her hair looks stiff. If the wind is supposed to be just a breeze, her hair should not look like that, the only time your hair looks like that is in the middle of a raging whirlwind. other than that it is nothing special. the detail of the eyes is nice. the flowers are also nice. but it is always nice to have your 'favorite/best' picture and then when you get better you always can compare your work. sorry if i was harsh.
I disagree with the hair comment, to be honest. I think it's fine. And yea, the eyes do look quite good. Detail is spot on, probably one of the best parts of the picture. The face overall is quite nice, and I like the background; it's simple, but the flowers make it work nicely. :3 No complaints here.
Erm...considering the title of the work is "swept away", I would think that implies its more than just a gentle breeze @_@ I don't understand what you're trying to say about "my favourite/best picture" to be honest -__- please dont just critique with "nice" D:
in the future when you become even better you can compare your recent drawing with this drawing and you did state you are proud of it, which i thought meant it was your best one so you either want me to say its horrible or doggone good?
Wants you to be explicit and say what you mean by nice. Actual critique: The head is not properly proportioned. Too round, not oblong enough. A head is usually pretty much an ellipse plus a triangular-ish chin and a more rounded top. What you've got is a circle with that. The eyes are huge and add to this effect. The hair also seems a bit thin on the head and borders on looking like the head has had bits shaved off of it's shape. The flowers don't really follow and physics and are just kinda there all shown straight on with no variation in angle as if looking up at you from the surface of water. Overall the pic looks good enough in spite of all I've said against it but when zoomed in it's not quite as likeable and everything I've mentioned shows up. I'm not sure if it's because the picture is meant to be smaller and seen in that format or not. Either way you know that you're good enough at drawing.