Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Right, I get it. ^^ However, there will be some attacks too strong for you to reflect (such as Starfire's eye-Starrays).
  2. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Rosera
    Age (make it reasonable): 18
    Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": honorary/spy
    powers: ability to form rose petals around him that he could control and when it touched a surface it grew roses. Unlike regular roses these was strong as steel and he could control them making them grow larger and etc.
    weakness: very high intense heat
    Background: He always been surrounded by flowers when he grew up but his favorite was roses. Before the incident happened his name was Lucero Rose the son of two very wealthy people. During his Jr. High and high school years he was often considered a rich stuck up snobby pretty boy. Lucero did not mind he always heard what people said about him but he did not care because after all he thought all of them were jealous.

    Then one night his parents got shot and he got put into an orphanage. All that happened when he was 16 Lucero spent 2 years in the place until one night. An assistant went into his room to witness there was roses growing around Lucas as he sat down with his knees up covering his face. Lucero unlocked his ability to form rose petals around him that he could control and when it touched a surface it grew roses. Unlike regular roses these was strong as steel and he could control them making them grow larger and etc. That is when he learned he had a gift but that only brought trouble and began the slavery he was forced into.

    On a rainy thundering night a man arrived at the orphanage to pick someone to leave with him. This man wanted a special child one that was unique and he got some information about what the orphanage learned making them forcefully telling him. The man arrived at Lucero room to witness the same thing the assistant did sparkling red roses was growing all over the walls and the floor. There Lucero looked into the man’s eyes seeing the evilness.

    The first act the mysterious man made Lucero do was simply killing everyone at the orphanage. That task did not bother him because Lucero remembered the painful nights of getting beaten up and taken advantage of in that hellish place. Pouring gasoline all over the wooden building then using his roses to lock up the place that had 2 big gallons of gasoline inside. There the mysterious man gave him the lighted match. Lucero smirked as it touched the flammable liquid making the fire travel its trail catching the orphanage inside with kids and adults still inside. A few second later the building exploded making the slim chances of the people surviving inside reduce to nothing.

    After the incident Lucero changed his name to Rosera and became a spy as he pretended to be a hero so he could get inside information on the teen titans. If Rosera quit being a spy and doing what the mysterious man tells him to do the man would show the world what Rosera did to the people in the orphanage making him get the death sentence.

    Appearance (description or picture): http://kuchikixrukia.deviantart.com/art/Pretty-Boy-Intro-61620050
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Please fix your grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Right now, it's too hard to read.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alrighty will do
  5. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I'll fix some other things.

  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    wow thanks i did not notice there was that many mistakes
  7. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Thank you! I'll just leave the headband out though, it doesn't really go with anything else.

    lrn2spell/punctuation/make freaking sense.

    He already destroyed the world, but now he still wants to destroy the entire universe?
  8. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Yes I like making Villians that make know sense but I will fix it oh I forgot about apperance

    Name: Purge
    Gender: male
    Age (make it reasonable): 41
    Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": Villian
    Powers/Ablities: He can can fly, shoot red needles,and can increase his speed
    Weakness:he takes damage like anyone else does
    Background:He was a sage in his old dimension during a time of war an enemy empire captured him and broke his mind. After breaking him they sent him back to make an example to his empire but when he got back his town was destroyed. After that he vanished from the world later he returned and saw the world had united he was happy but being mad he killed the king the one that did that to him. After this he realized life was meaningless so he wants to destroy all life. So he gathered minions from other dimensions so he could destroy the universe and replace it with a better one.
    apperance:his legs have armor covering them boots on his feet, a black coat going down to his feet without a Zipper and hood, he has black body armor has purple cracks on them, his hand wear gloves that have claws underneath them.

    Is this better
  9. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    If they destroyed his mind, how would he be mad at his town being destroyed? How could he even know it was his town?
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    leon47, fix your grammar mistakes. And Xakota does have a point.
  11. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Titans, Go!

    Character layout:
    Username: The Joker
    Name: Jester
    Age (make it reasonable): Appears to be in 20s, if asked will jokingly reply at times 42.
    Powers/Abilities: Expert and user of explosives and combat, combat being with a staff with the words "Comedy and Tragedy" etched into it. Uses a gun that will at times shoot out confetti, a spear, or a bullet. Likes to use the staff more. Explosives vary in form, if all else fails he can charge something with energy and treat it as a explosive.
    Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral
    Background: One day he just woke up with something that partly mirrors his current clothing. He fealt drugged, and woke up infront of the Titan Tower. At first, he sought an answer for his existance but then figured that if life was a joke he'd tell it to others. Sees his existance as a never-ending performance.
    Appearance (description or picture): Wears a tatter of clothing he has grouped together from on his time wandering in the streets, over this he wears a black cloack. Enjoys to wear masks, always ones with ether a plain white or black design on them and a wide smile.
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    The Joker, you're accepted. =)

    The intro post will be up within the next hour at the most.

    And one final stressment: PLEASE pay attention to rule #15.
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OMG! Yeaaaaaaaaah! XD I can't wait to start! By the way, can I be Jinx if it's not too much trouble. ^^;
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Titans, Go!

    I got Cyborg!

    NOTE: My OC is actually an actual character from the Teen Titans comic books.
    I changed somethings (his real name, when certain things in his background happened, etc.) since he never appeared in the show.
    Username: LilBueno
    Name: Red Devil (Real name: Dante Verge)
    Age: 18
    Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Neutral
    Background: Dante grew up in a poor neighborhood with his family during the prime age of superheroes. The news were always filled with Superman's amazing rescues, Batman's unrivaled detective work, etc. Not having any special abilities himself, he wanted to try to be a sidekick. Donning a red Halloween costume in the shape of a Demon, he tried to fight crime by himself, in order to get noticed. He always ended up being saved instead.

    One night, a couple years ago, a cloaked figure gave Dante a candle and told him that, once lit, the candle will take him to whoever created it. Lighting it instantly, Dante was sent to Neron, a supernatural Demon. The Demon gave Dante a deal: He will be imbued with supernatural powers but will have to serve Neron in the future. Excited at the thought of his own powers, Dante accepted right away. Neron told Dante that he would be called upon to fulfill his end of the bargain in a few years time.

    Neron gave Dante a Demonic appearance and his own supernatural powers. However, every deal with the Devil is a curse in the guise of a blessing. His new powers made his skin burning hot, reaching temparatures of 200 degree Farenheit. His blood turned into a kerosene-like substance. Because of his skin, he could not get close to anyone without burning them. Because of his appearance, not many people wanted to get close. Calling himself Kid Devil, Dante became a local superhero of his home town.

    He recently had a mental breakdown. Going insane at the thought of never getting close to anyone, his sanity shattered, causing his personality to match his appearance. After causing lots of havoc, he finally stumbled fell into a river. The shock of cold water cooled his body and he fainted. Waking up down the river, he found himself on the shore, his body steaming. His mental state was normal, but the memories of the terror he caused remained. Afraid he would eventually lapse into a Demonic state again, he changed his name to Red Devil and started traveling, helping others when he could, but never staying in one place too long.

    Dante has two main powers.
    The first is short teleportation. He teleport many times but only a short distance.
    The second is the ability to breathe fire. If he is hit in the stomach, he has trouble controlling his breath.
    He also has a small healing factor. Small wounds heal faster than normal, but it has no effect on more fatal wounds.
    His skin is extremely hot, burning on touch and gets even hotter if he gets angry.
    He has a prehensile tail that can act as an extra arm.
    Not having any professional training, he relies mostly on freestyle fighting using his teleportation to help.

  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Booyah! Now this roleplay won't completely suck with you here :D..and Garx >.>..
  16. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    :B|: .

  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Quick question, how many characters can we choose from?
  18. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    LilBueno, of course you're in! :D

    Kme92, there's a list on the front page. For now, the max amount of characters you can have is three.

    Awesome! Now as soon as I finish/put up the intro post...
  19. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    In that case I'll be Mas y Menos, Jericho and ill post my Original character later >_<
  20. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    First off, pay attention to rule #15. I'll put you down at Mas y Menos and Jericho.


    “Beast Boy, Starfire,” it was Robin who called out the Titan’s names, coming into the rather large union room. He, along with Raven and Cyborg, had been holed up for the past two months straight. They’d been trying to find some sort of cure for Terra. With all that had been happening, there just hadn’t been any time otherwise.
    “Boo yeah, baby!” came Cyborg’s cheerful cry.
    “We’ve done it,” Even Raven showed a little happiness. “Let’s go see Terra.”
    “Oh, joyful news!” Starfire exclaimed, spiraling upwards. “When can we leave?” While Starfire prattled about all of the things to do, Beast Boy stood silent, mouth open. Were they serious? Could he really… Was he really going to see Terra again?
    “Beast Boy?” Robin questioned quietly, standing by his fellow Titan as the others talked. “Is everything okay? I thought you’d be happy.”
    “I just… can’t believe it,” Beast Boy murmured.
    “I have to warn you, though,” Robin began. “There could be some… side effects.”
    “Side effects?” Beast Boy repeated, worried now.
    “We’re not sure what they’ll be. But we do know that she’ll physically be fine,” Robin tried to sound assuring. “Except for the… uh, ‘normal’ effects of being frozen in stone.”
    “Yeah, that sounds great,” Beast Boy sighed with no enthusiasm.
    “We’ll take care of her, Beast Boy,” Robin put his hand on Beast Boy’s shoulder.
    “Hey, y’all, what are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Cyborg wind-milled one arm towards the door. “We can take the T-car.”
    “And then to the park to enjoy the candy of cotton!” Starfire was still dreaming up plans. She was the first to follow Cyborg to the T-car.
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