Teacher told gay student he can't put his drink in the same fridge as the others

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Boy Wonder, May 20, 2011.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    A Palm Coast mother has decided to pursue a lawsuit against the Flagler County School District.

    This, after her 15-year-old son said one of his teachers singled him out for being gay.

    Luke Herbert told News 13, "It hurts. I may be different, but I'm still human and for them to treat me like that is ridiculous."

    As a freshman at Flagler Palm Coast High School, Herbert said high school has been tough, especially since he's gay.

    "People haven't been nice, let's put it that way," Herbert said.

    Herbert said classmates have bullied him before, but now it's gotten worse. One of his teachers has singled him out.

    "He stood in front of the class and said 'you can't put Mountain Dew or Pepsi in the same fridge or they'll turn gay'. He [also] came over to me and I was like 'hi.' He said hi, like he was imitating me or mocking me," Herbert said.

    Herbert and his mother said they went to school officials several times, but weren't taken seriously.
    "As a parent, it's hard because you feel like you have to be there every day, begging them to please help. That's how I felt," Dorene Davenport said.

    Recently, Herbert and his mom sat down with school officials, as well as the teacher himself. Herbert said the teacher apologized and officials promised to switch his classes, but that never happened.
    "I don't feel safe with him being there," Dorene said.

    A district spokeswoman told News 13 they are investigating the case, but said they can't comment further than that.

    For Herbert, he hopes what he went through can help other teens in his situation

    "There are a thousand Luke's out there and I'm not the only one out there and so I think this is something that should be heard," Herbert said.

    A school official told News 13 they take these cases very seriously and if the teacher is found guilty, he will be disciplined. Since they can't release details, they won't say if that has already happened.

    Currently, Herbert has stopped going to school. He said after what his teacher said, and the reaction from his classmates, he can't imagine going back. He is now looking into other options like home schooling.
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    This is sad.

    You don't have to single out a kid for being different whether it's an issue of gay or straight or black or white or anything else.

    This kind of thing in Florida and everywhere else is stupid and hurtful. The people who make comments don't realize it because they're the "popular people" or the "normal people" and they're never singled out for anything.

    I'm glad this is being taken seriously by SOMEONE and I wish Herbert luck in the future.
  3. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    I hate bullying absolutely hate it. Homophobic bullying I cannot stand at all. A person shouldn't be singled out like Cat said you shouldn't single out a kid from being different; it don't matter if a person is black, white, straight, bisexual, gay or lesbian in my opinion. I wish Herbert good luck and I'm glad this matter is being taken seriously.
  4. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Oh this is awful...
    People can be so stupid,and scared sometimes.
    I really hope that Herbert will be ok,and has a great future
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    People have no right to pick on other people because of their colour/race/sexual orientation. Homosexuality isn't a disease, it's a choice people make willingly. I really hope Herbert gets some justice, I will be disgusted if they just push it under the table like nothing happened.
  6. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Now isn't it nice for the adult who's supposed to be the students' role model to be a discriminating asswipe? No, actually, it's not nice, it's just ironic/stupid. These "school officials" sound like a bunch of dicks too, for a) not switching him out of the class as promised and b) not kicking the guy off of faculty (which in my opinion, is so called for when a teacher starts picking on a student like this). So what, the kid has to look for alternatives to educate himself because his school's full of pricks who don't comprehend the responsibilities that come with their careers and lack the mature discipline that they should be projecting on to their students? What train of thought does it take to be this unjust to a child? It's just out of my range of understanding.
  7. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    The look on your face when you learn he' s a teacher at your kids' school ? That' s priceless.

    Plus isn' t it nice for a teacher to spread inaccurate facts as truth ? What, are there trolling teachers in school nowadays ? Please don' t tell me he' s the Biology teacher.
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Why doesn't the teacher stand up for the student, rather than let it go on, and even encourage it by he himself acting on it? It's honestly something to think about.

    Teachers nowadays take for granted the responsibility they are given, to teach and carry knowledge onto a younger generation. The school envoirement and teachers will no doubt influence a child, and in schools were kids are abused by their peers, their last plea for help may be their teachers.

    But in this case, the figure of authority and refuge, attacks the student. What's the child going to feel? Honestly.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It's good to know progress of accepting homosexuality is progressing nicely. But it is his opinion, whether fo his own good or ill, he shouldn't discriminate his students. good teachers must be the hands to mould the shape of thier students into better individuals and not express his personal feelings on subjects such as this, let alone onto his students.
    Terrible teaching.
  10. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Yeah, yeah, it's terrible and everything, but why is this one being made such a big deal just because the kid is gay?

    This kind of stuff happens all the time with non-gay kids as well.
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I now have another reason to buy a sword. I must go chop up that teacher. That is my idea of discipline. Seriously, that's just not right, what happened to him.
  12. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    It's terrible. Gays take abuse all of the time, not only from their peers, but now teacher(s) too. The teacher definitely should be setting examples for the society of tomorrow, and that's just cruel what happened.
  13. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    That is absolutely horrid. I cannot understand why a teacher would do something like that, is he really that much of a homophobe that he will let his own personal bias get in the way of being the role model for the kids he teach? That's detestable. At least with the children I can sorta understand it, they're children and some of them really just don't know any better, but an adult, let alone a teacher? >>
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Because it sounds more controversial due to the "gay" factor. In both cases, the teacher should be disciplined, and placed under some sort of penalty. or his liscence revoked.

    Not to mention that the parents spoke about it to get the media attention, and be able to get more support and get the issue looked into. Most times such cases get ignored due to intolerance. Whereas cases with straight students get resolved.
  15. Accalia Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    That teacher shouldn't have the right to a job after this. He is human just like everyone else. He also has the right to an education. There was no need to do that. How would he feel in that situation?
    What if he was singled out for being white?
    I respect people how they are. You won't see me doing something like that.
    Honestly, what level of stupidity can the human race sink to?
    Though I'm not sure the media needed to be involved.
  16. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six

    The fact that his teacher singled him out because he's gay. It really shows what this world has become. Because I thought teachers are supposed to make sure everyone no matter who they are, background, race, or sexuality are treated equal. I hate that so much. This kid on my bus is such a dumbass that he think if someone gay touches him he will turn gay. Like are you that uncomfortable with your sexual disposition(I think I used disposition wrong) that you stoop down to that level? I also hate the fact that this is over a drink like what? I mean damn are we going back to the civil rights times? Blacks on this side whites on this side. To me if you really dislike the fact for someone being gay. I don't see a point in approaching that person. Because if you say something to that person you must not dislike them.

    Your gay
    Damn your talking to me. I thought you hated gay people.

    Come on now the fact of the matter is you can't hate something and say it. To me that means you must find something about that person you like but since they are rocking it you can't stand it so you go off with the mouth. And feel good because a know for a fact a huge amount of people feel the same way as you do. So those dumb ignorant people agree becase they don't wanna mess up their rep. See your a punk. I hang out with people who are bi, gay, lesbian, straight I mean I don't really care. You respect me I respect you that's it. I also don't use that as an excuse to make fun of them. Oh I'm cool with a gay person so its ok to make fun of them behind their back because I have a friend...

    Nope doesn't work like that. I don't feel comfortable if they are looking me down and try to flirt because I'm not intrested in guys in that way. As long as they can respect that then it will be ok. Because if you know I will not share the same feelings for you as you do for someone else who's gay. Your disrecpecting me your pretty much just crossing the line. Yes that's happened to me a few times and it was a very akward postion to be in. I didn't make fun of him I got mad at him, but he needed to know that you crossed the line. You just straight up went against your word. So there is no need for me to be around you anymore.

    That's all I gotta say so if your not what people call "normal". They can kick rocks and you just keep doing it big and live your life. Forget what other people say about you.
  17. Ventus PSP Aqua Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 29, 2010
    βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
    That teacher should get fired and sued. It's wrong to treat anyone like that, especially if they haven't done anything wrong. People should treat others how they themselves would like to be treated. If anything bad happens to that teacher, he deserves it.
  18. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    If he gets run over by a car now, we can blame you, since you're the one you said he deserved it