Tales of series

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jin, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Is anybody a big fan of this series? I've recently got really Into xillia , and I'm really looking forward to Tales of Xillia 2. I do remember playing Abyss when I was a kid but I didn't take that much interest into it though I wish I had , I'm gonna be trying to get Grace & Symphonia But I wanted to know if there are any Longtime fan's who have loved the series for a while or any fans at all?

    Also tell me about your Tales games experience's are there any characters You've become attached to? Your favourite game In the series the moments that made you emotional and also your favourite sound tracks.
  2. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    Been a fan for a while of the series, sadly not many people I know actually enjoy the series whatsoever, or even have heard of it. My first game actually was Tales of the Abyss, but I didn't get into right away. Before I started liking Abyss, I was really getting into Legendia, I was actually a good amount of the way through the game but sadly it was stolen from me. Either way Abyss then become my love after that. I would play days upon days, never putting the controller down unless I had to for school and such. Actually beaten the game multiple times and even got to level 200 after hours of gameplay and such. I remember when I first found the first boss to face to get the ultimas weapon, I was like WHAT DAFUQ?? Looked into it more and made it my quest to get it, defeating the three forms I had to get it and once it was finally in my possession, I didn't know what to do anymore. I also beat everything in the colleseum, eve the specialized bosses (I want to say they were from different Tales games but I'm not sure) Either way Abyss was my major introduction and still remains my favorite till this day, I want to play the 3DS version, but my 3DS had to be sold for reasons so I have to wait.

    Then there's Legendia, OMG this game. Very underrated game of the series in a whole. Yeah I admit it's repetitive at times, but it was a solid game, with a great story weirdly enough. I wouldn't be able to say much about the game other than that because of the fact that it was stolen long ago and I haven't played it since, kinda want to pick it up again when I get money.

    Tales of Vesperia is a great game, scratch that wonderful game. I played the crap out of it, weirdly enough, repede is my favorite character. Estelle is also an interesting character battle wise, she's different that your standard healer. I haven't beaten the game but I definitely want to go back to it and beat it when I get time.

    Symphonia is a great game with a lack luster story but the art style is great in my opinion. I also like how namco-bandai(Atleast I think thats the company, an't fully remember) put this exclusively on the gamecube at first, it's on PS2 also, but it didn't get it till later. Another one I haven't beaten, gonna have to go back to this also.

    I have Dawn of the New World, but never played it because of me wanting to wait till I'm done with Symphonia. Haha ^.^"

    Other than these ones, I haven't played any the new ones, any of the older ones like Destiny or Rebirth (I want to though).

    Xillia looks great though, also Graces does too. Hope to get a chance to play them some day.
  3. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    I'm a part time fan, I got Symphonia and loved it, got Abyss, still haven't beaten it, and I recently found Dawn of the New World. I want to play more of the series... but they're SO long >.>
  4. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    Abyss is actually really fulfilling story wise, the game play is about what you can expect from the Tales series, but the mystic arts are cool as heck to pull off. Also, there's a lot of side quests to keep you occupied for a good while. There's so many actually that I made a homemade guide for side quests. Specifics include Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia. Their all wonderful games from what I can see. Sucks that a good amount of the games only came out in Japan though.

    On another note, the Tales of the World series looks interesting as hell. It mixes characters from various different Tales games and puts them in a new story. At least, that's what I gather from what I've read and such. Also, I really freaking like the music, like A lot! The English versions are usually just the beat, but the Japanese versions are usually full of lyrics which makes things more lively in my opinion. In Vesperia, I think is the first time they tried to use Lyrics in the English version, and though it's catchy , I thought it was interesting for the NTSC and NTSC-J versions of the games to have differences lie that. Ring a Bell was on my MP3 for a while though, not going to lie.

    On another side note, Phantasia, the very first Tales game, I still have yet to play, but it seems like it's significantly different than Tales games nowadays. But hey, everything had to start somewhere.
  5. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    Yeah Abyss is really, good, it's exactly all that extra stuff that keeps me form beating it.
    The music is pretty hit or miss for me. Stuff like Beat the Angel in Symphonia is just downright FANTASTIC, but I feel like the melodies go on to long in a lot of the songs.
    It's also kinda surreal because the same guy does the music fro the Tales games and stuff like Mario Tennis and Golf... and they sound almost IDENTICAL
    I'm actually gonna pick up Phantasia this Decmber, I think
  6. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*

    What are you picking it up for, cause I know there's different versions and such. I want to get the original Japanese copy for Super Famicom, but aint no body got money for that lol
  7. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    Oh, isn't it for GBA? I'm looking into getting the one for the GBA, whatever that is
  8. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    Yeah it is for GBA, but if I remember correctly it came out originally in Japan for Super Famicom, and I know it got ported the the PS1, I'm not sure if in America or not. I could be wrong so don't quote me on it. It's definitely scaled down from what we know from todays standards though, so just keep that in mind.
  9. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Tales of the Abyss is the only one I have played. I LOVE IT!!!! I want to get more, haven't decided where to start though.
    I had seen the games around the web but never really thought about playing them. So then Namine/Eon/Myst/"whatever else he could be referred to as" starts talking about it with a bunch of other people in these chats, and I know nothing of what is happening: So I pick up a game. Was. Not. Disappointed. :)
  10. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    Are there any characters you've become attached to? - Philia, Tear, Guy, Rita, Flynn & Cheria
    Your favourite game In the series - Destiny DC
    The moments that made you emotional -
    LEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN! Ion's death in Abyss and also when you had to destroy the little android boy in Graces f ;-;

    Your favourite sound tracks - Legendia. Game had a lot of flaws, but when it comes to the soundtrack it wins hands down

    @O.KnightofTwilight I could recommend some more Tales games if you like? What consoles do you own?
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  11. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I guess I'd be considered a part-time fan, as the only one I played was Symphonia, but DAMN I loved it. I'm going to go find the sequel for my Wii once I get more cash on hand. I never got a chance to play many of the others because I didn't have the right systems at the time (probably still don't...I own a PS2 and my bro owns a 360 that he rarely lets me touch).
  12. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I just bought Xillia but haven' t played it yet, I' m hung on Ni No Kuni right now.
    I first noticed the Tales Of series when Eternia came around, it looked gorgeous and its side-scroll battles seemed intriguing. Unfortunately back then the series wasn' t being localized in Europe yet.

    Symphonia was the first released here, I bought it immediately. I had already played Phantasia back then, praise the Gods of emulation, but couldn' t finish it 'cause of the infamous chicken bug that hadn' t been fixed yet (watching a particular cutscene near the end of the game turned every single item you collected into chicken, including key items). Symphonia is a direct sequel to Phantasia btw. I liked both.

    Thanks to emulation I also got my mits on Destiny and Eternia. Destiny was meh, but Eternia was good and remains the prettiest to this day for me (I love handrawn backgrounds). Can' t remember if I played them before or after Symphonia though. I also played Vesperia and it' s my favorite gameplay-wise.
  13. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Unfortunately, much of my experience has been limited to interesting and entertaining Let's Plays and what have you, but I have heard a number of wide-ranging comments about the series overall. Though I cannot concretely pass my own judgment, I am most likely going to grab my hands on Xillia or Vesperia sometime in the future, just to get a taste. I cannot completely identify a favourite yet, but I do enjoy the unique dynamics in the plots, worldbuilding, and even mechanics that the games present. A very nice RPG series overall.
  14. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Ah. Tales... Tales... where do I begin with my favorite video game series. Well, I've been a fan for a LONG time. I've played almost all the game excluding the games that need to be imported. Don't have the money for that. Nor do I have the knowledge to translate. But yes, the tales games are brilliant games that are sadly put in the shadow of Final Fantasy over here in the west. Xillia I think finally made the series noticeable.

    As for my favorite title in the series, it will have to be Abyss. I cant tell you how emotional that game made me and just how much I died inside as a kid playing this game. There are some parts that just made me not want to pick the game up for a week because I was so connected to certain characters. Second favorite would have to be Dawn of the New World. Its not a main series game but I still really like it. Especially Marta, her and I are like identical when it comes to personality so I connected with her instantly. I believe I mentioned my opinion on other Tales games in a separate thread. But meh.

    So lets get emotional WITH SPOILER TAGS!

    Emotional Moment number 1: Ion's death - This right here was the saddest moment in any video game I have ever seen okay. The connection I felt with the little replica was just so grand that I felt like I had lost a best friend when he died. I simply could not play Abyss for a long time because of that seen. The words he said too just killed me inside. NO ION. THERE IS NO REPLACEMENT FOR YOU! ... getting emotional again...

    Emotional Moment number 2: Tear's diagnosis - When Tear was diagnosed to have too much miasma in her body, I thought she was going to die. I did not want that to happen. So me being the innocent child that had no idea how game mechanics worked, I sat in the field forever grinding like mad, trying to level her up thinking if I did that, she would be strong enough to survive. Oh I was so naive.

    Emotional Moment number 3: Symphonia 2 bad ending - DO NOT DO THIS OKAY. YOU... I.... NO. OKAY. I won't say more, its too tragic."

    Emotional Moment number 4: Colette's "death" - Okay, so Syphonia is actually one of the most recent games I played. But when I saw Colette turn into an angel, I was angry and pissed off. I liked Colette a lot and I felt for Lloyd when this **** went down. The Coffee seen alone was terrifying to watch.

    Emotional Moment number 5: The good bad guy - Back when Tales just started, Phantasia seemed like a golden game. Now I get to the end of this game just to discover Dhaos was actually just trying to save his home. I was so sorry for him and felt like **** for beating him.

    Emotional Moment number 6: After beating Graces, I can no longer listen to the song White Wishes without crying. Just cant. Love the song, cry like mad. That brings up another point. Lambda... the poor kid... just wanted to be loved and accepted...
  15. Zeroxys Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 14, 2013
    Lansing, MI
    Tales of Symphonia is a MUST PLAY for all JRPG lovers.
    Abyss was great as is Xillia.
    theyre all great & have its up & downs, but the best one in the series in my opinion is definitley Symphonia. Best main character in any game as well (Lloyd)
  16. DaSpade101 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 20, 2009
    Tales of Symphonia is a must play in general. I never was a fan of RPGs, but after Symphonia, I was hooked. Tales of Graces also had a good plot to it.
  17. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Woah, I forgot about this thread haha. I'm happy to see there are atleast a few fans of this series. I'm really excited for Xillia 2, Ludger looks amazing to play as, then there's zestiria which is in development I think. But xillia 2 should be releasing this year I believe. Anyone excited for it?
  18. Zeroxys Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 14, 2013
    Lansing, MI
    Im so excited for it. i was however kinda upset about the ending of Xillia, but i alrdy knew they were being Xillia 2 to the west, so i figured it wasnt that big of deal. were u upset by the ending at all? i felt like it didnt comclude anything & kinda just ended without answering any questions :P
  19. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    I wasn't upset I guess, mainly because I knew about Xillia 2 to be honest. where as if Xillia 2 hadn't been announced at the time I had completed Xillia, I would have been disappointed but I get what you mean, I'm pretty happy though because Jude Alvin and Milla are still in Xillia 2 of course
  20. Zeroxys Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 14, 2013
    Lansing, MI
    Alvin is definitley an awesome character :)