Terra Guide

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, with slow Kingdom Hearts news coming out, due to the amount of waiting time that must suffer with until TGS, we at KHV made a little....in a way. In details as to how to defeat Terra, as some people still have trouble. Who knows these guidelines might also get you to apulapul2000's standards and defeat the ES unharmed without the use of Limits and Summons!

    ApulApul's version
    Other Version

    If anyone else has any No Damage Terra/Enigmatic Soldier/Armored Unknown/Lingering Spirit Videos on youtube they wish to share, do contact us. Anyways onto the guide! (And sadly you will have to click on "Read More" as this takes up alot of space.

    Don't worry this guide will also be much easier to access in the near future.


    How to Unlock]
    To Unlock Terra you must achieve the event of Xemnas being defeated, which will clear the World in The World that Never Was. Upon doing this, you should be informed that "A new episode has been added" in Disney Castle. There is a mysterious portal that appears near the back, and you must go there, in which you will fight the man who appeared in the secret ending! Known as "Lingering Spirit" or as we'll call him from now on in this guide, Terra.


    Wave Rider - Terra will change his Keyblade, into what would seem best describe as a air Motorcycle/Surfboard.

    This move is actually very easy to evade, mainly because it's style and looks are very much exaggerated due to how it moves through a wide field at high speed.

    How to Avoid
    There are a few methods to avoid, for one of them you can Dodge Roll out of the way with perfect timing, another way would be to cast Reflect, as he is heading towards you. This method is much easier, but will cost MP. If you somehow DO get hit, we do not recomment to regain balance, as if you are level 99 you should have Once More, and One Chance, which will keep you alive, as long as you do not aerial recover. If you do somehow hit the ground, he highly recommend to use Curaga right as he's coming to hit you, and then go to the method of Dodge Roll, if he hasn't stopped then. In some cases, the Orbit of the motorcycle might be changed, and Blizzzard, or Magnet may be shot out. You're best method if this has happened, is to jump, or glide as Blizzard is slightly homing. However, we do not have much information on this, therefore we don't know a real method to dodge this.

    Dash Attack
    This attack is very similar to Sora's "Rising Sun" reaction most notable to be seen in the 1000 heartless battle.

    How to Avoid
    You will become a punching bag if this lands a hit on you at all, so it's really best to just avoid it, but if you do get hit by this once again do not recover until the attack has ended, and then heal yourself. However if you don't lose all your HP from the first attack, it is best to use revenge slash to help you block the next, while recovering. However since we highly recommend to avoid this attack, here's how. Just like Wave Rider, the attacks can be avoided with the use of "Reflectga" or "Dodge Roll". However we mainly recomment Dodge Roll, as if Terra uses this attack three times in a row, there's a high possibility that he will connect it with his Whip Attack. If he's only doing it twice, then just use Reflect, and Dodge Roll, and then if he does it a third time, mainly use Dodge Roll, and then Dodge Roll away from him after he does his last one. If he doesn't do the Whip Attack, he will land safely, thus making him very vunerable for a mere second, that is your time to strike! Though just to give a little note for the Dodge Roll, you shouldn't just use it randomly, as this attack requires alot of timing.

    Whip Attack
    His Keyblade turns into a Whip, and has a wide range of attack.

    How to Avoid
    It is possible to barely evade this attack if you're close by using Quick Run Level 3, he may use it continuously as a counter attack, if you do three continuous full combos on him. Anyways, there are 2 possible ways to avoid it. If he is doing it as a normal attack, you should have enough distance to realize this and Dodge Roll out of the way. However, if you are facing this as a counter, we recommend two choices. Using Reflect, or air gliding quickly out of the way, as you will be fast enough to escape the attack then. Either one should work. After he finishes this attack he will once again become defenseless. A perfect time for you to strike him down!

    Canon Shot
    His Keyblade turns into a large canon, and fires off a shot towards you.

    How to Avoid
    Even if you are at long distance, it will not deny the fact this attack will come to claim your health bar if you are not careful enough. Though luckily this attack is very slow, so we recommend that you do get close, call us crazy but it's one of the safest, and most effective ways to not get hit by this attack. Two of the ways, are to use Aerial Dodge, and Reflect in which knocks the ball back, however Terra can easily knock this right back at you, which may turn this into a game of Tennis, so to speak. What we do recommend is using Guard, but you need to get in really close, because the moment he fires it, you will get hit if you do not guard. If you do this correctly, Terra will have no time to negate the attack, causing him to be knocked into the air, and free to get your combos off!

    Drill Attack
    There is a possibilitiy of this attack being noticed when Terra rushes towards you and fires what seems like an energy cogwheel at you.

    How to Avoid
    We highly recomment using Reflectaga ONCE, as he may do it again, and we need to not release Reflectaga's combo until we're sure it's finished. Another method would be to Aerial Dodge out of the way, as he uses this attack. He mainly does it when his HP is below half, though keep your eye on him, as he will also be warping rather randomly at times as well.

    Command Lock
    This happens, when he jumps and creates an energy disturbance, by hitting the ground with his keyblade, if you get caught in this you're attack will be locked.

    How to Avoid
    We recommend this to be dodged AT ALL COST by Air Gliding, or Dodge Roll, even reflect. He may do it more then once, (In my battle against him, he was persistant and tried it three times in a row). We can't give much detail on this attack, however when you see it for your own eyes, you should know exactly when to dodgeroll.

    The Keyblade is turned into the shape of a bow, and three arrows of light are continuously shot.

    How to Avoid
    Terra will be warping during this as well, it's best to dodge either by Air Glide, or Dodge Roll, as you can hear the sound of the attack immediatly before they are shot at you. It is difficult however, as timing. If you do not feel confident enough, then just use Air Glide, as it should cause a small chance to no chance of getting hit by the attack. If you want to know when Terra is going to do the attack ahead of time, he will be running clockwise around Sora. Another possible, yet barely possible I might add, way is to use Reflectga the moment these fires are shot, in rapid succession. If you are hit, you're command will be sealed, and you will have two choices "Escape" (エスケープ) and "Fall"(フォール) (You don't want to click fall). also the HP is decreasing gradually, as the commands switch place in an almost unpredictable roulette. If you choose Fall you will obtain large amage, and possibly die. This attack is very similar to Xemnas' Kingdom Hearts Final Mix attack "Invitation to Darkness".

    Two or more bits are shot out, and they will attack with lasers.

    How to Avoid
    There's no need to get into detail with these as you can evade them by flying around or glide. Though after the first or second, the attack will disappear. If this is done with more then half HP then the attack actually hurts less. A problem that can occur from this, is if he goes into his Motorcycle mode, while these Bits are flying around. We will say dodgeroll, until you see the Bits fully lit up, and then use reflect as that will save you from being damaged at both.

    Wild Dance
    A very devestating attack.

    How to Avoid
    He will begin to use it when his HP is at least below half, where the fields darkened, and he will do a three phase attack. There's actually an easy way to avoid this, the first thing to do. Is to wait until he vanishes after clearing some distance from you to him, and Glide towards where he teleported from, because he will appear behind you. Once you get some distance, he can not hurt you at all during the first phase. The second phase is when he will do an attack similar to the Cogwheel, he will teleport again, and this is once again when you glide away from him. However this time glide to one of the corners of the map, any one would do. Now it's time to stand your ground. He will vanish once again, and the moment he appears, use Guard like you've never used it before, as he will release a fury of combos on you. It'll be noted that this combo has ended once he does a downward shock wave strike. This is your chance to attack.

    Unique Methods

    Method 1 - Summon Stitch
    Summoning Stitch can easily knock the armor off track, no matter what attack mode he is in. The Ukelele being the best attack to use in this as it will prevent his movement, and the moment that's done, you run in and attack him, just repeat this method and you should beat him no problem.

    Method 2 - Using Limits
    Limits make you invincible, thus using Limits can allow you to get off some good damage onto the ES, especially if you get in combo strikes at the same time, mainly Donand's limits being the most helpful.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 6, 2007.

    1. kevz2kool
      thanks for the great info, xal
    2. Kiryu
      Holy crap:eek:. Thats a lot of info. Thanks for the upload Xaldin.
    3. Darkcloud
      Yikes! I didn't realize Terra had so many attacks! If this game ever comes to America, he's gonna be real tough to beat!...better start training. Thanks Xaldin.
    4. xaldin7th

      you guys really do it the hard way -_-
      Wave Rider, Dash Attack, Whip Attack, Drill Attack and the Devastation attack (except for the Cogwheel phase) can all be simply guarded. No MP, no timing, no crap.
      As for the command lock you simply use reflect.

      you guys like to complicate :p
    5. La Sofa
      La Sofa
      Thanks Xaldin! If only I had a Final Mix+....:(
    6. Roxas
      Some of this info is really dumb. You can just guard the motorcycle. It's way easier if you lock on and guard as it comes at you. Overall, helpful I guess.
    7. Starboy
      I have a simple thing to say, and I don't even have Final Mix+:
      check the vid on youtube of the guy beating terra in 44 seconds.
    8. xaldin7th
      where did you find this video? i cant.
    9. ラクシーヌ
    10. Mirai
      Shall I note that I noticed that the Whip Attack moves slowly toward you?

      Thanks, Xaldin! Man, I had a dream of beating Terra last night.
    11. Knight of Abyss
      Knight of Abyss
      HOLY S***!!!! This guy sounds really difficult :eek:

      I did'nt know his keyblade changed shifted to different weapons, damn, and here I thought Sephiroth was tough in KH2 :eek:

      Hopefully this game does make to the US and when I get the game I'll be working hard for getting to lvl 100 for this, at least now I know where to come for help now :D

      Thanks :)
    12. shadowmaster
      *scraches head* ummm, i haven't finished hk2 yet (actually haven't really started, i don't have my own copy) but i noticed that in the diffrent vids, sora has diffrent crowns on. why?
    13. ラクシーヌ
      You get it for completing specific things.

      You can get a bronze, silver, or a gold grown by doing one of three things.

      One: Win the specific conditions of the Organization XIII Mushrooms.
      Two: Beat the Limit Cut versions of Organization XIII
      Three: Beat Terra

      When you clear one of those, you get the bronze crown, when you complete another one, you get the silver crown, and when you complete the final one, you get the gold crown.
    14. shadowmaster
      ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you
    15. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      This guy looks weak, most of his attacks can be blocked or reflected, I just think of him as a Sephiroth, only stronger.
    16. metruzero
      I have been Watching Apul since his first KH video.
    17. smartguy_05
      Very nice guide on dodging Terra's attacks. I have no problem with his other attacks except when he does his special when his life is less than half. Now I know why even though I glide I still get hit by the first 2 teleport attacks he does. :)
    18. Rubbykk
      I know this is going to make me sound like an idiot but i have two qustions.

      1. do you have to have the fm(+) virsion of the game to get to beat terra?

      2. i saw a vid of someone beating terra and the comments sora was makeing where in english but the commands where writen in japaneese. does anyone know why?
    19. Alexwkd08
      Someone help, i completed kh2fm and on the battle report screen i pressed circle and saved, the gold crown was there but when i went back to the world map the disney castle doesnt say new episode and theres no sign of the portal, did i have to press X? I have completed all the worlds but have yet to do the cavern of rememberance

      Yes you need Final mix and the voices being english is because the Japanese second language is english