Birth by Sleep Terra's ...power.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Radiowave, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    in several scans, not to mention the Lingering Spirit boss fight, terra uses what looks like..."data." Whats with this? It looks like light, but it looks like the same thing that appeared over roxas' keyblade as it a new element (like fire, blizzard, reflect) that we dont know about? Why does Terra seem to control this element rather than pure light, like mickey or sora?

    I understand roxas' twilight town kingdom key was a data creation but:

    A: why was it fully functional (like the real kingdom key)?
    B: is terra's "keyblade" a data creation if it has all of that "data" surrounding it?
  2. PeaSoup241 Moogle Assistant

    Oct 20, 2007
    Sora and Mickey didn't control anything, the only thing close to it is the assumption of the keyblades they control. Generally accepted as 1 keyblade for each realm (light, darkness, twilight and present), its confirmed by Nomura as many keyblades as there are qualified hearts. But i'm getting off track here. As i said, Sora and Mickey didn't control elements. Riku was able to use the power of darkness, but was not the "overall lord and master" of it. For Roxas' keyblades, the ones in Twilight Town were indeed Data, but otherwise they weren't. The reason they were fully funtional in Twilight Town even though they were made of data is because the TT he was in was data itself. They weren't data outside of TT because as Roxas was half of Sora, he could control them (but apparently his bond wasn't particularly strong with them, as is seen when Riku takes one of them).
  3. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    I don't think it's data, actually. The square things actually look a bit like mirrors. If you listen carefully to the sound, when Terra uses those mirrors (ex. the second phase of his Desperation Move) you can hear a sort of... windy sound, not the same data-like noise you hear like when the data Organization members appear in the FM battles. Plus, you don't see any numbers in Terra's power. When the KK appears to Roxas, a bunch of tiny numbers surround the Keyblade, whereas the "mirrors" surround Terra's.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I've only seen one bbs picture like that...other wise everything else looks normal.
  5. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    I don't think Terra has a specific element. All the keyblade masters are warriors of light; hence why the keyblades chose them. I really haven't payed attention to anything regarding Terra's weapons, but; if you ask me, Terra's keyblade can change it's form. So, maybe that has something to do with the "Data" you saw. Or, it could just be; like you said, a reflect type of thing. Either that or it just be something the developers thought that would look cool. xD
  6. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    im willing to argue on the fact that sora and mickey DID, control elements. (sora's finishers: explosion, aerial finish, guard break, finishing leap?) they all dont happen randomly sora brings them about. sure, the keyblade is the "medium," but he still "controls" light. thats why roxas' element was "light" in org 13... mickey uses "healing light" and "pearl" so in a since, he controls light as well. Terra's abilities dont replicate i was wondering what he controlled...

    otherwise, i see your point with the twilight town thing, that makes since now...

    oh yeah, welcome to kh-vids =)
  7. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Yeah Terra's keyblade is a bit weird in KH2FM+ but i'm positive his moves are going to change in BBS so that he can use magic to, in KH2FM+ Terra just kinda followd the story line and went berserk when he tought Sora was Xehanorth,He'll use magic and stuff in BBS also Nomura sayd in an interview that Terra is Based on Power, Ven on Speed and Aqua on the use of Magic.

    BTW Interesting Thread XD
  8. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    Data? Naw. Alot of terras attacks, look alot like Cogs moving, the pic of him summoning his pic uses the same style, and if you listen closly when the giant cannon ball comes at you it sounds like machines working.
  9. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    Terra uses something like a dark light.


    you see that light coming out of his hand? Its dark, but light. Odd eh? I don't buy the whole data thing, this picture shows his power, and his power shows his character a bit. One inbetween the light and the dark, maybe even nobodie like.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I was also thinking that it could be...okay this might be hard to believe but..."prisms." Terra is (or at least looks like) a keyblade master, meaning he uses the power of light, or resides in it. Prisms reflect light. This could have something to do with Terra's character as well...He only reflects light, but that doesnt mean he cant use other elements like darkness, which is what he used in the BBS trailer...(the golden eyes).

    Also, i've seen terra's prism attacks as red...or this seems to go with the prism idea as well, since prisms take white light and reflect it as a rainbow of colors
  11. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Hhm, Interesting Theory:D its very convincing:).
  12. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    I believe its a mixure of both of these.