Swedish study finds homosexuality set in the womb

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Patsy Stone, Jun 17, 2008.

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  1. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    No, that's not it. I know quite a bit about gays and such...it's just, I'm not very comfortable about it...srry =/

    That's...not I meant...

    It's kinda hard to describe y I'm a little freaked out...
  2. Atlas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 16, 2007
    Give it a try.
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I agree with Repliku in that there does need to be more study. I'd say that this should be taken as a preliminary study and that there will be hopefully more to follow.

    Who knows, maybe bisexuals have characteristics of both heterosexual male and female brains? Would make sense lol
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    hmmm, I’m still never sure, born with sexual orientation just seems to final, I mean I think about gay men who might go their whole life without being attracted to women and instead too men but never actually realize that they are gay, and live their life.

    And in scientific terms (don't quote me on this, I don't know all of science theories and facts and so on) really it seem wrong. Like in the way that Humans are animals, their life consists of moving, eating, excreting and Reproduction. For survival, animals are instinctively attracted to the opposite sex if not they can't really reproduce, unless forced.

    I'm guessing it's just that maybe Dark link may have been brought up different, maybe thinking different to others, but its no problem as long as your not a Homophobic i'd say.

    I do wonder how Bisexual can fit into this whole equations, I mean it's Bisexuals are half way through the stage of being born gay then stops, hmmm...
  5. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Many gay men married women and had children just to avoid the taboo, doesn't change the fact that they were born with the brain struture of a gay man.

    Also (and I know you said don't quote you, but hey we all need to learn from our mistakes, it's how we better ourselves ;D), there are homosexual animals in nature xD They serve the purpose of looking after orphaned children etc They still have a place in society, but they just don't take part in the reproduction lol (I think it may have been chimps or something similar, they are also the only other animal which takes part in recreational sex ;D).
  6. Marluxia13579 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 13, 2008
    It's been scientifically proven that animals like monkeys and lions engage in homosexual behaviour...
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I kinda meant men and women who don't realise their own sexuality and still go on, what can you really class someone if they don't know their born sexuallity? I mean, we dokinda choose our sexuality, I mean I could say I am gaay, and only really I can make that choice. I could say I am Bi sexual and not be attracted to either gender, to me it's still a choice. But I am not aying that one choice is bad, all choices just make us go down different paths, not good paths or bad paths, just different paths.

    I agree that other animals have homosexuals in their species aswell (and thanks for the qoute -__-') i'm just saying that it's more evident in humans I mean (again don't qoute me *looks at Bunterx* XD) I heard that 1/9 people are gay, you don't hear figures that a 1/20 monkeys are gay. The only question I am realy asking myself is why?
  8. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    it isnt funny at all, as i stated i find it interesting.....

    just that in my surprise i laughed a bit

    but, just because you do have the brain of a heterosexual woman and vice versa

    doesnt mean youre automatically gay/lesbian

    perhaps its a tad more complicated than that.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    It isn't really a why question lol It just is. Humans are different to most other animals. Maybe it has something to do with our sapience? Sets us apart from the rest.

    Lol I just had another thought. Coupling this with the disease thread, could it be there is actually is a Mother Nature type thing? Lol as in, something that is trying to reign us in as a species. With diseases like cancer then natural diasters and now the increasing amount of homosexuality xD

    Actually, forget I said any of that because it actually makes no sense and goes against pretty much all I hold as fact xD
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    But isn't science trying to figure out the 'why?' questions? Though I guess thats only the physical world so, touche my friend! XD

    And that's pretty much my belief! XD
    Mother nature is pretty much a force of...well nature! XD I mean, it's like the laws of physics, they command what happens such as gravity and so on, mother nature is pretty much close to that i'd say, governing food supply, population growth, extinction of species and so on. The closests thing you'll find physically thats like Mother nature is Humans of todays world.

    She could be the one choosing sexaulity, natural disasters, disease types, I mean it's jst a theory but it would explain why we can't explain it.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Men and women figure out their sexuality but because of religions and peer pressure etc, many will hide and even loathe their attractions. People commit suicide over it so that should tell people something is more than just a choice and always was. Also, with how badly it has been outlawed, to the point of people killing people over it...yet it pops back up in mainstream society to hear about, it's not just something that is a choice. That is the reality of the situation. Also, sex for a homosexual with the opposite gender is never really satisfying and can even be rather gross to them. Bisexual are the ones that can go either way. If you aren't attracted to either gender, you are not bisexual. You just aren't sexually interested.

    Also, homosexual tendencies do occur in animals more often than people like to say. It's very common to find, especially in apes like Bonobos which are seen as having more bisexual tendencies than just being straight actually. They use sex for pleasure, bonding and to settle disputes etc. Bonobos are our closest relatives in evolution so it makes sense we'd also have homosexuals. Also other apes have homosexual behavior found in their ranks as well though not as prominent as Bonobos. In nature there are many animals that have been monitored as doing gay behavior. The vast majority of Hyena females also have a sort of phallus that they mate with each other when no males are around. There are many flamingos that have been found to be gay and the list could go on for hours.

    Why homosexuality exists? It doesn't help for reproduction, sure. For Bonobos, it's a way of having sex for pleasure and not producing offspring. The society is ran very matriarchal and is actually more peaceful because of the practices they do where sex is used to settle the problems of their culture. It could be they've adapted to a lifeway because homosexuality existed and the way they exist. No one knows exactly why homosexuality itself exists but as the person/animal is wired that way to be attracted to the same sex. Someday we may find out but in the end, for now sometimes it's just best to say 'it's there' and accept it so we can learn more about it. We may never learn more about why it exists but at least we can learn 'how' it exists.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Our society isn't like the Bonobo’s, our society has been (and still is a little) a Patriarchal society and they defiantly don't have the mental capabilities on a whole as Humans.
    Actually, if you think about, it kind of shows that Primates seem to explore thir sexual types more than others...

    But more to the point, it just seems that homosexual urges are just another way of population control, the same as predators and disease, though that’s just a thought.

    And about the homosexuals that hide their sexuality, that I can understand, it's obvious that many people even today, don't accept homosexuals into their society, family, etc, but I mean, people who don't KNOW their sexuality, people who consider they are gay, straight or Bi, but are not sure, and maybe never pick one, in that case they would not have sexual orientation. Like people who aren't sexually active, who aren't really attracted to either gender, does that mean they were born with sexual orientation or not? I f they never develop feelings towards either, what are they?
  13. Repliku Chaser

    I was not saying Bonobo society mirrors our own by saying it's matriarchal. I was saying that Bonobos are our closest related relatives in terms of biology and they have a whole society around sex for pleasure, resolving fights, acceptance etc. There are many homosexual as well as straight tendencies displayed amongst them. You kind of missed the point there and went off on a tangent of one word. Homosexuality is known in apes and they are often very social creatures that constantly touch one another etc.

    I doubt it's a population control mechanism. I used to think that way when I was first beginning to understand homosexuals because it seemed the more populated an area was, the more one would hear about homosexuals, but it is inaccurate as gay behavior has been seen in isolated small populations as well. Evolution is by no means 'perfect' and we all have our attractions, dislikes, allergies, weaknesses, and differences. It to me just would seem it's the way we have evolved and that we aren't all mirror images of each other. On the same note some of us get ADD or OCD etc...and in some cases these are beneficial and in others, not. The same goes for homosexuality. Marking it as a sin and abomination against existence was a very foolish thing to do as there is evidence of it from the earliest civilizations and I have no doubts it was there at the dawn of man. As I said before, it's very hard to pinpoint 'why' it came to be, but we are starting to learn 'how' it happens. It may not be beneficial in one sense as far as reproduction goes but primates, including humans, do not have sex merely for reproduction.

    It's just one of those things not answerable right now and can be so 'repulsed' by some people that they make religions say it is a wretched sin. Think that if people who are straight can make homosexual behavior to be a sin and abomination, think on how homosexuals feel repulsed by having to carry out heterosexual behavior. It's not just a choice. As for having 'no sexual preference', some people ARE in fact turned off by sex and don't like it which sometimes they are called asexual and in this meaning it implies that the person jus has no interest in sex, though of course it can in other circumstances mean a reproduction ability in some animals. This has happened with males and females and it is not that uncommon. That's why there are drugs out there to help and there are also warnings on some drugs that say they have the potential to harm sex drive or increase it; especially mental drugs. If you think on it though we have a quite a few different sexual things that go on with homosexuality, asexuality, heterosexuality, transgender, bisexuality, intersexuality, etc. People just don't seem to often want to know.
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I can understand that idea, but it would stil be accepted if you looked at humanity as a whole instead of the populated area. I mean it seems obvious that homophobes would not likely live in a heavily populated homosexual area, because obviously they are afraid of them, the same could go for single gay people in which they wouldn't live in an area with little or no other homosexuals, since they aren't likely to find a partner or be accepted completly they would not live there. What i'm trying to get at is that they are going to be some areas or towns around the world that have a whole population of homosexuals, straights and bisexuals, maybe not that many places but there are, so no there wouldn't be gays there for population control, but as a whole of the earth, we could see that they reduce chances of population growth.

    And I understand that the Bonodo use it for pleasure, but they also use it for reproduction. actually this is technically becoming off topic so i'm gonna leave it there.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    I did look at humanity as a whole. Homosexuality is found -everywhere- though sometimes digging it up can be difficult because in some parts of the world they are stoned to death still, such as in some areas of heavy Islamic control. Hitler had a thing against homosexuals and sent many to concentration camps when they were discovered. Christians throughout history massacred homosexuals. Despite all these things, homosexuality still exists in these cultures and others that turned a deaf ear to it.

    Homosexuality is only feared because we are -taught- to fear it instead of raised to know there's different strokes for different folks. We are raised with values that say it is a sin, it is wrong, it is a horrible thing etc. The reason why...? If someone is totally straight, homosexuality is going to by nature be something that person has no interest in and may even be repulsed by. Just as if someone is homosexual all the way, they are going to think heterosexual sex is nasty, but of course, homosexuals would never outlaw it like heteros did because well, it would make no sense and we'd have no more kids. Homosexuality may also be feared because 'rape' is an instinctive fear in both men and women and the most common way for a man to be raped isn't by women. It's by other men because men are naturally usually more sexually aggressive. However, the fear is a foolish one considering that homosexuals that can do their thing and even the majority who can't, aren't going to rape them anymore than rape happens any way by anyone who's going to do it.

    Also...there are some areas that are more gay tolerant and so gays will be more open about it and move around each other, sure. However, there are homosexuals everywhere there is a population, despite what you are saying. Not everyone can go around saying 'hey, where's the homosexual block' etc. Some people are in fear of their lives to mention things and even in areas where homosexuality is more 'tolerated' it doesn't mean families or churches accept them so they may choose to not say anything out about it. Also take into account people in some countries where they don't even own a car to get around. Those people aren't going to get very far. Homophobes for a long time did not realize how many people were gay around and gay bashers of course made homosexuals want to hide. So really though there are more straight people out there by what we know, it makes sense there are homosexuals in several places.
  16. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Even if that is scientific proof, I really don't believe it. To me, it just doesn't make sense. Brain studies therefore mean that people are born gay? I don't really get it.

    I also still believe its still a choice. A person could be straight for awhile and then turn gay. Or vice versa. Or they could be straight, go gay, then go back to being straight. Theres just so many possibilities. And some people just do it to experiment. So, I still think its a choice for humans and their sexual orientation.
  17. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Well, that is interesting. Curious tho about Bi-sexuals now.
    Are they the same way? And it being decided b4 ur born... that's kinda sad, especially for those who might not want to be gay :[
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