love the changes on the front page. It fixes the problems I had with the one before for the most part.
Thanks for liking it! Give Kites, Plums, and Chev some credit too--they helped with the layout & planning! And of course to the entire team for keeping it fresh. <3
The colour of the blue buttons does not match my bedsheets nor my shirt! Clearly this is an enormous travesty and a direct offense to all that is sacred in my perception of the world and thus I will excommunicate this home page! (wonderful job!)
Homepage looks pretty different; blue boxes above the news feed, affiliations and such moved to the left side of the screen, etc.
Ah, I see. I hardly ever look at the homepage, and I swear I remember those blue boxes being there before today. Am I going insane?
Hey, the fact that it's indistinguishable from how it was previously should be a good thing. It's different enough to be better, but not different enough for me to notice why it's better. I might actually use the homepage now.
No it's KK! Stands for Krusty Krab. Btw this website continues to look sexy even with the 7.0 thnxs misty. For now on I'm calling it Misty's Sexy layout