I was taking my dog out, and I'm waiting for him to do his business when suddenly three or four screams pierce my ear. They sounded like the shrieks of a cat. I grabbed my dog and I faced the direction the shrieks came from, then my dog starts to bark and growl. I was waiting for something to come out of the forest, like a bear of a wolf or a dragon... but nothing, so I go back inside, still mortified. NOW I'M ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED. WHAT IF IT COMES TO EAT ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. WHAT IF THAT KITTY NEEDS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. WHAT IF IT'S PYRAMID HEAD... GAH
Cat screams you say....... I don't think it was major. I've heard that plenty times in my neighborhood. It just means two cats were getting it on somewhere. Hope that makes you feel better:lolface:
You should have followed the voice That was chance to live the life like an anime and you blew it Now someone else is having super fun and dangerous adventures across the supernatural plain without you.
Its k Trigger, just face all of your bad choices that you've made in your life, and Pyramid Head might decide to not rape you.
Dude that's terrible. I'm sorry that you were so spooked. Though at least your dog could've provided protection. XD Actually, it probably still can. You're protected, no worries. XD
Eh... I don't think my little chihuahua is going to be much help against a big evil bear demon thing...
oh man i remember when it was 1 am and i was letting my dog out and my neighbor (who hunts) threw a dead body of a deer in our yard and I thought it was a monster who was eating his prey. The hunter came out and picked it up and said "Sorry I freaked you out"