Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: It's better that Robin doesn't know about Slade.

    Kme92, that blue is Raven's color.
  2. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    k, i changed it to "Slate Grey"
    also, i saw the quack villians at the front, would Control Freak Count?
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: *nods* Yeah, I just haven't put everyone up yet. I'm thinking of doing that now... but I'm still lazy. xD
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Rosera walked through numerous rooms there was alot of hallways to his surprissment. The Elegent Spy finnaly got to the hall that had the tittan's rooms. He was nosy and he had time so first he walked into Cyborgs room. Rosera letting out an disappointed sigh he expected more in that titan's room sadly all there was were alot of machines and one big computer. Rosera exited out of that room and headed towards Beast Boy's room. The Elegent Spy tried to open the door but there was something blocking it. Pushing the door with an good amount of force the door oppend. Looking behind it Rosera saw there was alot of dirty shirts and shorts piled infront of the door. He could smell something rotten "horrible" that was all Rosera mutterd before he closed the door and continued to walk down the hall.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    A small light flashed on Cyborg's left arm accompanied by an irritating beep. "Uh oh," Said Cyborg, not bothering to hide his worry as he stopped the T-Car a mile away from their destination. Before Beast Boy could object, a panel opened on Cy's arm, showing a small screen. His arm was sent a signal from the Tower's security system. Someone had entered with the code, but everyone who knew it was in the car, besides Robin of course. "Who is-?" His question was cut off by another beep, this time coming from the dashboard of his beloved T-Car. Pressing a button, he heard Robin's voice. "Yo, Robin. You alright? I think we got a problem," he responded, eyes still on the screen on his arm.

    A small poof and a puff of smoke replaced Dante's body as he disappeared. He appeared on the ledge of the roof of the building. He was crouched, his bare feet and hands gripping the edge. His cloak was open, slightly moving in the wind, showing his dark red torso. A tail came out from behind him and brushed his hood back, revealing his demonic face. "That was interesting," he said after watching the scene that took place. His eyes darted from Robin to the guy who saved him, to the black-clad man, and back to Robin several times.

    EDIT: OOC: Do NOT call me Jeffypoo again.
    Jeffreypoo is bad enough, got it, Angybear?????
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Yeah, kinda disturbed by the fact the Mercenary gave the identity of the one that hired him so easily ..that doesn't work in real life. lol. The one who hired you usually kills you for that.

    Garx, you ever need someone to replace another in controlling whoever, just let me know, planning on some kind of OC anyway.

    Beast Boy put his hands in his hair and rubbed it wildly in frustration. Normally he'd be ready to fight, but when it came to Terra coming back he didn't want anything to do with their vendetta's.If he were to fight, he'd be going all out to rush this, just like Raven did when it came to her book boyfriend.
  7. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio put his hand on his wrist and typed out a message to slade and it said, i have wiped robins memory he has forgotten what i said to him and now he cant remember who i am or what i said, he sent the message.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Oh... my... gosh... >< *Frustrated* Where is everyone...? What's going on...? ; ; *Sad* I'm kind of hesitant to post... since I don't want someone to get stuck with my character and then... Yeah. Wow this RP moves fast at night. D8
  9. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    ((OOC:you DO remember that i just pulled you to the ground and took away your ability to move [and text] right?))
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC:... What the heck! Really? Eh... *Really sad now* >< Crud.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Friendly_Heartless, Xakota was talking to AmericanSephiroth, not you lol

    Your character is still where she was. Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire are in the T-Car near Terra's location. They stopped because Cyborg got a signal from the Tower's security system.

    The characters near Sundra are Robin (who just got done with a fight) using his communicator, Xakota (who helped Robin) who is currently using his gravity powers to hold down Demetrio (The bad guy.) My character, Dante, is watching from a rooftop.

    As for everyone else, Rosera is in the Titans Tower, that's why Cyborg got the signal *(silent alarm), Krowley is on his way to the tower (?) looking for Raven, but is stopping by a pizza place to eat first. Slade is in his hideout waiting for Demetrio and Rosera to finish their jobs. Jester is going to the tower, also, to put on a "performance".
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Thank you for the detailed discription. ^^ I'll post ASAP then. 8D
  13. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: he may be held down but moving his arm isn't impossible
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Alrighty... If anybody interacts with my character, just be warned you might get stuck, and then will have to leave me. Which will make me kinda sad, but hey, can't blame you for me not being on. 8D8


    Sundra stood back from the commotion. So many things happened to her at once, it went by in a blur! One minute she was walking across the street and the next she was brought out of harms way by some random guy. Now there was a fight going on in the street. She scooted over to the nearest wall and pressed her back against it, watching quietly. 'What on earth is going on....?' She could sware some of them were using super-natural abilities against each other. Sundra gently bumped her head against the brick wall, and swallowed quietly. This was a totally different city from what she expected.
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: yeah i forgot what those light lines are called that normally if some one touches one of them it ether triggers an alarm or activates some kind of trap

    Rosera continued to be carefull as he walked down the hall. Noticing almost in nearly all of the previous hallways there was something on the wall but not the one he was currently in it bugged him. The Elegent Spy stoped walking and stood there looking at the wall looking for what every security measure was designed for intruders like himself. Rosera reached into his butt pocket of his black jeans taking out some lavender scented hair spray. Rosera looked at the spray one reason why he favored it above others was it was light and did not make his hair hard. Holding the spray out infront of him Rosera sprayed it a few seconds later security lights was all over the hallway. Rosera sighed "o well i guess my work is sadly not gona be easy" he said to himself looking at the red light lines that was all over the hallway.
  16. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    OOC: and the witch is back....I've read what's happened since last night sooooo.
    Slade looked at his minions and said "get back to work and no skulking around"
    "I see Cyborg has added some back up security..nice...soon my apprentice"s" will be on my side and Titan's Tower shall crumble
  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    As Krowley headed towards savory goodness, it just occured to him that he was flat broke... All he had with him was a Necklace, the book and the clothes on his back. He could probably live without the book, after all it had caused enough damage already.

    "Don't tell me you're planning to get rid of it?"
    Krowley turned to and became shocked as the person before him was the same one who cast that cursed spell on him.
    "You... you killed all those innocent people!!"
    "Did I, now?? All I did was activate it, you're the one who who did the damage..."
    Hard as it was for Krowley to accept, he was the only one alive in that entire aftermath that day.
    "All that power at your command, and you just want to give it away?"
    "You can call it power.. I call it Mindless destruction."
    "Same thing, besides that book is now a part of you. Getting rid of it is near impossible."
    "Then tell me how to get rid of it Magus, or else!"
    Krowley immediately got into battle stance and was prepared to fight.
    "One, Im not Magus, he's no where near here. Two, I've no need to fight you, for I've already won. And Three, If you're that desperate to seek answers I'd start there."
    The hooded figure pointed towards the Giant "T" as the shopkeeper had done before. Krowley turned as he pointed but when he turned back he has once again vanished. All these cloaked figures and unknown memories were frustrating him. As he headed towards the T-Tower once again, he looked down at the book.
    "Why are you doing this to me?...."
  18. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Raven's oddly present smile was now long gone. Her face showed no trace of annoyance, but all these obstacles were starting to get to her. She did miss Terra, as much as she hated to admit it, and she was almost anxious to get to their destination.

    OOC: I'm keeping up (yay :D)! Just not much for Raven to actually... do, at the moment. <-<>->
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Terra will have to wait," Robin decided after a moment of thought. "Let's get back to the Tower." He flipped his communicator shut -- not wanting to hear Beast Boy's protests -- and looked to the two people in front of him. While he wanted to stay and find out what the heck had happened, he had to get back to the Tower with the rest of the Titans.

    OOC: This moves a lot a night because that's the only time I'll be on until the play is over... >>

    Dexnail, and AmericanSephiroth: This is your first official warning. I DO NOT want to have to tell ANYONE to follow rule #15 again.

    LilBueno: Hey, if you can call me Angybear, then I can call you Jeffypoo. xP If anyone ever called me Angie-anything in real life, they'd lose their reproductive organs. D< Just ask Angydoodle. She can tell you horror stories.

    Scrubbing Bubbles: It's all good. I know Raven and Starfire aren't very involved at the moment. However, Raven will play a big part once we get to Terra.
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: sorry :(

    Rosera held his hand out soon a rose petal formed in his palm. The Elegant Spy gently raised his hand in front of his face by his lips then blew softly. The rose petal slowly and gracefully fell to the floor. An few seconds later an rose grew where the petal landed "gotta be careful" Rosera silently said to himself as he raised his hand up and pointed foreword. The rose responded by stretching slithering close to the ground avoiding the red security lights. After the plant successfully by passed the obstacle Rosera raised his hand up. The plant grew up ward becoming taller. The Elegant Spy made the flower tap around on the wall for an button to turn off the security in the hallway. After taking a while it taped the right spot on the wall making a button appear. "bye bye security" Rosera said softly with an smile on his face as the rose pressed the button turning off the security lights so he could continue his search for the chip his boss wanted.
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