Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Not now," Terra replied, sitting up now. She was still trying to sort out her thoughts.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: Eh heh... I guess I should reply. Sorry about the long wait. 8D8


    Sundra could tell he was confused by that. She chuckled. "Silly, I already told you. My body absorbs sun light... it appears in my hands. That's about all I can do..." Or that's all she thought of what she could do. She really didn't have time or patience to discover her abilities further yet.

    OOC: Okay! Time to spice up this side of the story... Here's a villain. If I need to change anything, let me know.

    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Master of Science (Cheesy name, but my brain's dead for good villain names. >>)
    Real Name: Dagen Rogers
    Age (make it reasonable): 36
    Inventions to Do His Work (This will count as abilities)-
    Stealth Bots: Robots that can move around quickly and do as Dagen comands. They also have heat sensers to track, and have lasers as a defense or an offense move. Although they're fast, they can be destroyed quickly. They're human like robots (Kind of like Slade's) but more slender, agile, and they're usually painted black to blend into the shadows.
    Mind chips: No, they're not snack foods. >> These chips are the kind used to control Dagen's experiments. Once they're surgically attached to someone, they loose concious and all sense of will. So they're competely controled by Dagen and he can command them to do what he wants them to do based on the abilities they have. (Note: This will only be used on my other OC so I won't godmod or powerplay... if you want me to do that anyways.)
    Other Inventions: Power Defuser- A small decive that attaches itself to a hero and stops them from using their powers. If they try to, they'll get a nasty electric shock. Also, they can't rip it off unless they want to loose their skin and some muscle tissue. The only way to get it off is to have the remote control that has the button to make it fall off of you.
    Titan (honorary), neutral, villain, or "quack villain": Villain
    Background: Dagen Rogers has been a genius of science ever since he could remember. He was always the top student in his school, and achieved the highest out of everyone. But in his college years, his experiments were told that they were failures... but then someone stole his research on his most prized project and made it a sucess. Thus, Dagen was left alone in the dark. Over the next few years, he became isolated from society and began working on a new project. This project would include making humans who can poses abilities and use them for military work or other kinds of dasterily deeds. Step one was completed in the project when he took his brother's daughter in under his wings. Step two hasn't been activated yet, because his first sucessful experiment escaped. Once he finds this experiment again and captures them sucessfully, he will be sure they will follow his commands...
    Appearance (description or picture): Dresses in a white lab coat usually, has blue eyes that look lifeless most of the time. When not in his scientist outfit, he tends to wear buisness suits that make him look regal and important. He also has short, neatly trimmed black hair, and wears a pair of glasses.
    Basic motives: To get ahold of his experiment again, to get them under his control, and then slowly enforce his plan of revenge.

    Like I said, if I need to change anything at all, let me know. XDX
  3. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    OOC- I really should be more active in this thread. anyway back to work

    Red X noticed that the titans weren't following him so he teleported to Titan's Tower to begin sabotaging their mainframe.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Damn it, I forgot about Red X.
    Oh well, too late.
    Dante gave a small hop and exclaimed, "I'm sure we can figure out something else to do with that." He pondered for a second. "I wonder what you could do if you were given a large amount of heat..."he said it aloud, but trailed off in thought. Not watching where he was going, he stepped into a streetlight. "Ouch!" He yelled as he fell backwards.
    You give me too much credit xD
    "Haha!" Cyborg laughed, still messing with his controls, trying to get a stronger signal from the chip. His pinky turned into a small antenna and he waved his arm around, watching the screen on his forearm, which was beeping silently. "I didn't think buzzgirl could handle her own te-" A loud beep interrupted him as a red dot appeared on the screen. "Got it! Oh wow, they moved fast. We better go now, guys. The chip stopped moving, my guess is...wherever their target is, they're there." His face was serious as he waited for Robin to yell "Titan's Go!"

  5. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Robin wasted no time in giving the commands, "Lead the way, Cyborg. Titans, go!"

    OOC: That's a good OC. Sounds more like a quack villian to me, but if you can prove him to be a full fledged villian, go for it. ^^
  6. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    OOC: Tears of the Rose gave me permission to use Slade until she's feeling better so here we go.

    Slade logged onto his computer and called Red X and told him "X get here now, we have some business to go by. Your monthly check up is do and I want to see how my 2nd clone is doing."
    Red X looked at Slade with hate and said "Will do Slade, what's the job this time?" Slade responded with the words "The Titans will be coming here at any moment. They must not know of Terra ressurection and of Pyro."
    Red X replied by saying "will do, X out" Red X teleported to Slade's base leaving the Titan's mainframe in ruins.
  7. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "Slade..... is there anything else you would have me do?" he waited patiently for a reply
  8. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    "You stay here so we can keep the titan's at bay."
    Red X appeared and took Terra'd hand and told her "I've got orders to hide you and your lil boyfriend so come on" He ran to Pyro and took his hand and teleported them to his base.
    Slade looked down upon the chip onh the floor and yelled "Damn, they've been tracking us with this" He stomped on the floor destroying the chip.
    "It's good i've already got all the data in Pyro's brain along with the data being in mine"
  9. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "as you wish Slade, i will remain here." he waited for the titans to appear he had his hand on his sword ready for battle
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Wait a minute," Terra objected, pulling her hand away from Red X's hold. With a dirty look to him, she continued, "If the Titans are there, then I want to stay and fight them. Take me back."
  11. Monica Reybrandte Banned

    Jul 27, 2009
    Middle of A cornfield.
    Red X shot a binding X at Terra keeping her in place. Then he said "If you can escape that without help and without your powers then i'll take you back"
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra put a hand over her mouth and quickly went over to Dante's side. "Whoa! That must've hurt. Are you okay?" Really, she could hear the lamp post still ringing from the impact. She then looked at it. "Or should I ask the lampost if it's okay?"


    Little did Sundra know that they were being watched from the shadows. A shadow figure quietly brought a communicated up to his helmet. "Sir, we've found the girl, but she is with someone."

    "Keep an eye on her until you get her alone..." replied a dark voice.
  13. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Darn it, the familiar feeling of immobility encased the girl. How am I supposed to get out of this with just my bare hands? I can't even move them! Okay... calm down. She took a deep breath and focused on every part of her that was touched by the Binding X. Her back was mostly free. If she could just slide her arms around to get them free.... Terra grit her teeth. Even attempting to move still caused her muscles pain. If she did get free of the X, she'd been too tired to fight with the Titans.
    "You've made your point," she resigned to Red X. "I'll stay here."


    "Speed, Mas, Menos, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Flint," Robin addressed each of them individually. Raven and Starfire had gone back to the Tower in case anyone else attempted to break in. The boys were now closing in on the chip's signal. Robin had a nagging feeling that something big was about to happen, like they were closing in on someone more dangerous than they initially expected. "We need to watch each other's backs. Whoever stole the chip is no amature."
    The Boy Wonder felt a bit more comfortable when they all gave nods of acknowledgment. He'd already seen that iwas more than one person who'd taken the chip. There could be more of them in their hide out. He could only hope he had number on his side.
    Speedy, Mas, Menos, and Robin made up for agility. Beasty Boy was the unpredictability. And Cyborg, he was the brute force; Robin could aid in that catagory. Their team was good enough. But Robin still didn't know much about Flint.
  14. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio was still waiting he could almost feel the tension in the air "i'll wager they are getting closer" he said to himself. he gripped his sword tightly knowing most likely he would be heavily out-numbered but with an old friend at his back he knew he could still fend them off.

    OOC: just in case anyone forgot or i never mentioned Deathstroke(Slade) and Demetrio go way back
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: I think we're going to need a new Beast Boy. Just letting you all know. I'll ask some people; you guys do the same.
  16. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    OOC: How about we abbretize the inactive people's characters?
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: We're gonna have to do something. If we want this to continue, we need a new BeeBee. Asterisk, if I'm correct, has left the site. Ne'er to return. D,=
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