These are my first tries at editing avys, so bear with me: I wanted to see what it would look like it Roxas was a rehead like Axel. *tee-hee* These are up for whoever wants them. Give me credit though. :]
Roxas went supersayin 4! 8D Pretty's nice to see someone mess with colors and not suck.'s a compliment. Awesomeness.
I like the second one, on the top right. THe red head Roxas is only odd, because he's a blondie. lol. But good job. If I didn't think Auron was wicked awesome, I would ask to take one from you. lol
There not that bad I like them but I tihnk they should be smaller they're way too big to be avatars. You should try 100x100 or 125x125. I think you sould add some more colors too because they're kinda plain. And try not to use brushes in avvys I used to do that I don't now but when you do add them they don't look very good. Other than that I think you did a good job.
The second one is like a memory, the first is Axel in rage. Third and fourth are very strange though. O.O Nice job on the first two! ^^
Thanks everyone. I personally like the first two also. When I got to the third and fourth ones, I was running out of ideas.
The first and second I really like, the first one reminds me of Christmas <3 I don't like the third one, it looks very washed out and just odd. The fourth, hmm I think red would have suited Roxas xD but it looks odd because I am not used to it O_o Anyway <3 you aren't doing too badly with these that you have been making. Though I do agree you need to make them a little smaller.