than ever.
  6. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "I'll be fine..." Jellal softly responded. "Don't worry about me. I've been through worse" He lied
  7. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    "Alright", was Caeli's reply. "Sleep well, everybody."
  8. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Ulrich felt confident that they could all sleep without worrying about soldiers. No one would want to search for wizards and witches that could break nearly an entire division, let alone a large group of them. Nevertheless, he himself was full of energy. Ulrich decided to take first watch. The earth-user placed a palm upon the ground and allowed the magic to flow, allowing him to be a living alarm system.
  9. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    OOC-Hi everyone, as I said before I have personal things going on at the moment and ive had some thought and have decided that I wont be back on, no my personal reasons are nothing too serious in a bad way, i recently found out that i am expecting and i had some trouble with my boyfriend accepting the fact,but everything is fine now but i just wont have time to look after a baby and myself and still be on here, I have put midnight star in charge as she already did so and she seems to know what shes doing, i am only on to let you know :) again I am sorry i only posted once in this goodbye :)
  10. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    OOC: Well, congratz and I hope things go well for you. It's a pity you won't be back on. Hopefully you'll come back some time in the future? Ah well... au revoir and best of luck ^^
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Aww, it's a shame you have to go so soon SORA but good luck with everything and we hope to see you back soon.

    But Woo! I'm in charge, so you guys better do what I say :P I'll be posting an OOC thread in a minute to help us make sense of this maddness and perhaps even work out where this is going. So, we can all ask 'Wth is going on now?!?' without cluttering up the thread. I'll also be making a few small adjustments to the plot so please read it.

    Anyhow time skippity~

    BIC: Haley's eyes slowly flickered open as she awoke, her forehead creased for a moment as she saw she wasn't in her room before she remembered all the events of yesterday. She rubbed her head though she did feel much better for the sleep. She still couldn't believe all that had happened but she knew that she couldn't dwell on it. She had to be able to think clearly, they were depending on her and they had a long way to go. Streaching, she quietly got up and looked around at everyone sleeping. They all looked so peaceful there, though sadly she doubted it would last. Her eyes came to rest on the fighters from yesterday, she wondered if everything would kick off soon and if she'd be strong enough to deal with it.

    She slowly looked through their little group, there was the strange newcomer, Jo. Haley was quickly taking a strong dislike to her. She was just so head strong, she was all too willing to get into a fight without even considering the consequences of her actions. She was probably the catalyst that could start a war all on her own and the last person they needed right now. Moving through the group, she came to Jellal, still looking beat after last nights antics. Jellal, she respected, though she believed what he wanted to do was flawed and felt that she might have to stop him. She understood his reasons for what he was doing and he actually planned out his moves. He was a worthy opponent. Next she came to little Ari, she didn't hate Ari, she just thought it was a pity that such a nice quiet girl had got caught up in this mess. She had a lot of potential, Haley just hoped that she'd use it in the right way. And finally she came to Ulrich. She had no idea where she stood on Ulrich, she didn't know where he stood or anything about him really. To her at least, he was a mystery.
  12. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Maddie, who was sat a little bit away from all the others, smiled slightly as she saw her friend awake, her arms tucked tightly across her knees "Good morning...if anything good can come out of it." Her voice slowly quietened and trailed off as she finished the sentence, her mind a jumbled mess as she recalled everything that had happened the previous day. She yawned quietly and rubbed her eyes sheepishly, the consequences of a lack of sleep taking the toll on her. Everything prior to her attempting to fall asleep had been so chaotic that her mind couldn't shut down with everything whizzing around at the speed of light in air.

    She looked around slightly and began to wonder what had become of the orphanage. If it was still standing or if it had been destroyed by the soldiers. " you think's gonna happen next?" She quizzed Haley whilst turning back to face her friend, a small frown on her face.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Haley looked round to see her Maddie looking worried. "I honestly don't know" She answered her friend, "The orphanage will probably relocate to somewhere safe but now we've lost contact with them, I don't know how we'll find them. They'll be more careful than ever after what's just happened. For us, I think our first priority is getting somewhere safe. Then we'll have to somehow work out what to do next." She glanced over at Jo, adding quietly, "And hopefully not start a war in the proccess". She walked over to Maddie and put her hand on her shoulder, "We'll be okay. We'll get through this." She said, hoping she could just keep her word. Though she would never admit it, she was scared but she was determined to stay strong, at least on the outside. In a way she was glad Maddie was there, although she hated that her friend was caught up in this mess, she was really glad she wasn't alone.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Jo slept fitfully through the night and still into the morning when everyone started to wake. Exhausting her magic to the point of empting her reserves was dangerous and yet she'd done it. Thankfully, she slept a dreamless sleep. Her mouth hung open slightly as she slept and a quiet snore slipped through her lips. She curled more towards the ground, "Mmm...Igneel..." she mumbled.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Andrew was still snoozing quietly, completely spread out in the same place he was yesterday, which happened to be outside of the makeshift earth dome shelter he had made. Of course, it made for a cold night of sleep, but he was so exhausted, he barely noticed. Not to mention that because of the exhaustion, he instantly went into REM sleep for the rest of the night. Whenever he would awake, he would be well rested, with magic power fully restored and ready to use. However, as of right now, he was still out and completely relaxed despite all the rage yesterday.
  16. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    Caeli crouched forward and stretched his arms out with a yawn. He then noticed that a few people were already up. He turned to Haley and asked, "So, what are we gonna do now? The orphanage is probably gone and we've been split off from the others."
  17. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Ulrich lay limp against the wall, snoring. He had dreamed of the easier times, before he had lost everything. He remembered the garden he tended, he remembered his friends and family. Ulrich even remembered the moment that he had made his most sacred promise. His creed. The bittersweet memories made him open his eyes. He didn't want to dream anymore. Ulrich sighed and yawned, popping his jaw and knuckles. He even popped his shoulders, necks, legs and ankles as he raised himself up. "Has anyone else dreamed of being chased by a giant iguana?" He asked, feigning obliviousness to the ambiance.
  18. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Ariana had fallen asleep, using her backpack as a pillow. Unlike her friend Ulrich,however, she was not having a good dream- it was more of a nightmare-except it was a memory. Ariana was back in the forest, hiding in the trees. As she looked through the trees she saw soldiers shooting her siblings, Kelly and Ben, and watching them fall. She heard her best friend Allen screaming at the soldiers and then running away in fear of seeing her best friend die too. She woke up with tears falling down her cheeks. "Damn humans..." She mumbled as she wiped her tears.
    OOC: I have an idea... Would anyone mind if I made another OC?
  19. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Jellal awoke feeling like he had just lost a fight with a tractor trailer. His chest and ankle hurt most of all. He Rolled up his pants leg and removed his shirt to examine the wounds. Neither looked good, at all. The majority of his upper torso was dark blue and purple, indicating broken bones. His ankle was bleeding and torn. He wasn't in good shape. "Crap..." He Whispered to himself, Knowing he wouldn't be fit to travel and would either slow down the group or get left behind. Neither were an option in his mind. He tore off a small section of his shirt and tied it around his ankle as a bandage. Then he slowly crawled over to An earth user who was already awake. Do you think you could get me a long piece of rock, going from about my underarm to the ground?" He asked the earth user. Once they had fashioned it for him, he propped it under his arm and used it as a crutch.
  20. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    OOC: I don't mind. But you'd have to ask Midnight Star.
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