Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Edition

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Darkandroid, Oct 15, 2007.

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  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Tues. Dec 11. 2007

    Picture five or more players huddled around a Wii.

    The number of people who can play is limited by the number of controllers that can connect. When that happens, you usually have the people who win or lose rotate out so that everyone gets a turn, right?

    So be nice and give everybody a chance to play!

    ... ...That’s how I feel anyway, but just in case you need a little help being nice (and since everyone has their own controller preferences), I went ahead and rigged up a Rotation mode.


    This is the top menu for Group mode!


    First decide the number of controllers.


    Then get a count of people in the room with you
    and enter that in.


    How many people per brawl?

    You can set the rules to rotate out a set number of winners or losers from the brawl. Rotation doesn’t have to be about coming in first place.

    If your group is on pretty equal footing with each other, go for Loser Swaps Out. If you’ve got some green players in your midst, why not start out with Winner Swaps Out?


    It’s always useful to log your name.

    But, hey, if putting in a name is too much of a bother for you, you can play fine without it. Just as long as you remember your guest number, that is.

    If a new player happens to come by during a Rotation match, you can add him or her to the group if you’re willing to head back to the name-entry screen.


    When your name comes up, hit a confirmation button.​

    Press a confirmation button on the controller of your choice when your name pops up. That sets the controller you’ll use.

    And of course, your control settings will be applied to your control when you play.


    Need a bathroom break? Opt to sit out a match!

    Even with numerous controllers and dozens of people lined up to play, you’ll be good to go if you use this mode!

    ... ... Well, not quite.

    Rotation is limited to 16 players. Mm hmm.


    Sakurai seems to really have thought of everything. It's obvious this was made to cater to people who have custom controller configurations, but none the less it's quite a notable addition to the game.
  2. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    What Soush said, seems like a nice addition to the mode and good for those that want to use more than the Wiimote.
  3. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    While I loved this update, I can't help but wonder, how does he come up with this stuff? xD
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Wednesday, December 12, 2007.


    This is the main menu!

    Here you can find these six areas.

    • Group
    • Solo
    • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
    • Vault
    • Options
    • Data

    Today, I’m going to introduce Options.


    All options are colored purple.



    Choose between graphics that are razor sharp
    or nice and smooth.

    This is... Well, it’s sort of hard to explain using only static shots, but try toggling it on and off on your own TV. Play with the setting that fits your taste.



    Set rumble separately
    for Gamecube Controllers and Wii Remotes.

    Toggle the proverbial buzz-buzz on your controllers on and off.

    Just remember, the Classic Controller doesn’t have rumble, so don’t get too carried away.

    You can also set rumble preferences for each logged name.



    The slider goes left and right.

    You can use this to adjust the balance between the game’s music and sound effects.

    Oh, a sound test is also available from the first time you power the game on!


    Flip through by title or category.

    There’s quite a few songs available, so I’ve decided to also divide things up by category this time.


    You mean I can listen to sound effects from my favorite character all I want?

    <Erase Data>


    This is by far the most dangerous of the option modes.

    Yeaaah... Don’t fiddle around with these options.

    I mean it now. Don’t mess around on this screen.

    Seriously now. I’m not playing here.

    And that’s not all.





    My Music


    For more about these three, you can go over and check out their individual pages.

    Each of these modes is designed to let you tweak the game to match your own preferences, but obviously you don’t have to mess around with these options if you don’t feel like it.

    Relax and enjoy.


    Sound Test from the get-go. Woot.

    There's also an Ice Climbers song in today's update.

    Back-to-back menu updates this week, perhaps we shall see the Solo menu and the Vault menu (or Data <.<) tomorrow and Friday? We shall have to see.

    Fun Facts:

    - As of today, there are 30 more updates left to go before Brawl releases in Japan!
    - A total of 178 updates have been released so far since the Brawl site's relaunch back in May:
    • 59 Character Updates
      • 23 Character Roster Updates
      • 19 Final Smash Updates
      • 15 Special Moves Updates
      • 2 Character Videos
    • 32 Items Updates
      • 12 Miscellaneous Updates
      • 12 Assist Trophy Updates
      • 8 Pokeball Updates
    • 31 Game Mode Updates
      • 18 Miscellaneous Updates
      • 9 Adventure Mode Updates
      • 4 Wi-Fi Mode Updates
    • 18 Stages Updates
    • 18 How to Play Updates
      • 9 Smash 101 Updates
      • 9 Techniques Updates
    • 17 Music Updates
      • 11 Game Theme Updates
      • 4 Character Theme Updates
      • 2 Miscellaneous Updates
    • 3 Notices Updates
      • 2 Movie Updates
      • 1 Announcement Updates
    - Triple Updates have happened a total of 4 times:
    • May 22, 2007
    • September 7, 2007
    • September 21, 2007
    • October 10, 2007
      • Every 3rd party character so far has received a triple update
    - Double Updates have happened a total of 22 times:
    • May 23, 29
    • June 7
    • July 2, 12
    • August 13, 23, 28
    • September 6
    • October 2, 4, 9, 12, 17
    • November 5, 7, 15, 20, 23, 27
    • December 5, 12
    - Having Double Updates at least twice in the same week occurred 4 times:
    • Week of October 1-5
    • Week of October 8-12
    • Week of November 5-9
    • Week of November 19-23
    - October was the only month to have two double updates and a triple update occur in the same week. [October 8-12: This was the week of Sonic's inclusion, the delay announcement for Brawl's release date, and the demo announcement for E for All]

    - The confirmed roster thus far is only 3 characters short of Melee's maximum
    - Meowth is the only SSB64-exclusive Pokeball summon announced so far set to make an appearance in Brawl.
    - From the confirmed roster list so far, only Zelda's and Snake's Final Smashes remain to be seen.
  5. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nice little fun facts.

    Today's update isn't bad. But there is something about the layout I don't like. It seems to basic with all the white or white/blue. It seems quite dull. =/
  6. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    I needed to do a double take on "Deflicker". The L and I were close enough to look like a U.
  7. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    The menus just don't look real to me, I don't know why, maybe they're too basic looking compared to most games. xD
  8. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    A lot of Wii game menus don't look all that 'real' if you think about it. The way the tabs are huge, vibrant, and *fewer* in comparison to the background; it's how a lot of them are made when you're meant to navigate them with the Wiimote. Almost all the menus on the Wii interface have a similar feeling in terms of size, position and number, so that's probably why I'm not too taken aback by the Brawl menus so far.
  9. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    I sorta meant it in a good way. xD
  10. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'd like to see more of this "Vault" menu, and perhaps more on Wifi

    Only about 2 days until CoroCoro releases
  11. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I actually like the new menu.
  12. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    >_>; Damnit, they didn't do anything special today...
    Guess we wait til tomorrow for the magazine to leak on the internet. xD
  13. Radiusro Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 21, 2007
    City 17
    I second that.
  14. Leadcat Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 18, 2007
    no place in particular
    Some good updates this week. I'm especially liking the menu interface.
  15. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yeah, CoroCoro came out a couple hours ago and all of the info in the magazine was ripped directly from the Dojo. Every single screenshot, piece of information, character info, all of it was from the Dojo

    Apparently their "big reveal" was that DeDeDe was in the game
  16. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Starting roster... wewt?
  17. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I don't believe they showed the roster at all...all they did was a bunch of character bios and said "oh geez, DeDeDe is in the game!"
  18. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Oh CoroCoro... *sad panda face*
  19. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007
    Hi. It's nice to see you around. Anyway, what do you all think Snake's Final Smash will be? I think it's going to be a stealthy ninja-like K.O. kinda thing. Just kidding. I honestly don't know what it'll be.
  20. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    i cant wait to get this game
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