Teen Titans

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Another hidden frown appeared on a Dante's face. There was no way they'd hire him, not the way he looked, but maybe they'll hire Sundra. Might as well give it a try. "The only thing I'm too cool for is school," he joked as turned around. "Good idea, though, I love pizza."
    The vine. I said it in that post. And technically he wouldn't. The real Robin has been with the team almost every minute, had never mentioned other Titans coming to get data for Titan's East, Titan's East would have told Cyborg if that was so considering his connection to Bumblebee, and if Rosera and Demetrio were Titans, they wouldn't need to break in, fight, or escape without explaning themselves. So sorry, but you didn't think that through.

    Cyborg kept firing a constant beam, ripping the vine off the building. "Aw, it's peeling the paint off!" He noticed. Now he would have to repaint all of it! Maybe he could trick Beast Boy into doing it? As the vine started to fall to the ground, Cyborg jumped on it and held on, using it to follow Beast Boy. Before it hit the ground, he jumped off and fired straight down, slowing his fall.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra chuckled. "Same here, don't worry." She turned around as well and walked along side Dante. "So... if you're not from here, where do you come from?" It seemed like a normal way to start a conversation. 'Hopefully I won't touch on anything personal though...' Sundra was actually glad that Dante wanted to go with her to get a job.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    From Hell, Dante thought silently. No, that wasn't true. He just looked like he was. He shrugged his shoulders and responded, "Hollywood, well not Hollywood, but near it. It's a poor neighborhood, you wouldn't know it. My Aunt used to run a costume business for movies."
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Oh... that's... nice." Sundra wasn't all too sure what to say to that. She heard of Hollywood maybe once or twice in her life, but not enough to know it very well. She reached up a hand to her hair and tucked it back in place behind her ear. 'Stubborn hair,' she thought in her mind. She then caught what Dante told her. "So you lived with your Aunt for a while then?"

    OOC: Time to make an OC for a villian soon. 8D8
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Dante gave her a quick a nod. "Mhm, she..." his throat tightened as he brought up the subject, "She raised me since I was kid, my parents died when I was a baby, car accident." He looked down as they walked, "She made costumes for films, but her business never took off..."
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything

    OOC: awesome suit :)
    Rosera looked back to see Beast Boy nose diving towards him. "what went wrong" he thought about how smoothly the plan was going until now as he ran. Reaching into his pocket "Demetrio here bring the chip to the boss" the Elegant Spy said as he tossed the chip to Demetrio. Afterwards he stoped rolling out of the way of the Tittan's attack barely. "i wont run anymore if you want a fight you got one" Rosera said to Beast Boy as he brushed some hair away from his left eye.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra glanced at Dante from where she was walking. She couldn't help to feel sad... but at the same time, she felt something different. "I'm sorry... I lost my parents too when I was younger..." She trailed off quietly. 'Hadn't they died, I wouldn't be here... and I wouldn't be living like this." Sundra nearly chastised herself for thinking like that. They were gone, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. She quickly smiled. "It's okay though..." She stopped walking and looked at the pizza place in front of her. Sundra clapped her hands in front of her and rubbed them together. "So... ready to go see if we can get a job here?"
  8. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "right Rosera i'll see you soon. Don't die on me now." he focused his energy and blasted some out which made his flying speed increase rapidly. He put the chip in his pocket. he then thought to himself " Rosera is tough all right but he isn't invincible i'll come o help him after i have made the drop." he was fast approaching the location where he was to meet slade.
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: I love you all very much, but I'm afraid I won't be able to post until Saturday or Sunday. =[ I'm giving Robin to Asterisk and/or LilBueno (Mαinstяεαm). Terra goes to no one. If something needs to be done with her, then I'm afraid you're going to have to wait. Keep this thing goin' for me, 'kay? =D I'll see if I can check in at lunch when I'm at school (but that will only be to read what you guys write). I've only three more performances, so go easy on me. xD The play is going great, and I'm hoping for a smashing last three shows. I'd say wish me luck, but that's bad luck for us theatre types. lol Anyway, I'll see you all on Saturday or Sunday! *waves* Buh bye!
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    OOC - I usually do a summary after about 10 pages or so

    Episode 2 - Moving Targets
    Slade's New accomplices have succeeded in stealing a valuable chip
    from the T-tower containing valuable data. Some have made allies while others have encountered enemies... With all these new faces, It'll be difficult to determine which is which.​

    Character States
    Robin - Gave Orders to Cyborg and Beast boy (Nuetral atm)
    Raven - --------------
    Cyborg - Gardening Trouble (Fighting a Giant vine)
    Starfire - -------------
    BeastBoy - Trailing Rosera and Demetrio
    Slade - Awaiting Rosera and Demetrio's Arrival
    Rosera - Prepared to fight Beast Boy
    Krowley - All tied Tied up
    Sundra - Talking to Dante
    Jester - Heading for Titan's tower
    Xakota - (No clue.. I'm assuming unconscious)
    Dante - With Sundra
    Demetrio - Heading back to Slade
    Pyro - Awaiting the Titans' Response
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Yes, the suit is pretty badass if I do say so myself.

    Alright Garx have fun ..I assume the Oc is in, seeing as you had not made the comment.

    His attack missing, Beast Boy landed on the ground and glanced back at Rosera. Before he missed he saw him toss the chip, and now he wasn't worth fighting anymore.His goal was the chip, not some gender confused creep.Looking back towards the runner, he morphed into a Cheetah and ran after him, not losing distance but instead gaining. Being the fastest land animal ever had its advantages..
  12. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio knew that Beast Boy was chasing him. He looked back and then blasted forward. he then dropped his fake chip from him making it appear he had done it by accident. afterwards he flew upwards at speeds he knew no natural animal could reach.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: ..Isn't that the second fake chip dropped?..Its getting kind of old now, but for the sake of keeping BB in character..>>

    Noticing the chip dropping to the ground and the second thief fleeing, Beast Boy stopped chasing and morphed back into his normal form, picking up the chip and examining it. "Well that was easy .." he said to himself, grinning and looking back to hear Cyborg closing in. "Cy, he dropped it!" he shouted, running off towards him while gripping the chip tightly.

    "..Where are you running off to..?"questioned a hero in training, his robotic visor locking onto the strange looking guy somehow flying upwards into the sky via a power.Well he could run if he wanted, but he couldn't hide. He had long since locked onto him as Beast Boy chased him, allowing him to be marked onto his radar as a red dot hovering over a large city map.

    He glanced from the map to Cyborg.He seemed familiar ..too familiar, but he knew no one by heart that looked like that. But the size and comments earlier ..couldn't be ..

    No time to investigate, he had a job to do. This would be the first field test of his new robotic suit, and he was determined to take it for a test drive."Lets go!" he said determined, running at a normal speed for a few seconds before his visor locked down, preparing to run at a speed unseen in a suit like that.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC; Asterisk, you want Robin?


    Cyborg caught up with Beast Boy, surprised, but cocky. "Of course he dropped it! He knew we'd kick his butt, man!" It was then he noticed the robot looking guy stopping the villain. Charging his arm again, he aimed it at the new character. "Who are you?" He asked, serious now.

    Dante stopped walking, hesitating. I guess the jig is up, he thought. He doubted the pizza place would hire him. He probably wouldn't be around long enough to have a job anyways. "Listen, Sundra. I..." He had trouble forming the words, "I don't think I could get a job, actually."
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Huh?" Sundra looked very confused all the sudden. Then curiosity was starting to get the better of her. She studied Dante for a moment, trying to figure this guy out. "What do you mean you wouldn't get a job? I'm sure they'll hire you..."
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Dante let out a nervous chuckle. "Actually, I was surprised you didn't say anything about the cloak," He told her, reaching his hands up to grab the hood. As he did, the sleeves fell back, revealing his dark red hands. He grabbed the hood, said, "And even if they do hire me, I doubt you'll want me to work with you..." and pulled the hood back to show his dark red, demonic face with his yellow eyes and white hair. He could feel his two small horns protruding from his forehead. He looked down, embarrassed, and waited for Sundra's reaction.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra couldn't help to take a sharp intake of breath. What she saw was the last thing she was expecting. She gaped at Dante and couldn't help but to stare at him. This monsterious form she saw before was something she only saw on TV and video games. Sundra didn't expect to find something like this in real life. She finally snapped out of her shocked phase and her eyes softened. I bet he had it harder than you, she thought. Even though he looked like a demon from the outside to her, he proved that he had a heart of a human by talking to her and even saving her from getting hit. Sundra couldn't deny that. "Dante... I don't really care," she said quietly. "Besides... I bet in this place you can fit in." She smiled and let her shoulders lift in a small shrug. From what she saw earlier, she knew that was true. This city was full of... interesting characters.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Dante noticed her intake of breath, but what she said surprised him. "What-what about what you said earlier?" He asked, frowning. "About 'weird people with powers?'" After he asked, he quickly pulled his hood back on, in case anyone else noticed.
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Sundra stood there a moment, trying to recall what Dante meant. She suddenly understood and nodded her head. "Oh... that. I don't hate people with powers..." She chuckled. "If I did, I'd hate myself..." She caught herself by habit. What was there to be afraid of though? He obviously didn't work for her uncle. She kept her eyes glued to the ground, lost with words. Sundra rarely told anyone else that she had a super-natural ability. The less people who knew about it the better.
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Hate yourself?" Dante blinked, confused, and then he realized what she meant. "Ohhh, you have a power?" That sparked his interest in the girl even more. But she didn't seem to like whatever she could do. "Listen, Sundra, having a power or," he swallowed, "a different appearance than normal does not mean anything. You're still you."
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