Started to watch this show a little while ago, and I've got a ways to go. I'm only on episode 14 of season 1, and there's 140-something episodes on netflix....I've got my work cut out for me. So who else watches this show and enjoys it? I've actually known about it for quite some time, with "Route 666" being the first episode I ever saw from it, years ago, but only recently did I actually start getting into it.
I was in your position once, but given a few weeks I'm on episode eight or so of season seven. I had been hearing about it for a few years but let me tell you, it was well worth getting into.
I think i'm already getting into it, because I just started an episode and told myself "That thing looks creepy" and not even 5 seconds later random person at the beginning of the episode that always dies goes "I don't know, don't you think it looks kinda...creepy?"
You've got a ways to go, a lot to see, and you'll hear "Carry On My Wayward Son" a lot. It's a good song. It's a fantastic show. The story line gets boring at points, but it's deep. It's a must watch for any fan of the "supernatural." Thus a well named title. Good luck on catching up. ^^ And enjoy the show.
I really need to remember to watch it tomorrow. Aside from that, it's an awesome show with a bunch of stuff that I like. Demons, angels, guns, and a bunch of other stuff.
I'm still in the first season and I love how the creators manage to create episodes about ghost stories that I used to hear when I was a kid and stuff. It's a delightfully creepy show.
Well, the writers have a rule: They don't use any monster or creature that there isn't already some form of existing lore on.
So I just watched the first episode of this (Thanks ~Cat) and I enjoyed it. Too soon to tell what I think of the show as a whole as I'm not completely hooked on it like other shows after seeing the first episode but we'll see : D I'm currently enjoying the concept and it actually freaked me out, I don't scare easily but the first scene was kind of scarring.
I'm knee-deep in season 2. I'm not head-over-heels for it yet but it's jumped out at me a couple times. Mostly I'm just slogging through the beginning to get to the bit where Death shows up, because I watched ahead and omg. Want dis. Oh yeah and I guess I'm looking forward to Cas
season 9 was quite... interesting (?) Spoilers of season nine ending ahead. Spoiler Dean becoming a demon? that was quite shocking, what happens to heaven now? to Metatron? is the cass gonna take over? can dean be reverted? that one guy who became a hunter after find out about monsters due to his wife's death, will we see more of him?
Why has nobody bumped this for season 10? Arg. This looks like it might be the most frustrating season yet. Spoiler First episode should have been called "Sam versus everything" because that's what it looks like this season will be like. Cas is dying, Dean's a demon, pretty much every other important character is dead or gone. Sam can't turn to anyone. Plus he's gotten a broken arm. FFF- Dat intro though. Best one yet. Might as well make this my sig.