Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    In a dark abandoned building Rosera sat on storage create thinking. He been trained to deceive others that was his life and he was always in slavery just for having power. The mysterious man's voice rang through his ears Rosera did not know who the man was but some how he knew it was not a person to screw over. In the elegant man's hand laid a rose petal then it grew into a red rose. Jumping off of the create with his feet softly landing on the ground his red amber eyes stared at the metallic flower. "Something so beautiful can be a curse" Rosera silently muttered to himself as he headed to his first objective. He was informed of the Teen Titan’s plans to revive a girl named Terra the mysterious man did speak her name before in a conversation. After a long walk Rosera arrived at the place his eyes stared at the human statue. The elegant spy looked at the lifeless eyes he wondered was the girl's last thoughts was about some one she cared or did she die before she could think. "Poor darling" the black red streaked girlish man said in a soft poetic tone as he laid the rose on the statue. With an few moments of thinking about his past he wanted to make at least this grave stone beautiful. "I don’t know what happened but at least I can make your mark of existence become glamorous like a queen" Rosera said as he formed some rose petals in his hands then let them float from his hands onto the human statue. With in seconds roses started to grow and bloom around the Terra statue then the sun shined down making the sad mark of remembrance become beautiful as the shinning red roses displayed their sparkling buety in the sun light.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra walked around steel city, uncertain of what to do, or where to go. She glanced around nervously, keeping her hands in her jean pockets while looking around at this big place. It has been a long while since she last been to a city, so this was a little different to her. Ontop of that, anyone could recognize her. Her stomach growled loudly and she looked down at it. "Hungry again...?" She sighed out, letting her hair flutter away from her face for a moment before it landed gently back on her forehead. "Well, let's see what we got." She fished in her pocket and pulled out crumbled dollar bills. She counted it out quietly. "Three ones, a nickle, and a quater...." Sundra frowned at what she had. 'Oh boy, I'm getting into a pickle...' She let her eyes scanned the city as she watched the people go about their daily lives. "Maybe a job wouldn't hurt... Hm..."
  3. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio had his sight on the teen titans tower "Heh they should be more careful who sees their home" he had a mild flashback of his order to capture robin or execute him if need be"soon i will kill batman's little apprentice the look on his face will be priceless" demetrio waited for the teen titans to drop their guard and look for a way to catch them.
  4. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Raven put her hood up and slowly drifted through the hall, following Cyborg at her own pace. She always did her best to surpress her emotions, but just the thought of what they were going to do made a faint smile crawl onto her face. She could pass on the cotton candy, though.
  5. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Xakota finally reached his destination, the city identified with a giant "T" shaped building he could see from afar. He had no idea what this place was called, but he had seen some girl flying around and shooting green energy beams a few days ago. He figured there were some villains here, and if he could be the one to beat them, he might get himself noticed, and might finally have a place to stay, a spot on a team, perhaps. Or maybe he could play the villain. he was pretty hungry right now, and wouldn't mind robbing a restaurant or two. That would certainly get him noticed, and would feed him, but the chances of him ending up on some villain team was low, and he probably wouldn't have any place to stay. Hero was probably the best option.

    He might as well get himself noticed immediately. He lowered the gravity under him, and his feet lifted about a foot above the ground. He might as well investigate this giant T. He floated to it, gathering a few looks along the way. Some people looked scared at first. He supposed he did look kind of villainous. If he was going to be a hero, a change of attire might be necessary.

    Before he reached the T, he saw a group of five people. three of them were males and walking, the other two were females and floating. he went out of sight immediately. There was no way of knowing if these people were actually heroes or villains, but they were a team. They had a home-it was a gaint T, but it was a home. The group got into a car and drove off. Perhaps they were off to fight some villain (or hero), and perhaps Xakota could be the unexpected help that arrives. He followed them, keeping above the ground and out of sight.
  6. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio saw that the titans were leaving the tower he was following the just out of sight for them" hmm once i know where they are maybe i can get them in a sticky situation to test if these truly are my targets."
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: Okay, Kme92's OC has been posted on the first page. Go check it out, guys. ^^

    BIC: Once in the car and traveling, Robin snuck at look at Beast Boy. He, Starfire, and Raven were crammed into the back seat, while Robin and Cyborg sat up front with Cyborg driving. Robin could see the mixed emotions on Beast Boy's face. He himself was also feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. There were several things that could go wrong. Robin tried not to think about those things.
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    After taking an good amount of taking looking at the scene Rosera sighed. There was so many question he needed to ask the mysterous man of course that man never appeard when the elegent spy wanted him to appear. Sitting on an rock just letting his red eyes study the Terra statue. "was there any regret or surrow before your world became black" Rosar said asking the statue not expecting an answer. A few seconds later Rosera looked down at the ground at the roses "of course thats an stupid question to ask" he mutterd to himself silently answering his own question as he sat on the rock.
  9. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Xakota followed the car closely, trying not to be seen. He figured with all that technology, the car might have some sort of radar that would see someone flying behin the car. He stayed farther behind, trying to get a good look. He got one glance of a girl who seemed to be wearing all dark blue clothes.

    "So, they are villains," He though. "No hero would dress like that, i wonder what her-"
    It was then that he got a look at another one who was wearing a red shirt and what looked like a cape. for a quick second he saw his face,hidden by some sort of mask.

    He didn't know what to make of this, the outfit looked pretty heroic to him, but that other girl...
    He dismissed the thought, figuring he should get a good look at all of them before jumping to conclusions.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Titans," Robin addressed his friends after a while of silence. "We all fully know the risks we're taking by doing this. I'm confident that nothing that's unfixable will happen. I..." He drifted off. For the first time in a long time, Robin was at a loss for words. He could feel the tension swirling with excitement; and it made for a very uneasy combination. What more could he say? Everything laid on the outcome of the next few minutes.

    There was a small blip on the T-car's radar, but it vanished quickly. That was enough of a distraction for Robin. He looked in the review mirror and then turned around to look out the back window. He couldn't see anything.

    "Cyborg, can you modify the radar to see what that was?" He asked.

    OOC: lulz post 50 XD
  11. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Clossing his eyes for an second he let the memories that was forever trapt in the past. An smile appeard on Rosera's face thinking about an girl that worked with his parents there was something odd about the women but she made him feel special. "little rose" the elegent spy said softly to himself repeating the same words the women said to him often. Then an freak accident happend to the women making he turn to the better known villain Poison Ivy. Rosera's parents felt guilty for what happend to the women that was probally why they did not let that women watch over Luces when he was an kid well that is when they found out she was Poison Ivy. Rosera slowly oppend his eyes looking at his left arm rolling up the jacket sleeve. All over his arm was puncture wounds from an needle that his old baby sitter gave him when he was 10 years old. Rosera did not mind Poison Ivy injecting some unknown substence in his arm when they was alone. "you will alway be an buetifull rose an symbol of purity that will spread your buetty around the world my beutifull little rose" Rosera hugged himself remembering the women's sweet soft words as he could still smell Poison's Ivy's sweet scent in his memories. After hugging himself the Elegent Spy looked down at the ground knowing he never really gotten any love from his parents they was busy with their work forgetting about their son all the time.
  12. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Xakota tailed behind for a while. This car had been traveling pretty long. If they were heroes and off to fight some villain, they'd probably be speeding or flying over traffic, but they weren't. If they were villains off to pull of some scheme, however, this seemed like a good pace.

    Xakota was uneasy. Here we had evil looking little girl and poster-child superhero boy. Either way, he should probably go up into the sky for an aerial view instead of what he was doing now, for fear of being seen. Being noticed now would make a terrible impression-whether the group in the car were heroes or villains.

    "You cant get a good look at them from the sky," he thought to himself.
    "Maybe not, but I won't get caught, and when they finally get out i can."
    "You have no clue how long they'll be driving."
    "Patience is key."

    And with that, he lowered the gravity significantly more, and up into the sky he rose.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Side effects.." muttered Beast Boy as he was lost in his own thoughts over this news. Terra coming back was a dream come true, but he wondered about what these 'side effects' would really do.Physically okay was good ..but what about everything else? His patience was wearing thin, and he wanted to get to her now, right now."How much longer, Cy?" he questioned, squirming in his seat impatiently as he did so.He wanted to get to Terra as much as Starfire wanted her Cotton Candy, heck, even more!

    Terra was waiting for them after all.

    OOC: I might change the green so its better viewable.
  14. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio flew a few hundred feet above the t car waiting for something to happen.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: I wanted to reply last night, but KHV was being stupid.
    Bee Eye See:

    "We're almost there, BB!" Cyborg yelled back with a huge smile as his right hand messed with the controls. Glancing from the road to the radar, he saw a blip appear and disappear instantly. Anxious to get to Terra, he shrugged it off, assuming it to be a bird or something. "That's it! We're in a hurry, ain't we? Hang on to your seatbelts, y'all!" He yelled as he pressed the gas harder, taking a right turn. The T-Car screeched as it turned, briefly going on only two wheels.

  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Xakota hovered over the car for a bit longer. Now it was speeding. Maybe there was some kind of change of plans? Maybe there was-

    He saw another figure flying about twenty feet ahead of him. He looked incredibly evil. His clothes were all black, and topped with a torn red cape. Whatever this guy was doing, it couldn't be good. either he was going to help these villains in the car, or he was going to fight the heroes in the car. Xakota couldn't know. Nevertheless, he tried not to be seen, staying behind him. he strengthened the gravity under him, and he went a little bit closer to the ground. If this villain tried to come to him, he'd just release the gravity and make him go higher.

    He continued to follow the car. By the end of the day the person he was flying behind would be a friend or an enemy. likewise with the people in the car.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra was completely lost in Steel City. She hugged herself as she wandered around aimlessly. "Okay, no biggie... I'm new, I'll find something, I'm a smart girl..." Her stomach growled once again and she clutched it, groaning quietly to herself. "Man, that fruit bar and bag of chips wasn't enough..." Sundra was getting quite frustrated with herself. Maybe she should've stayed with-
    'Stop it!' she thought, cutting herself off. 'I'm never, ever going to go back there ever again!' Sundra ran her fingers through her hair frustratingly and then turned her head to the left. Something then caught her eye... A 'Help Wanted' sign was hanging from a window. The sign of the shop read, 'Big Meaty's Pizza Place.' She smirked to herself. "A pizza place... I'd not only get money, but food too. Hm, maybe it's not a bad idea." A little surge of hope made Sundra have a new sense of energy. It was a pretty good idea. She quickly stepped off of the side walk where she was standing and started to cross the street to the other side. But being new to the whole city thing, her mind slipped to look both ways.
  18. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio felt a presence behind him he glanced back sawing another man floating behind him but he shrugged it off focusing only on his objective the teen titans and robin as the key
  19. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    OOC: I got my name changed Garxena..it's me Knight of the Azure Sky just so you know.
    Slade: Watching from his HQ he thought "What could Robin be up to I wonder. Perhaps I should go looking foir him. No it's too early. They've just found Terra..perhaps I should go looking for a new apprentice".
  20. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: remember Demetrio works for slade and can be messaged to give orders
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