Traditional Art Swords?

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Iskandar, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well, I was making a random drawing in class today while waiting for POS(american government, not the other thing I'm sure popped into your heads) to start, and I don't know what came out. I started drawing some random sword, turned out as a pretty bad version of Zack's buster sword, I decided to make another, because symmetry is my thing, I can't go without something complimenting the other, and then I just started to make a swirl around it.
    It was all done with mechanical pencil, and since I have no way of sending things on the computer except by phone, this was a bit fuzzy, so I sharpened it a little bit to make it a little more clear to see on photobucket. Anyone know any way to get a drawing on the computer to make it look like, well, everyone else?
  2. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, you could try using a scanner. If your printer is a 3-in-1 machine (print, scan and fax), a scanner functon should be present. I'm not sure how yours works, but I just put mine on the glass, hit "Scan" button, then the "Black" button and follow the prompts that then show up on my computer screen.

    As for the picture itsef, I thought the swords were really good. There was a lot of detail in the actual blade, and I liked how you darkened the hilt on the second sword. I think you could make the swirls lighter, since they are kind of distracting from the image you want to see, which are the swords.

    Other than that, it looks great (especially since you used mechanical pencil.) c:
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    For this being done on mechanical pencil, the drawing is pretty good.

    For improvements, I guess I would probably remove the "spirals" around the swords and just have the swords themselves showing, but other than that, the drawing's fine.
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    unfortunately, it's just a normal stinkin printer. Now I have something else I must ask for for Christmas. Or something to put on my list of "what to buy after I get a job and save money". But I tried to make the swirls darker and in front of the swords because it was meant to be kind of like some kind of energy and too thick to see through. I don't really know, it was just some random line I drew and thought of swirls and started to make them.
    The sword in the back I just wanted to make like an exact replica of the first, but it didn't turn out that way, so I went with what I made. And then I saw it kinda tilted I looked at it straight, and it made me think of Squall's gunblade, so I thought I would add those little indents on the end to try and see if that worked

    Ahaha, too many posts and too much to say. I need to learn to speak bluntly. I do love short and sweet.
    Anyways, As I said, I was just drawing randomly. I was going to leave it as the swords, but something in the back of my mind was just saying to do something, so I did. And it turned into the swirls.