Super Smash Bros Brawl

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Darkandroid, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    His Up+B? I didn't notice any substantial knockback/damage that might label it as 'uber-powerful'. Looked pretty normal to me, I'd say he has more powerful attacks elsewhere in his moveset.
  2. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    O ok. Thx for the clarification. From wat I heard, the timing for his Up+B attack was the most essential factor =/
  3. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I've learned that Sonic's air attacks seem to be quite deadly.

    Also Bowser now has an infinite jump by simply pressing forward B after a jump he can jump again.
  4. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    U serious? That's hellza cheap! Bowser is the LAST character that deserves an infinite jump.
  5. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Why? It's not like Bowser is a high-tier or broken character
  6. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    I read a review in nintendo power and they gave it a 10 and said it was one of the best games ever. No surprise there...
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Guys, I just tried it myself, and as I suspected--Bowser gets no extra jump after doing side+b. Pretty sure Bowser was never intended to have an infinite jump.

    As for Sonic's aerials, they seem pretty average to me. Nothing particularly special from what I've seen.
  8. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    K thx for clearing that up. Man, I hate Bowser. It's a gd thing he doesn't get any jump advantages.
  9. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    You can only do it over the stage, Shoush, not in the air, it doesn't allow Bowser to recover any easier, it's just some strange hopping glitch that only Bowser can do
  10. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I noticed that afterward, actually. And it doesn't depend if you're over the stage or not. It depends how high Bowser is over a platform before he uses his forward+B. This jump isn't possible if you forward+B at the peak of Bowser's second jump and try to jump again afterward. This is still true if you wait until you're near the ground before jumping again. In order to make use of this glitch, you have to forward B when Bowser is pretty close to the stage, then jump immediately afterward. The forward B and the jump have to follow each other in close succession, and this can't happen until Bowser is pretty close to the ground.

    Given these restrictions and the fact that Bowser can't use it to recover, and the fact that he's hardly left the ground when doing the jump, I'd consider this to me more of a make-shift L-cancel than anything else--except you're forced to use a specific move and have to jump afterward.

    Overall, I think this is pretty limited in what it can do, in my opinion.
  11. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Wasn't Bowser doing regular aerials in that video?
  12. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yes. Did I word something wrong? Perhaps 'specific' was a bit misleading, but basically you're forced to attack and jump afterward. I called it a make-shift L-cancel because you're forced to leave the ground upon doing an attack if you wanna use the glitch, as opposed to just having your landing lag reduced.

    With Perfect Shielding, this is still pretty manageable to counter, nonetheless.
  13. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Either way, so long as he doesn't have a HUGE aerial advantage over most other characters, I'm fine.

    Also, how does Sonic's recovery attack work?
  14. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    It's pretty simple. He hops on his spring and flies straight into the air. There's some horizontal distance from the jump but most of it is a straight vertical climb. You can still perform aerial attacks after his Up+B, but there's a considerable delay before you can use any. If you use the Up+B on a platform, the spring remains for a short while, allowing anyone nearby to jump onto the spring as well and get launched upward.
  15. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I beg to differ watson.

    "Boswer can cancel his forward b (claw) with a jump right before he hits the ground.
    Results in infinite jumps."

    From smashboards

    I would also like to point out some of Sonic's killer airel attacks.
  16. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Read earlier posts. Outdated rebuttal, Sherlock.

    Watched Sonic video. Frankly, I'm not impressed. But if you think that's amazing, then by all means believe what you want. The FAir combo Sonic does can be replicated similarly with many many many characters with similar aerial behaviour, so seeing that wasn't really eye-catching. The BAir wasn't impressive either because the guy was already at 159%, which is pretty much the KO threshold line for Brawl. All I saw was a simple BAir finish, however, the clip wasn't showing off the BAir, it was showing off what has been come to be known as the Jump Back Towards, which is basically running forward but turning around at the last second to use a BAir using your forward momentum. The BAir in itself isn't anything special, the technique used to set it up was what the video was praising.

    And if you're impressed because it did 14%, you really shouldn't because there are many smash attacks in Brawl that can do over 20% a hit. 14% is a pretty normal aerial damage hit.
  17. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I'll try and go into specifics.

    -Homing attack = horrible it's more like a general zip-code finder in many cases and if no one is in range (and they have plenty of time to move out of range) he fires himself anyway, aimed at nothing, and can possibly kill himself if you can't recover in time. not like the small damage and knockback caused by the attack were worth the risk to begin with.

    - Spin Dash = Also bad... it can kill sonic on icy stages because he goes flying so NEVER EVER uses it on icicle glacier unless you have tried it before and you know you'l be able to recover in time with it. Also, it can only be used as a recovery technique from way close... jumping oput of it into an aerial has some nice prospects, but he moves so fast just running anyway that using a spin dash for conveyance seems superfluous at best. And it's not like it does the damage or knockback you want for the amount of time you charge it sometimes.

    -Spin Charge = Absolutely awful, despite the ammount you can charge it, it's weak, it's not fast and it does nothing really that forward B doesn't, except sucks harder at recovering. You will never likely use this move... he would be SO much better off trading one of his redundant spins for a golden-ring projectile ore something.

    -Spring Jump = Easily his best specil attack. It has a few nifty tricks assoiated with it that I discovered inclusing zigzagging with Up+B followed by Down Air, followed by up B followed by down air, etc. Also, it gets you out of bad situations quickly, and on stages with low ceilings, like lluigi's mansion, you can get stuck between the ceiling and the spring and spam a high cool-down lag aerial. The spring will cancel your aerial and let you do it again and again. it's a nifty trick. The final techniqe with it may be the most useful. Sonic players will definitly need to chose stages with lips that can eat chracters such as FD or luigi's mansion. Any solid stage with a jutting edge will work fine... even smashville has a shot with it's angled edges, but the more lip-like, the better. Anyway, dropping a spring on a revovering enemy has a good chance of knocking them into the bottom of the stage and causing a ricochet spike down. It's not always easy and it often fails, but it's definitely worth a shot and it's been one of the few ways I've been able to kill omni or pyro while playing sonic before they took ridiculous damage.

    Sonic plays well against campers and projectile spammers because of his speed, as such, he does pretty well against pit, especially since pit doesn't get back his up+B after being hit... a spring drop can often end him prematurely... even so, a good pit should still beat sonic. He's simply not great.

    HOWEVER, and this is a big however, if you play brawl the way the creators want you to (at least, the way they show it on all their vids and commercials), with items and ffas, then sonic becomes almost completely balanced. His speed and the ease of item pickup means that he'll be grabbing most of the items, and he needs their power to ko enemies... besides that, he easily has the best FS in the game, since, when well contrlled, it normally KOs every enemy at least once and can be activated from anywhere with no ill-results. This awesomeness was probably meant to balance out his lack of killing power, but without smashballs, he loses a lot of bang for his buck.

    His awkward hitboxes make him miss a lot, often times you'l find yourself attacking right above your enemy's head. Sonic partialy likes stages with walk off edges so that he can KO easily with well placed aerial walls and back throws... however, it is then possible to accidentally dash attack off the edge or be killed off the close edge yourself.

    His Down tilt is nice because, like some other characters, he inches forwards when he uses it, letting him crawl under projectiles. Just don't use it near and edge because, if you are bumped, you may dair to your death.

    His dash-grab and dash Usmash are both awkward because of how much speed he's got so you need to initiate them early.

    I'll update the list with the air attacks when im half assed.
  18. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    In a FFA situation, Sonic's FS might be particularly useful, but in a duel situation--the fact that his FS is side-dodgeable =/= best FS in the game.

    That review was mostly negative, so I'm not quite sure what your intention was by writing all of that after praising Sonic's aerials. Granted, you haven't added info on his aerials yet, but my review on his aerials after playing him for a bit out of curiosity is simple average. Most of this Sonic praise is coming from third-party hype if you ask me.

    Everything revolving around Sonic screams 'fast inclusion'. None of his OSTs were changed or altered; they were pretty much kept the same and were just thrown in the track list. His SSE cameo just further supports this.
  19. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    This is out of curiosity, but does Sonic have any ranged attack so to speak. And how does his Final Smash work? Do u control his movement or does it automatically moves u in a random pattern?
  20. Dark Sora 07 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 24, 2007
    Luigi's Final Smash is weird, yet cool in a way. It looks like he's high when he does that dance.