Oh God. I'm making a thread here. Is no section safe from being violated by me? :/8D: Well, I just thought about this(okay, not really since I always think about it)...but, does it ever bother you when someone says a phrase in the wrong sense or uses a word wrong? Or when you simply correct someone because whatever they said or did was technically incorrect. For example, the use of the words Hispanic and Mexican. They're different things. You're only Mexican if you are(or were) a citizen of Mexico. I've heard people use as a way to describe the majority of Hispanics. Or another example would be when people hear the word Flamenco, they usually think of music. Flamenco is a culture of its own. There's a lot of things this could apply to. ...Even something as simple as spelling. "Alot" isn't a word. ...Unless you decide to make it one. I'd say more about this but I have a headache and this is probably looking like a jumbled mess. Discuss.
It doesn't bother me as much, but it sometimes bothers me if a word is pronounced wrong. Like my Mom says Variety like "Vy-are-ity" Instead of it's normal pronuncation.
My friend Nick and I do that to each other and all of our semi-intelligent and partially educated friends constantly. Not because we disagree with them or because they are dumb, we just like doing it to anyone. When it happens to us it usually sucks. It can be annoying, sure, on repetition. Although every now and then doesn't seem to make a difference to me. In fact it usually helps more than it hurts.
I make mistakes all the time so it doesn't bother me. I'll accept corrections gratefully as long as the other person isn't snide 'bout it, n' on the rare occasion that i find a mistake by someone else i try n' be nice 'bout it. But it doesn't bother me, everyone makes mistakes.
See I make mistakes so often nowadays that if someone corrects me, I'll either not notice it or it just doesn't bother me and I just say "Oh, thanks." If anything, it's hurts the correcter more because by that point they'll have made so many corrections it's not worth it anymore.
It doesn't really bother me, I make mistakes along with everyone else. I'm not that educated in certain things and I am in certain things. When people make huge mistakes or something I'll correct them if I didn't understand it. If someone were to correct me I would just thank them, or something. I'm used to people saying 'i' and 'alot', anyway, so that doesn't bother me at all. xD
These types of things do bug me a lot, especially when they're laid out in writing. I don't mind spelling though. I never correct a person unless they are a good friend of mine. I don't want to seem like the grammar police. I don't know how many times a day I hear someone say “I could care less about what happens to..." Dude, it's I couldn't care less. C'mon now. If someone says COULD OF instead of could have it makes me sad. D: This definitely has to be a vice of mine. I read too much for my own good I guess.
People call me OCD for letting these things bother me. It is very annoying for me to catch little errors in either calling a Hispanic Mexican, or a South Asian an Indian—or even calling a Native American an Indian for that matter. The "alot"–"a lot, or the "should of"–"should have", or even the "most coldest" sorts of errors are also very annoying. I immediately correct when I notice, and unfortunately some people consider it rude. I won't say that I do not make the same mistakes, of course I do, and I count on the people around me to catch them for me. I see a lot of people here making errors HERE, but I stopped bothering with it since it really won't matter. How many times will I ask people to fix thier speech? And since people seem to take offence in my corrections, I've stopped pointing things out. I can't help someone who does not want to be helped.
It sounds really obnoxious, and maybe even ignorant when someone says "Mexican" instead of "Hispanic". However, saying "Spanish" instead of "Hispanic" doesn't bother me even though it is wrong, the reason being that Hispanics all generally speak the same language: Spanish. I don't really care much about political correctness. I feel that what Pyro mentioned about use of the word "Indian" is unimportant. The fact is, India is the biggest (with respect to both geography and population)/most widely-known South Asian country, and there are too many tiny South Asian countries to be region-specific. The biggest problem though, is that South Asian doesn't roll off the tongue (or at the very least, it is not said very often). In the context of a normal conversation, if you casually said "South Asian", most people wouldn't know what you were talking about right away, and the fact that you would go to such lengths to be politically correct makes it sound as though you are trying to hide a racial bias. And even though it is completely incorrect, saying "Indian" instead of "Native American" doesn't bother me either. There is no hateful connotation when calling a Native American "Indian" (the vast majority of the time, anyway); at this point, it's just a colloquialism. That said, in formal documents and speeches, such slang should never be used. Grammar and pronunciation mistakes piss me off a bit, but I won't correct the person unless they are seriously over-doing it.
I hate racism that is completely and utterly wrong. Like here in England, when a multi-millionaire Arabian bought a Football club, the suppoters put some crap clothes on and danced like Egyptians. I mean they are obviously racist, but they are so stupid they aren't even smart enough to be racist to the right group. And like when people get China, Japan, Korea and other Asain countries mixed up with each other 'you know those Ninjas from China...' NO! from Japan damn it! Get it right... Thats the kind of stuff that annoys me
I know, but it's an understandable mistake to make. Even though not all Hispanics come from Spain, they all speak a dialect of Spanish. Hell, I'll even refer to myself as "English", even though I am technically American. Sometimes your mind is set on saying it one way, and if you try to say it the other way, you'll just start making stupid noises for a few seconds XD
Well,.. Racism? I fucking hate it. I don't think it is something that should be tolerated any longer. If you stopped and went through all the things in the world, you would probably find that most of them have hiddden messages that literally scream RACISM. The stereotypes for different cultures are lame. I can get jokes and **** like that, but its the pathetic attempts that insult different cultures from you own. Depicting yourself as English, to me your either American (75% of the Forum), Brittish (actually from England), or Australian (like myself). Backtotopic. I don't think that raging at people because they made a mistake is going to solve anything. It's not going to stop Global Warming, so forget it B| Its the **** that you learnt in Primary/Elementary School that sort of gets on my nerves. I have = I've I am = I'm I would = I'd Would not = Would'nt Could not = Couldn't English wasn't exactly my first language, but I found that you actually learn more English in a Foreign Language Class than you do in a English Lesson. My blood boils when its right there infront of them in black and white (not being racist here). It's like "Dude, did you ever pay attention in school?" That's whats annoying. Plus, it kind've makes it hard for people to understand and you get the wrong messages (then wars start,lol). We all have blonde moments (not insulting any blondes). We all make mistakes don't we? Its quite hyprocritical in my opinion to get annoyed at humans who make mistakes, when we're not perfect ourselves. We can only hope that peope do realise and learn from their mistakes.
Agreed, I do make mistakes, but I do have a habit of picking up others. Especially at school, it's interesting to see teachers make mistakes, but many people don't like being corrected, I don't mind being corrected, I just don't like it when they say my writing isn't legible.
I have the habit of being bothered when someone misspells a word or if they don't use proper grammar. I don't normally correct them unless I know the person for a long time. I also have the habit of re-reading everything I write to make sure I know I made a correct spelling or if I might have made a grammar mistake, I'd want to fix it. But it bothers me like hell when someone says those that speak Spanish are automatically Mexican. I have nothing against those that are Mexican since I have family members and the majority of my friends' families are Mexican. I'm Hispanic but my family isn't from Mexico. For example, last year in my Spanish class, a guy that sat next to me one day started pointing at everyone and started saying, "He's Mexican." "She's Mexican." When he pointed at me and I heard him say that I'm Mexican, it bothered me. I would have said something but I most likely would've snapped at him. So yeah, I'm bothered quite a lot when it comes to mistakes and such.
Yeah, it really annoys me. Especially my mom. Sometimes she'll get a word completely wrong so badly we can't understand what she means, or she'll begin to say something, stop, sit in silence for about 5 minutes then talk about something else. Very annoying.
But the Spanish are better than Mexicans. D: ...Kidding. Although if it came to comparing things between the two, Spain's better to me. <-< My parents are Mexican but about the only Mexican thing I like is the food. But I'm getting completely off topic. XDX How is that true? From what I've seen, technicalities are one of the most useful things to use in real life. I do my best at times to leave loopholes in what I say to my friends at school so that if they bug me about something, I have an excuse to back me up. Technicalities are not for stupid people, they're either for the lazy or people with enough "talent" to use them correctly. Plus I'm sure lawyers use technicalities a lot in cases...it just depends on what kind of technicality thingy you're talking about. ...And yes, I used the word thingy because I'm too lazy to write out a whole page. Besides, there's a difference between using a technicality to be a smart ass(like me) and using them because you're...well, for lack of a better term, smart(like me 8D).