Played Assassin's Creed IV, Pokemon X, and sat through a boring lecture. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Ugh Two games I don't own still. I am jeaaaaaalous. Sooo, basically you had a college student-like day.
Had a couple of classes: Creative writing (covering creative non-fiction) and British Lit (covering Dracula, how appropriate). My dad treated me to lunch today, so now I have extra cash left over for a Halloween festival tomorrow. Just got back from watching Trick 'r Treat (great movie; a necessary watch for this time of year) and am about to head to play rehersals in less than an hour. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Day off. Played Castlevania IV from stage 3 to stage 8 and got myself pancakes early this morning. Been nice. Slept in. Yesterday I got a prize at work for selling a ton of warranties and another for a drawing they did. Can't wait to find out what the prizes are... That's really it. Starting Resident Evil Zero at midnight, maybe watch a couple episodes of Two Best Friends Play's halloween marathon or a godzilla flick because tis the season. ..Got nuffin :/
Accidentally overslept a bit (second day in a row :L) and didn't get up until a little after 7, hastily showered and got dressed and got my butt to a midterm went to my second class & took a quiz, got a coffee on my way back to my dorm, hung around for a little before running to a physics problem-solving workshop, went to a movie screening for film class, got my film midterm back, went back to my dorm and worked on physics homework, ate dinner... did more homework that's about it
Woke up, had a muffin, went to mythology where we talked about Jesus. Then I went to women's club where we discussed women in horror movies and I tried to relate by using my sheltered substitute for life experience & participation in pop culture, Jane Austen novels (holla @ my girl Catherine Morland). Then I left school, test drove a car because mine is ****ed, got a haircut, ate dinner, and wrote a paper. ... all around, pretty productive day
Woke up to an email that I won't be getting the job, which kinda set the tone for the rest of the day. Went to class, went to another class where the guy next to me was chewing three pieces of gum at once with his mouth open, held back the vomit, drove home. Slept, picked my sister up from something. All in all, not a good day.
woke up pretty well, completely composed and a few minutes before my alarm clock went off, had breakfest to naruto shippuden and fairy tail opening songs, flunked a general maths exam, it wqs hard i rememebered nothing, could not concentrate because the guy beheind me kept making wierd gross bubly noises in his mouth while i wqs trying to do a test and i have very keen hearing, what a deek , got indirectly rejected some more by the girl i love, who use to be my best friend, where she just said "i would never love someone out of pitty" to a friend of her's while she knew i could listen (long story) that was when we were hanging out and having lunch, after the exam ended, after hearing that I left, we normally take the same bus, but i left anyway, there are times where i dont want to be around people, got home played KH-Recoded, one of the sp mission conditions was too dificult and i already played a lot so i just closed my 3DS for now, then i wrote some poetry and loged on to khv, dont know why the text went all black, khv is all buggy on the samsung galaxy tab, maybe its just on my screen, not the gest day ever, but far better than those beheind it, but youre just asking for today. /rant end[DOUBLEPOST=1383194984][/DOUBLEPOST]puncutuation/ grammar suks deal with it, english is not my first language