Teenaged love

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by In explicit Angst, Jul 6, 2009.

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  1. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Alrighty! You're in ^^

    Katie sat down and held the guitar next to her stomach and shyly put her fingers to the right place. She was about to start singing when she peeked at the two males. She felt her face blushing a bit. Man, she was way too shy to sing even in front of them. She was about to put the guitar on the ground but shook her head. She had to do this. It would of been stupid to run off now. She closed her eyes and began playing the intro of the song; Disenchanted. She actually sang really well she was just way too shy and had too low confident to say it her self. Because she was playing the song with her eyes closed she almost forgot she that Dan and Zack where there. She stood up and sang it like she was alone in her room picturing being on stage. She shook her head in the "But where did you run to?" part and almost wanted to throw the guitar out of her hands when she sang the last "This never meant nothing to ya." part after remembering some unwanted memories but she sang the whole song and then sat down again and opened her eyes.
    "So... Um... How did I do?"
  2. Flyn Pnut Banned

    "That was awesome. All of us play the same instruments, what can we do...."
    Zack said,
    "I have a friend who can play keyboard."
    He said, his friend was called Laila.

    OOC: I'll make her later.
  3. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ooc: Hmm, can Laila play the bass or drums, 'cause Roy can play the piano/keyboards? And I can make Katie ask her to join...

    Bic: "We really would only need a drum player anymore. Those are the most important. We can ofcorse have other instrument too, but the most important once are usually guitar, drums and vocals." Katie said.
  4. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Username: Flyn Pnut
    Name: Laila Jai Bell
    Age: 16
    Personality: Fun, kind, nice, friendly, brave, outgoing, sociable.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    What kind of people likes to date: Kind, friendly, protective, kinda likes emos, fun.
    Bio: Lives with her Mom, Dad, 2 sisters and 3 brothers.
    History: Was born in California, her Mom knew Zacks Mom, but then she died (did I say that in his form, because she did...), so her Mom then started to get to know Zack's dad, she's Zacks best friend.
    Other: Her boyfriends have all been nice, but haven't really worked out.

    Laila arrived at Zack's house, his Dad opened the door,
    "Zack's just round back, come in through."
    He said, Laila walked through, and went round back, she arrived at the hut-like-thing, and knocked on the door,
    "Hey Zack, you called me? What is it?"
    She said to him.

    "I found some friends, and we're forming a band, would you like to join, on your drums?"
    He asked.

    "Sure shall I just introduce myself?"
    She said, walking up to them both,
    "Hi, I'm Laila, nice to meet you (Lay-la)."
    She smiled, and sat on the drum stall.
    "I'll play this... Foundations, by Kate Nash."
    She started to play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9XA5Xb-ALk
  5. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Ooc: I'll add her to the list... Oh and the video isn't available in my country Dx

    Katie listened Laila play and after she was done Katie smiled shyly.
    "You play really well" she said.
    "I'm Katie by the way."
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Dan listend to both of the girlz she noticed the different moods Katie was in when she played certain parts of the song. He looked down at the ground and wonderd if he would just add more sadness to hers but he would never know if he did try. The other girl was cute too now he was confuzed he did not know which one he wanted to be with Katie or Laila. Dan walked up to where Katie was "hey im.. Dan nice to meet you i guess" he said emoly. He looked at how close his hand was close to hers he blushed and moved his hand closer to himself so it would not touch Katies.
  7. Flyn Pnut Banned

    "Hey, nice to meet you! So, who's playing which bit in the band, I think I'm the only person who plays drums, and we can all sing....Can anyone play bass guitar?"
    She asked kindly, still a smile on her face,
    "Do'you guys wanna go out later, I have nothing to do all night."

    OOC: Is it okay, if us 3 do go together, that Dan goes with Laila and Zack goes with Katie so I'm not going with the same people D:
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: the plan sounds good to me :)

    Dan looked at her noticing Laila' beutifull blue eyes it was another thing he hated about himself he was not decisive. "i can play about any kind of guitar but my favorites are electric and spanish accustic" he said to her smiling slightly. He realy did no feel like going home when his mom was awake all he would hear would be insults and yells. "i got nothing to do... so um goin out sound great" Dan said blushing a little great he had an crush on both girls but the question was which girl would he pick.
  9. Flyn Pnut Banned

    "Cool, I also think that those guitars rock, I got spanish acoustic and electric, and a load of others which I barely use..."

    "Zack, you're always buying your guitars, just because you like them."
    She said, giggling,
    "Boys. So, Dan, could you play bass?"
    She asked, gving him a gentle smile.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Dan looked at her that gently smile it felt like his heart just explodded his decision was becoming clear but it would be foolish to decide now. "um.. ah" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck with an shy smile as he he blushed. After he got a hold of himself before he looked stupid he got his normal face on "yeah i can play base" he said to her with happyness in his voice. He looked at Zack "dont worry i got the same problem with shiny stuff" he said to Zack.
  11. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Laila said smiling,
    "So, how 'bout tonight, where shall we go?"
    She asked, as she took some lollipops out from her pocket,
    She said, as she opened hers.

    Zack said, as he took a lollipop,
    "How 'bout Frankie & Bennies?"
    He suggested.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth was at the park sleeping under a tree. He would usually be sitting under there and just sleep
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Dan put his hands in his pockets "yeah that sounds alright" he said with no ethuism. He looked at the lollypop he shook his head "no thanks i would rather have some skittles" he said to her. Dan needed to ask Zack something later but he would think before he asked cause he really did not want to look stupid and his confidence was already low as it was.
  14. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Zack searched his pockets,
    "Crap, I left my wallet at the park, someone care to come get it with me?"
    He asked.

    "How 'bout Dan, me and Katie can get to know eachother."
    Laila suggested.
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Dan shrugged his shoulder cause he knew it was gona end up like that anyways. He turned his head slightly looking at Zack lets get that wallet" he said with a bit of sadness in his voice like he normally had. Dan wonderd what the two girlz would talk about knowing his judgement the two girlz was gona talk about boys but the next question would be would they be sayin good things or bad things about them.
  16. Flyn Pnut Banned

    "Cool lets go."
    Zack said, walking out with Dan,
    "So, do you like them girls, they're both hot...I like Katie."
  17. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    I did a lot of work looking at peoples personalities and wants and came up with this:

    For Katie, Dan would be the best.

    For Lizzie, Zack would be the best.

    For Hope, Roy would be the best.

    For Annjalean, Roy and Zack would be the best.

    For Roy, Laila would be the best.

    For Zack, Lizzie and Annyalean would be the best.

    For Dan, Katie would be the best.

    For Seth, Laila would be the best.

    I don't have time to Rp anymore sorry.
  18. Flyn Pnut Banned

    OOC: So, should Zack go with Lizzie and Laila go with Roy?
  19. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    You don't have to, but you can ofcorse. I just thought that people would appreaciate if I would see who would fit with who the best. I looked at everyones wants and personalities and counted "points" XD

    Katie turned to Laila.
    "So, uh. What school do you go to?"
  20. Flyn Pnut Banned

    OOC: Lol.

    "Briarwood, I had to, live nearest to it. And you?"
    She said, smiling.
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