Supernatural: Acolytes of Azazel.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Sep 30, 2010.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce was about to follow him and hesitated. "L-lenny....I'm...I'm running low on demon blood. We...haven't hunted a demon in a while and I...I've noticed I'm a little irritated around the others. I need to keep calm." She lowered her head to the ground, Luce knew very well that her addiction was awful and her head pulsed painfully when she thought about how little of it she'd had in the past few days. Luce licked her lips and shuddered. "Please Lenny...."
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alexis looked up at him as he showed her his power, and spoke of Demon blood.
    "Demon Blood?
    Well... from how things seem to be on this side of the Supernatural world, I'm guessing you aren't exaggerating, Mulligan. Actual blood from a Demon...
    Needless to say, I've never had the chance to try blood either... but I guess it's inevitable. I'm gonna end up trying one or both of smoking and blood later.
    But... if you can do that much from a Cigarette then it probably is impressive...
    My powers... well, they've got me by as they are.
    But I must say, I am now curious as to just how much they would change and grow if I tried this Demon Blood." she spoke simply.
    "I guess we'll see."
    She held out an open hand to him, "Well, if your offer still stands, I guess there isn't a better time to start either." she said to him. "Of course... if those Cigarettes are that important to you, then I will understand if you'd prefer to save them for yourself too."
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Oh, Loos," Lenny said, frowning. Even after everything, the Acolytes were children of Azazel. Lenny's body has taken the Demon Blood and started to reject it. He no longer craved it, but his powers were more powerful than the younger Acolytes on Demon Blood. Sometimes, he forgot what it could do to someone. "Alright, but you only get a bit. You make it last because I won't give you anymore," he told her as he turned around. He stopped, turned his head to look at Luce, and then shrugged. "I guess I don't have to hide it," he said quietly as he walked to his bed. He got on one knee and reached underneath his bed, pulling out a small cooler. He opened it and closed his eyes as the cold air escaped. "We'll keep this between you and me, right?" He asked Luce before looking down.

    An eyebrow cocked as Adam looked at Alexis. Lenny didn't mention Demon Blood? "Heh, I guess he's saving the grossest things for last," he told her as he put his cigarettes back in his pocket. "Tell you what, when you get your first taste, then I'll give you a smoke. Trust me, you'll want it."
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce remained perfectly still, not trusting herself to stand beside him and closer to the blood she craved. She bit her lip and nodded quickly, "Uh..y-yes..." Luce silently hated herself for her addiction. Alcohol was fine for her guilty conscience but the blood made it worse. Her shoulders slumped, "It's definately been way too damn long since I've had sex.." she mumbled, glancing up at Lenny to see if he'd heard. Luce's face was already hot from embarrassment. She scolded herself silently, I need to keep my mouth shut. Her pale eyes avoided any sort of reflective surface in Lenny's room...much like she did in her own room and everywhere else. Despising your own appearance had that effect on you.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alexis smirked.
    Yes, she actually smirked.
    "I guess I'll hold you to that then." she said to him as she still didn't move from her position. She just seemed to stare off into the distance as if she was deep in thought.
    After a few more moments had passed, she spoke up again. "You're not a bad guy." she told him simply. Not saying anything more or less.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: bumpz Please....Bueno...:'(
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lenny jumped at the word. Uh oh...he looked at Luce warily. He and the Acolytes never talked about sex. His version of the birds and bees was "When a Demon mixes his blood with yours as a baby..." He gulped and then looked at her before walking over. "Luce...I usually don't condone this," he said as he put his hands on her shoulders, "But Mulligan likes to...well, romanticise women he meets during missions. Scott doesn't talk about it, but I'm sure he does it, too. Hell, most guy hunters do. Fake names, fake phone numbers, most hunters never reappear in that place again. It's the epitome of one night stands." He winced. He never thought about female hunters doing what he was talking about. "Why...during the next mission...don't you do the same?"

    Adam let out a small laugh and kicked off the wall, walking towards the car. "You ain't half bad yourself, Alice."

    OOC: Sorry, guys! I'll explain my lack of posting soon, I swear!
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Alexis." she corrected again and stared after him as he moved towards the car.
    "So, what you gonna do now?" she asked him, although it could be hard to tell what she was referring to.
    It could be she meant, right this second... or what would he do in regards to everything heard inside before-hand.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce glanced away from Lenny, her pale face scarlet from embarrassment, "You want me....I...L-Lenny... Male and female relations like that revolve around attraction....there isn't a single man in this world that would find me attractive." She laughed a bit though it was harsh and cold, "I've been told my personality cools their ardor." Struggling, Luce hesitantly stepped toward the cooler of demon blood. "I didn't mean to say anything....just forget it."
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lenny burst out in laughter. He couldn't help it. "Oh, Luce, you don't know really know guys, do you?" He smiled at her. "I'm still not condoning it, but trust me, Luce. Guys love girls like you. They like it," he looked around, uncomfortable again, "well, rough. And as awkward as it is for me to say' seem like a rough lover." He felt himself fluster and turned around. I need a drink, he thought while blushing.

    "Follow me," was all Adam said as he reached the garage.

    OOC: I'm giving Of Pride and Other Things a bit more time to post. If he doesn't, he's permanently out and we'll move on.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alexis, simply did as told and followed him.
    She wondered where he could be taking her, but she figured, she had nothing else better to do.
    It was either follow him, wait here, or go back inside and do nothing.
    And, as weird as it might seem... considering she had never bonded with anyone in her life, excluding her father, but that was years ago...
    She felt alright around Adam.
    Despite his getting her name wrong, she didn't mind him.
    Which was more than could be said for anyone else ever.
    She didn't tend to trust people... nobody, she had never been able to afford to before...
    but this was a new life on her part. So she figured she might as well try.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce blushed a dark crimson. "Ah...L-Lenny that's insane! I...I've...only had...voluntary sex...once. I...I thought...he liked me..." She shut her mouth and stared longingly at the demon blood. "C-can we talk about this later? Or...not at all?" Luce touched her fingers to her twin pistol's in their holsters. This day is more awkward than the day Lenny found me and brought me to live here.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Haven't posted in forever because...well...there's been nothing for my character to do. B|


    Scott was already back inside, sitting at the bar as he played with a shot glass absent-mindedly. 'Glass goes up...Glass goes down...' His eyes followed the small glass as it hovered up a few feet off the table before falling just a hair's breadth from hitting the bar table. This process repeated itself as Scott kept his power focused on the glass. Luce was in Lenny's room talking about...something, while Alexis and Adam were off on a small tour outside. Scott however had nothing better to do with his time unless he decided to head out on his own. With next to no demon's blood in his system he wasn't in the mood to be bothered about it. 'Is this what I'm reduced to...?' He growled lowly to himself and shook his head slowly. 'No...I already have much more than my share of that stuff compared to the others...' He sighed out and folded his arms, hunching forward slightly.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lenny let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled. "Oh yeah, I'm with ya there, Loos," he said as he patted her on the back. "Now come on. Gotta get the others ready for something." After he said it, he led her out to the bar.

    Adam simply motioned for Alexis to follow him into the garage. He waited for her to get in before closing the door, letting only a small amount of light in. He eyed his car with narrow eyes and then Luce's before looking around the garage for the best spot to do what he had in mind.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alexis simply followed him, she was curious as to why he had shut the doors.
    She found herself very alert.
    Not in particular because of him, it's just she was use to being like this.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Luce snatched a small amount of demon blood from the cooler and hurried out of the room. Her fingers shook as she dumped it into a glass. Luce fell heavily into a chair near Scott and drained the glass; licking at the glass where she could with her tongue to get the remains. Her hands finally stopped shaking as she set the glass down....though blood was smeared on her chin. Luce set about licking at her chin as she watched Lenny.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Scott glanced over at Luce for a moment, resisting the urge to twitch when he caught the scent of demon's blood. His eyes darkened momentarily as he clenched his hands into fists. The glass he was levitating fell to the table though it didn't break. He turned away, his back facing Luce. "...Wipe your mouth, Luce." Scott muttered lowly, taking in a deep breath as he listened in for Lenny to tell them something.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Scott, I think you all might need a little Demon blood," Lenny said, slightly worried at the own thought. He didn't like supplying the Acolytes with the Demon blood, but he's been there. The best way to keep their powers in check, help them control their powers, and keep the addiction at bay was to give the Acolytes just a little bit every once in a while. "But first, I need you guys to-wait, where's Mulligan?" He looked around, noticing that he wasn't there. "And on that thought...where's Alexis?"

    Adam reached into his pants from the back and pulled out one of his pistols. "Sorry, Amanda," he said as he pointed the pistol straight at the girl's forehead, the barrel steady, "But there's room for exactly zero more Acolytes." And then...he pulled the hammer back.
  19. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Alexis kept an extremely straight face the whole time, not even flinching at the click of the hammer being pulled back.
    "It's Alexis, Mulligan." she stated.
    And then she took a slow step forward. Not letting any of her intention show. "You're not going to shoot me." she said, as if she knew the fact was true.
    Did she? It was hard for anyone to tell. She kept her arms behind her back. and...
    she took another step forwards just as slowly, and then another, and another.
    Right until the tip of the gun was actually pressing against her fore-head. She felt the cold metal.
    All he would have to do was pull the trigger, and that would be that, but still she felt no fear.
    Again, she said it just as she did last time. "You won't shoot me."
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Scott rose from his seat and nodded slightly. "I might need more than a little." He said under his breath as he walked past Lenny. "I'll get Adam and Alexis. They were outside near the garage the last time I saw them." He added in, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he left without another word. When Scott made it outside he didn't see the two so he decided on checking the next obvious place. Scott took a few steps forward and headed around to the garage, stopping in place when he saw Adam and Alexis. 'Is he...?' He moved closer and tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, Adam. Now's not the time to be playing games." He glanced over at Alexis then back at Adam. "You can play Cops and Robbers later."
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