Birth by Sleep TerraXAqua... is the idea far-fetched?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by twilightsbringing, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Some people think it's going to be VenXAqua, but I don't know...
    Terra and Aqua seem to be much older than Ven. In the KH2FM secret ending, Ven seems a little immature, not in the sense that he's a brat, but in the sense that he is young and has little experience. Meanwhile, Terra and Aqua seem to know what they are doing. In a KH2FM cutscene, Xaldin refers to Sora as being ten-years-too-early to be wielding a keyblade. Who knows what that means but I hope that point is clear.
    So, yes, I think Ven is too young to be with Aqua.
    Why I think she is with Terra, is because of her armor being in Xemnas' room of sleep. (Wow, I just realized how wrong that sounds XD) Seriously though, I am going with the idea that Xemnas is Terra's nobody and not ATW's apprentice's, Xehanort. (I am still working on that theory so hang tight)
    Here's a good counter argument: If Ven is connected to Sora somehow, and Aqua is connected to Kairi, wouldn't it be obvious? Weeeeellll, maybe, but remember what Riku said before the race in KH1?
    Sora: If I win, then...uh... I can be captain. And if you win.... eh...
    Riku: I get to share the pauopu with Kairi.
    Sora: WHAT!?!
    Riku: Agreed? Winner gets to share a pauopu with Kairi.
    >3< Cute scene! Anyway, this is why I can't be sure. However, I don't think TerraXAqua is far-fetched. But for all we know at the moment, there could be no relationships at all!
    What do you guys think?

    Final Note: For those of you who think it'll be TerraXVen, no, just no.
  2. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Terra getting it on with Aqua huh? Riku comes out...makes sense to me. Riku blue-ish hair, Terra's darker colored hair makes the blue purple-gray, then Riku has Terra's eyes, they change color like all the time...
  3. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    It's possible. Since Ven is so much younger than all of them, I assumed that Aqua was his sister/mother/relative/friend. >_>
  4. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Wait. Are you saying that Riku's their KID!?! *giggles* I didn't mean it like that, silly! XD
  5. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Why is VenxAqua so farfetched? I'm not going into a rant saying that it's set in stone. I really don't see how we can be 'confirming' things when we haven't even seen footage of BBS yet. I personally believe that it will be VenxAqua because in the FM secret ending Ven immediately checked that Aqua was ok after the keystorm owned her, and when Ven got frozen Aqua almost got herself crushed trying to catch him.
  6. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    well nomura has stated many times that terra ven and aqua are parallel with SRK...that being said...SxK = VenXAqua...

    besides, terra uses/used darkness...that means he probably broods in a corner or wonders about his power or redemption...aka: doesnt care about a girl enough to love one. The only final fantasy character whose famous for doing that is Cloud...terra doesnt seem like another cloud.
  7. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Yes, but it was also Aqua who saved Terra from the keystorm. Plus, when she is hit by the keystorm, Terra looks down to see if she's okay, but is immediately pummeled by that same keystorm afterwards. But hey, they could just all be friends! :P And VenXAqua is NOT necessarily far-fetched. I just don't think so do to the age differences. And I am obviously NOT "confirming" anything. I was very cautious not to say that this was fact. I do not condemn the idea of VenXAqua to death, I just don't agree with it and I am explaining why.
    Also, this may just be coincidence and have no significance whatsoever, but when Aqua sends the reflect spell up to Terra, this is what it looks like:
    You would think the spell would go to his heart, but it didn't. By the way, is a great site for KH2FM Secret Ending pictures if you are interested. You will notice a lot more. I sure did.

    Yeah... probably. *coughXemnascough*
    Anyway, Nomura stated that not all of the three characters are connected to SRK. It was one of the recent interviews but I forget which one. Refer to the news section if you are curious. My guess is that Aqua's the different one, since Ven looks like Roxas who is connected to Sora, and Terra looks like Xemnas who is connected to his Heartless, Ansem, who literally possessed and lurked in Riku's heart. (phew!) Aqua does have a slight resemblance to Kairi, but Namine is much closer (whom I think will have her own separate character in BBS).

    Very likely. But who knows.
  8. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Hmmmm....Yes I do like the idea of that. TerraXAqua are now one of my fav couples all ready :rockdover:
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I'd rather the idea that people wait till it comes out before pairing anything..there might be other people for them in the game.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    then it would most likely be terra or ven, not aqua...riku was the "different" one out of SRK, so it would most likely be Terra...reason: darkness. Terra also looks like the most powerful. He was the first to charge out in the fight against MX and saved ven in one of the scans...
  11. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Ok, the KH2FM specialcutscene says it all. The way Ven and Aqua are gazing at each others eyes says it all. There could be relationships between an older woman and a younger man. Besides, you said so yourself, Sora was ten-years-to earlyfor his keyblade. Ven could appear young, but be older than what he appears.
  12. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe

    THATS WHAT IM SAYING TOO! Terra, although Aqua's friend probably had so much confidence in her, that he didnt really pay attention to her throughout the fight...ven and aqua however helped eachother up, fought along side each other against the DA...

    Also for all those who are saying aqua is older than could you possibly know?
    The only place we've seen aqua's full body was in a not very well lit canyon...she had armor on too...
  13. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    True very true, it is quite possible. But the idea that people wait till it comes out is NOT going to happen. People before me have already discussed bits and pieces of this subject. Sorry.

    I am not talking about how she looks, it's how she acts. She is much more mature than Ven, and that is a big hint. Ven acts immature in the secret ending, in the respect that he is unexperienced and young. THAT'S what I am talking about. Not so much looks, but maturity. That's why I talked about Sora being "10-years-to-early" to be wielding a keyblade, Hexin. I think one of BBS' themes will be youth vs. maturity, do to the whole "Keyblade Master" thing.
    I don't think people give enough credit to Terra in the secret ending. He stops Ven from immaturely rushing to attack Xehanort, then he get's hit with a thunder spell, then is hit several times with the keystorm, thrown to the ground several times as well, then has his arm frozen solid, and all that time trying to keep Xehanort distracted from attacking Aqua and Ven. GIVE HIM A BREAK!!!!
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Hmm. From the scans, I would say niether. My guess is that Terra and Aqua look after Ven, sort of in a parently way. If this is the underlying relationship in the game, I doubt we will see anything happening with Terra and Aqua.

    Now, support for my theory. We see scans of Terra holding Ven unconsious. Perhaps nothing, but I would say it means something do do with Terra being a protector of Ven.

    Also, Aqua in the video clearly had some sort of relationship with Ven. As we all agree on the age difference, I think it was in a motherly way she ran to hold Ven. Make sense?

    It would certainly be an interesting idea, to have a relationship like that. It would be branching out from the norm, where it is a simple HeroXdamsal in distress.

    I would say that either Terra or Aqua would not be connected to SRK. Ven is obviously a Sora, plain and simple. He is the spitting image of the nobody of Sora. Terra looks to be connected to Riku, with the "I did not choose you" line, and the whole darkness thing. Aqua is the odd one out. How can she not be? She clearly is not like Kairi, as for once, the female actually fights.
  15. Ame-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 13, 2007
    First of all, I don`t understand people thinking AquaxVen because she caught him and had such a LOOK to him... Anyone would catch his friend and looked at him to be sure he is OK.
    Anyway, back to the topic. I think TerraxAqua is more real, than AquaxVen, `cause Aqua is much older than Ven. But maybe SE want to try something new...hyu-hyu...^^ But Disney will not let it be x(
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    To be completely honest i think it's a bit far fetched for a start.Second of all you don't have enough evidence behind it and third off all, square enix are not as predictable as people on this forum think so don't get your hopes on them being riku's mam and dad.that possability is infinity to 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
  17. willi_211191 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 31, 2007
    I wont tell you &gt;_&gt;
    well, i like the AquaXVen relationship... and for all of you saying that Aqua is alot older for ven, how do you know? i mean, she may look more mature than expected. same as Ven. he may look younger than he really is!

    Offtopic: yay! 200th post!
  18. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Yeah, I always that Aqua had more of motherly/protective older sibling-like feelings toward Ven. Kind of like how it seemed that Riku felt. Like it was his duty to protect them.

    I think if either pairing has a chance, it should be TerraXAqua. Ven just seems way too young. :/
  19. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    I was saying before that she may have not looked older, even though she does to me, but she is definitely more mature than Ven. Usually that comes with age.
  20. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    um...and where do we see ven acting immature??? you say Terra did all those what way does taking a lightning strike or protecting ven show his love aqua...? Or even aqua's love for him?


    thats the ultimate pairing! OLD MAN AND TEENAGE GIRL FTW!