you've been fighting a boss for over an hour and you've gotten it's hp down to the point where there's literally not any visible in the hp bar and you have totally exhausted your party so if they heal you're done but you keep hitting it and it just won't die even though there's no hp there and THEN THEY HEAL fuck you, game.
tfw when you have a boss on the ropes and you know you can kill it this next turn so you select all your attacks with victory within sight aND THEN THE BOSS PULLS A REFLECTING SHIELD OUT OF NOWHERE AND WIPES OUT YOUR ENTIRE PARTY
I'd have to say it's worst when you have the boss nearly dead after how many stages and your pets or sibling decides to do something stupid and knocks your system down messing up the game or unplugging your controller and the game decides to keep playing. True story btw, happened at least twice I can remember. Then there was the time when I had a boss on the ropes, was guarding, survived all other attacks, I had full HP, and in one hit I ended up dead.....kinda annoying