Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I might've been reading too fast but I didnt see any resistance by any infiltrators in the tower? Can someone show me WHERE the tower defenses kicked in?..
  2. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: here ya go Asterisk,cyborg had an silent alarm installed in the tower and i thought there would be some motion sensors(im not sure if that is what they are specificly called they are normally seen in spy movies around very valuable stuff in museums) its sensable they did have an system that protected their base that activated automaticly while they were gone so i threw that in my posts
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: ..Yeah but..Idk, wouldn't that be Bueno's call? Seeing as Cyborg is the main hand in security, wouldn't he have put some things in it?..Just wondering.Maybe Bueno could add things?I expect like, saws on the ground and stuff lol
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: yeah i was kinda waiting for him to do something like that, well he still can do that stuff cause i did not say Rosera was near the room where the chip is and like you said Cyborg is the head of security for the tower so Lil Bueno can still give Rosera heck if he wants to :)
  5. Captain Sparrow Banned

    Sep 6, 2009
    The Black Pearl
    Slade had data to shut them off but Cyborg had backup motion sensors
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Dunno why everyone stopped posting ..ah well..Bueno, you gotta post asap and shed some light on this whole security business so these Joker wannabees know what they deal with in the tower.

    Before Beast Boy could shout at Robin the connection was closed, causing him to be more upset than ever.Did things like this happen yesterday?..no ..well maybe once, but a cure, a cure for someone he cared about more than most things in this world, and a random bunch of weirdo's had to show up to ruin that!

    This was his day, Terra's day, and for some reason these people found it to be the perfect day to screw around and cause trouble!" BEAST BOY SMASH! Alright, fine, if Robin wants to ignore me then he can. Lets just get back to the tower and kick that guys butt!" he exclaimed, slamming his hands on the dashboard. Luckily he remained in his human form, so there wasn't any real damage done.In this rage he feared he might do more damage to the car, so he wearily glanced at Cyborg."Look, I know how much you car about your car, so I'm just going to fly back ..meet you there!" he quickly unbuckled and stepped out of the car, shutting it behind him and morphing into a Pterodactyl, taking off from the ground and flying back towards Titans Tower.
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Rosera continued his strids as he walked down the hallway. The Elegant Spy checked his cell phone to make sure Slad did not give any more orders so far there was none. He opend the door the room had nothing in it only space with an doorway at the other side that had stuff the Tittans took from villains in the past. Rosera was about to take an step into the room but he stoped himself then stood there "what shall i do" he said to himself.
  8. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Krowley had reached the Front door to Titans Tower, panting from rushing to get there. As he was unsure of what lied on the other side, he simply knocked the door.
    "Hello? Anybody home?"
  9. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    Slade watched from a stealth surveillance robot's camera. "A titan has come to titan's Tower. Rosera is taking too long. It's time to renew an old plan I guess. Slade sent the laser drill worms through the underground to Titan's Tower. "All good must come to an end Rosera...even the best. I can have my apprentice get it or the worms themselves
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: My sister got a text from Lil sayin' that he won't be able to get on the internet until today.... Oh. TODAY. xD I'm smart... >> *cough* Anyway! I've got rehearsal until 6 today (I'm in Utah for you time zone people). I'll see if I can get on at home tonight.

    Robin (because he's maaaagical & we never see how he gets to most places so fast O.o) has arrived at Titans Tower. When he saw Krowley outside at the Tower's doors, he assumed that it was he that had set off the security system. Without a second thought, Robin reached to his utility belt and took out his grappling hook. He had to immobilize the perpetrator without being seen, so this tool was perfect for the distance-ambush.
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    So returning people don't get lost I decided to make a little summary of what has happened thus far:

    Episode 1 - New Arrivals
    Just as the Titans had found a cure for Terra's
    state, New and unexpected faces show up that change
    the Titan's original plan.​

    Character States
    Robin - Prepared to ambush Krowley
    Raven -
    Cyborg -
    Starfire -
    BeastBoy - Heading back to the T-Tower
    Slade - Sending drilling worms to the tower
    Rosera - Infiltrated Titans Tower by Slades command
    Krowley - At the front door of the tower
    Sundra - Hiding from harm's way
    Jester - Heading for Titan's tower
    Xakota -
    Dante - Watching from Afar
    Demetrio - Wiped Robins memory of Encountering him

    If your characters states are left blank its because I don't know where you are or what your doing up until now >_<
    Just tell me and I'll gladly correct it if it's missing or incorrect
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Rosera decided to continue heading towards the room taking carefull steps. He knew the operation was taking to long but it was not in his nature to rush through things anyways. The Elegant Spy looked at the items that was in glass casses some of the items he recognized but others he did not. After taking an while Rosera finnaly found the glass case that had the chip inside. "finnally found you little chippy poo" the red streaked black head said sweet as he made an rose vine grow from his finger tip and started to cut an hole into the glass case.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Beast Boy, wait!" Yelled Cyborg out the window. "Man..." he groaned as he turned the steering wheel to the left and pressing the gas. As the T-Car went back the way it came, kicking up dust, he put it on auto-pilot. "Bypass MY security system, huh? We'll see about that!" He mumbled as he pressed different buttons on his left arm. The panel rerouted the Tower's cameras' view into his arm. Seeing the intruder, Cyborg slammed his finger on a red button under the panel, "Bypass this!" He laughed as the camera started shooting lasers at Rosera.

    Dante teleported so he was next to Sundra, his cloak covering his body and face again. "Are you alright?" he asked.
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Kme92... that was so cute! :D Mind doing that for us from now on? ^^

    Robin fired the grappling hook; a little smirk came to his face as the wire whizzed towards its target. Let's see them get into the Tower when they can't move.
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Rosera had a smirk on his face as he finished getting the hole cut into the glass case. His hand was so close to the chip until he felt a burning sensation pass right by his ear slicing through his perfect hair his eyes watched the strands of hair float down to the ground. "my hair my wonderful hair you" The Elegant Spy said in an silent whimper he would have said more but he saw more lasers being shot at him. Rosera quickly got his hands out in front of him with his palms facing forward soon tons of petals formed wrapping around his palms making an circle of beautiful rose petals. He closed his eyes the petals reacted by turning into roses that tangled and wrapped around with each other making an shield protecting Rosera for the time being but he knew his defense would not last forever.
  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    OOC - Sure :D I still need the states of the rest of the characters if anyone knows
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Eh... Sundra is on her own and at the pizza place... still... :sweat: Eh heh.

    EDIT!: Edited because I ignored someone on accident. :sweat:
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Taking a break. Move on without me for awhile. Garxena, let whoever you see fit have Cyborg until I return. Put Dante on hold for me. Sorry
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Alrighty then. Who wants Cyborg?
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Tempted but I'm getting a bit busy as well, as I gotta keep my grades up so I can get an mp3 player Thursday. In any case, I might post as him if this thread picks up. I know Jeffrey would want me to have him xD

    Though he had not made it inside yet, Beast Boy could hear the commotion from his window. He had long since transformed into a fly and slipped through a small crack through a window that he used to get in quietly and sneaky.He wanted to wrap this up as quickly as he could, so he followed the sounds of the lasers, buzzing his way to the room in question and snuck around, seeing petals swirling around to defend from the lasers sent towards the target.

    Transforming back into his 'human' form, Beast Boy sat and watched while having no fear of the security system.He was easily recognized as a friendly, so getting shot was not to be feared.

    "Whoever you are, tell me why your here!" he shouted over the shots, wanting answers and wanting them quickly.
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