survey time

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    Alright guys I'm supposed to ask 5 people these questions for one of my classes so here they are
    Don't give textbook answers pls
    • What is Philosophy?
    • Who was Socrates?
    • What is the Socratic method of teaching?
    • What were some of Socrates' teachings?
    • Why was he put to death by the people of Athens?
    I'm supposed to see how much a random person would know or something idk
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    So off the top of our heads? Done.

    Philosophy is the collection of ideas and concepts that inform you how to best lead your life.

    Socrates is a famous Ancient Greek philosopher, and I believe called the 'Father of Western Philosophy?'

    The teaching method in which you learn by example?

    That the Romans were the enemies?

    I can only presume his teachings became unpopular with the local mobs, and you know how mod justice can be.

    Um, no clue to the last three, as you can see... now if only you had asked me about Confucius.
  3. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    • Philosophy is the study of studying life.
    • Socrates was some fella who was known as teh Father of West Philosophy (born 'n raised)
    • The Socratic method of teaching is him botherin' all da peoples in Athens and questioning them all the time (I think he also wrote Dialogues or something)
    • I think one of them was like "I know that I know nothing and that is why I am the wisest guy on Earth"
    • Because da higher ups in Athens were being made to look stoopid by Socrates, so they be like "Yo, either stop what you doin' or drink dis poison here"
    (I took Philosophy 101 and passed, so naturally I'm a great scholar on dis lololol)
  4. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    • What is Philosophy? Originally from the Greek philosophia, literally "love of wisdom," philosophy in modern times is as far from its noble roots as one can possibly be, having abandoned its quest of spreading wisdom and now content to relentlessly deconstruct every teeny tiny facet of common language thrice over
    • Who was Socrates? The First Troll and a grossly overhyped dead white guy, who spawned many shameless apologists (see: Plato)
    • What is the Socratic method of teaching? Form of inquiry and debate which seeks to improve ideas through elimination of contradictions in one's way of thinking, a.k.a. the humble beginnings of the Internet Argument
    • What were some of Socrates' teachings? Talk shit get hit
    • Why was he put to death by the people of Athens? His swag was off the charts and the local mob boss could not dwi
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    philosophy is stoner 101

    Socrates was the original greek stoner.

    the socratic method is to smoke up as much dank kush as you can.

    socrates taught that vaping's the best way to get high.

    he was put to death because he hid the seeds to a special breed of marijuana and when they found out, they couldn't get him to spill, so they killed him and raided his pad ans shit, but no one ever found anything.
  6. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
  7. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    In order:
    • Philosophy is how we make sense of and express the nature of reality, similar to how science does the same for the nature of the universe.
    • To my knowledge, Socrates was a philosopher who was famous for teaching his students to always be uncertain of one's beliefs.
    • As far as I know, it is the method by which a person teaches him or herself by means of asking questions until satisfied with the answers.
    • I'm not sure, but I think he taught that as long as you teach what you understand to be the truth, it doesn't matter whether anybody believes you.
    • As I recall, his teachings were causing many people to doubt their religious beliefs and the people of Athens didn't want or know how to deal with alternate belief systems.
  8. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    1; The study of life
    2; A philosopher. Also a lot of cats are named after him.
    3; Teaching by example
    4; Philosophical things.
    5; Because people thought he was full of sh*t and disagreed with him. To the point that they killed him.
  9. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Philosophy is the study of ideas -- of what makes us love, makes us hate, what makes us believe in certain things and all that jazz.

    Socrates was one of the early Greek philosophers, and is well known for his principles in ethics as well as his teaching of his student, Aristotle.

    I'm not sure off the top of my head, but if I were to wager a guess, I assume it would be learning through constantly questioning. Socrates was known for asking questions upon questions to turn arguments in his favor, and it'd be pretty easy to see that carry over into learning.

    That learning is the basic pursuit of man. You should achieve and continue to strive for learning more and more until you die. And then continue learning. Phantom learn.

    Greece was rather tired of him and some of his more extreme measures in regards to philosophy and ethics, so they sentenced him to death. He didn't really acre that much though. It was a learning experience, after all. :b
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Philosophy is the study of life & knowledge.

    Socrates was a Greek philosopher, considered one of the "first" philosophers who was responsible for a lot of modern philosophy. His influence on Western culture in particular is notable, as he taught Plato, who later opened an academy for students.

    He liked debating (Socratic debating, mind you) with his students, encouraged them to always ask questions & such.

    Ask questions, like I said. Never dig your heels in--always consider the other person's point and switch opinions if theirs seems stronger. Finally, that there is no such thing as ultimate truth or knowledge, which is a large differentiation from Plato, who while he had its doubts about anyone being able to reach it (he thought Socrates the only one), still believed it existed.

    Corrupting the children. He was given the option of exile but chose death.