Since when have there been raccoons in Scandinavia?! o.O I didn't even know we had them in Europe to begin with...
Simple solution: dump oil in the sea, that'll stop them suckers! (I merely jest, that would be another catastrophy to worry about) But racoons are fairly domestic in terms of there seem to be a lot of them living around people... Maybe they want to stick their claim on the "Newfoundland of Sweden." *shrug*
Well, that's kind of odd. I never knew racoons could swim. It just goes to show a person how intelligent animals can be / get. I hope they don't try and kill them to get them out, though.
It's always Denmark..first the Germans now coons. It is possible the state of West Virginia is invading Denmark, you're only able to see their hats on the water's surface.
Racoons used Surf! It's super effective! Anyway, jokes aside, I wonder what's going to be done about it? I mean, they could just relocate the moving ones to a better area, but that seems to be a lot of racoons.
See, this is why you don't tell racoons that there are Danish people on the other side of the ocean. Total misunderstanding of the word Danish. Honestly, this is just too much for me to take seriously. I imagine the critters swimming towards a shoreline in formation to the music that played in the scenes of WWII-themed movies whenever the airforce rolls in.
I read the title, and had to check this out. And, wow. That may prove a problem to their Natural Ecosystem and such. Hope the raccoons don't prove a problem, and that they solve this in a humane manner :x