LOL i totally gotta see this, its cool seeing Drake Bell in something other than Nick and the Break dancing was lolz
i never knew Drake would go this low. XD next thing you know Cole and Dylan sprouse are going to star in movies like these That waould be sweet XD
I gotta admit, Date, Epic, and Meet the Spartans movies all really sucked. But if the producers of Naked Gun (which WAS classic) are in on this (plus Leslie Nielsen finally shows his face), this movie might actually have some potential. If I'm wrong, I most likely wasted four bucks on the matinee. :sideways:
It LOOKS funny in the commercials, but I have a feeling the rest of the movie will suck. Just like the others.
This movie was so bad. I mean, all of these genre movie spoofs are really bad. Well, at least this franchise is.
This movie was fairly awful, watch it with friends, like I think most of the "movie" series should be watched. Me and two of my friends saw meet the spartans and we couldn't stop laughing because we were taking the piss out of it, and a trailer for this film came on before it started and even then we were howling, but when it came to actually watching it, I did so on my own, and it was fairly dull.