Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed Edition

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Darkandroid, Oct 15, 2007.

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  1. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    Bah, while I'd absolutely love seeing him in it. I just don't see it happening. He's been in one game that was part of the Mario series (Yes, even if Square helped). And Mario has enough representatives.
  2. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Ice Climber and Pit were both in only 1 game, and technically Geno was in 2 games (thought the second appearance was a cameo in Superstar Saga).

    The Mario series has Mario, Peach, and Bowser..Pokemon has gotten more representation in Brawl than that, I don't see the big deal in having Geno considering he's actually unique
  3. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    But they were the main characters, Geno's been a "playable" character once in a Mario game. And Pokemon has so far only two playable characters. The Mario series has more things in the Smash series than any one else.
  4. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Mario series has Mario, Peach, and Bowser

    Kirby series has Kirby, Metaknight, and DeDeDe

    Pokemon series has Pikachu, Ivysaur, Charizard, Squirtle, and countless Pokeball

    And Geno was a "main character" of Mario RPG, the whole story practically revolved around him. I don't see why Geno's inclusion is suddenly bad medicine for the Mario series to have a 4th playable character, said character might I add that isn't even a typical Mario character, but a unique nostalgic character from Mario's past that represents Nintendo and Squaresoft's history
  5. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Sakurai loves me, he just doesn't know it. My plea for more online updates has been answered for another round. Crono, Sakurai really is spying on us.

    Dec 07, 2007
    With Anyone/Basic Brawl

    Join a quick and simple brawl against someone, somewhere! If you’re not going to be playing with a friend, this is the mode you’ll tend to use.

    This time, we’ll take a look at how it flows.


    The Wii is trying to connect in earnest! And it succeeds!


    Here you choose With Anyone.


    You could also choose Team Battle,
    but we’ll choose Basic Brawl here.


    You go straight to the character-selection screen.​

    Huh? We’re already at character selection? That’s right. You don’t make any rooms.

    At this point, you’re already requesting a match. If you connect to someone, you’ll see their status at the bottom of the screen.

    Character selection is limited to 45 seconds. If time runs out, your character will be chosen for you at random, so make your choices quickly so as not to make others wait.


    Then you go to stage selection.​

    You can cast one vote for the stage you want to play. A stage is chosen by lottery from among those voted on by the players.

    Also, the items that are turned off in the item switch are also determined by lottery.


    Practice on Sandbag while you wait...​

    Then just wait until you get everyone together.


    Then the match begins!!​

    Isn’t that simple? You don’t have to trouble with any settings. You just choose characters and stages.

    Names won’t be shown and messages won’t be sent. Neither your identity nor your opponents’ will be known, so you can play without any worries.

    By the way, have you ever had an experience in which your opponent was disconnected, and the match never came to fruition? Like when you started with four players, but ended up with only one?

    I don’t like that feeling, so I’ve tried to counter it.

    If you get cut off, your character will get taken over by the CPU without your opponents even knowing—it pinch hits for you!


    Hold on! You can’t tell it’s a CPU!​

    That’s epic! Can we really do this? Wouldn’t you say it’s way better than having all your opponents drop out?

    However, we won’t be swapping in CPU characters when you’re playing With Friends. Sorry about that.

    And there is one more important thing...

    When you have a battle mode that runs online like Basic Brawl, the problem of what to do with hidden characters arises. If one of your opponents chooses a character you haven’t unlocked yet, it will be spoiled for you immediately.

    But even without this mode, given the proliferation of the Internet these days, the existence of hidden characters is going to get exposed anyway.

    So, this time I’m moving in the direction of not being too hung up on hidden characters.

    You can earn most characters by playing through Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary. For those of you who look forward to those encounters, I recommend you clear this mode before playing Basic Brawl.

    And as the case has always been, I’ve made it so you can play the characters you unlock in battles.

    Quite a bit of info on how With Anyone works, and I'm personally glad to see it. However, this does make it hard to communicate when you come across a player you feel you wanna add to your friends list. It still seems the primary way to making someone's friend list is through means outside the Wi-Fi (i.e. forums, IRL, etc). But for those taking part in Smash League, finding good people all over the world might not be as hard. But I am bothered by the Friends list limit. According to the screenshots (not this update), the limit seems capped at 64--which can be rather low after a few years of Wi-Fi Brawling if you ask me.

    Sakurai surely did go with his simplistic approach like he emphasized before. It looks like items are vaguely in anyone's control, likewise with map choices. Simply pick a character, choose some items to turn on/off and vote on a map and that's it. (I always wondered what those "Selecting Stage" prompts were at the bottom of the screen during the sandbag waiting room pics). And there wasn't even any mention about choosing whether to play stock matches or timed ones--chances are it'll be defaulted as timed matches around 2mins as it suggests in the screenshots.

    I'm sure these options will be in complete control of the host during With Friends matches, as I'm sure it would be a big problem if there was no way to adequately manipulate any Brawl settings for online matches. Personally I'd be steamed if all online matches (With Friends or not) were permanently set at 2 minute Brawls with all items on (including the very broken chili item).

    Another thing, I'm kind of curious how the joining/creating system works for With Anyone. The update specified that there are two things that could happen--either you enter the character selection screen "requesting a match"--meaning you're technically the hoster--or "if you connect to someone, you’ll see their status at the bottom of the screen", meaning you're connecting to someone else's game. I wonder how that process is carried out. Perhaps if there's already games waiting, you'll connect to those and if there are none, you'll start your own? Some mindless things to ponder.

    Another cool thing is the way Sakurai plans to handle player drops. Kinda funny how we won't know if a CPU has jumped in, but I suppose overtime it might become easy to tell due to sudden changes in a character's style of play. At any rate, I think the CPU-replacement method was a really good one. Player drops are so damn annoying. Even though it won't be implemented in With Friends matches, I'm not complaining. I can always b!tch to my friends who dropped (whether d/c or other reasons) the game about it later. ;D

    Oh, and lol @ Sakurai shrugging off hidden characters in matches. Naturally, I agree with him 100%. If you haven't unlocked all the characters yet and don't want them spoiled, stay off the Wi-Fi until then. =P Besides, at some point they would have to be able to be used online.

    On the note of secret chars: Most are unlocked by playing SSE? Dun don dun. Big hint on where to start.
  6. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Good insight into the wifi.

    Soush pretty much said everything. XD

    Shame that the brawl's are generally basic, and random so you don't know who you get, so it won't quite feel like a big community, unless you add friends but you like you said it's limited to IRL and forums.
  7. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Thats exactly what I've been thinking too! Whats the big deal about Geno?
  8. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I dunno, it's like the very reasons that people say denounce Geno's chances of being in Brawl...are all contradicted by characters already in Brawl


    "Too old/unknown of a character!". Ice Climbers and Pit existed a decade before Super Mario RPG was released, from NES games that I doubt most SSB players were aware of, yet they're characters.

    Super Smash Bros is about bringing back classic and memorable characters form Nintendo's past into the arena, inducing fond memories and nostalgia to the veteran Nintendo fans, while at the same time introducing them to newer people playing the series, even if they don't quite know who they are.

    I mean, how many people were introduced to Earthbound because of Ness being in SSB64? Or the Fire Emblem series because of Marth and Roy? Or, even though nowadays you'd probably never want to play their games, atleast being aware of the classic NES-era characters like Pit and Ice Climbers?


    "Only starred in one game!" Ice Climbers again...a game from 1985 that never had sequel.

    And regardless, that "one game" that he starred in was a very significant and special game to Nintendo veterans, and Geno practically represents the great partnership Squaresoft and Nintendo had, like a symbol of the great work they did together. Super Mario RPG is like Nintendo's Kingdom Hearts


    "Never seen fighting outside of turn-based RPG battles". Neither has Ness, or the Fire Emblem representatives.

    In fact, Ness would have been a harder character to even come up with moves for, because the nature of Earthbound has it so that you can't even see what the attacks look like that you're casting, all you have is a name and a description.

    Whereas with Geno, you can fully see the aesthetics and nature of all of his abilities and weapons in Super Mario RPG, and can easily transition that into real-time combat


    "He's a doll, even if he did in turn-based RPG battles, he's not really a fighter". The same could be said for Captain Falcon, Fox, or Game and Watch.


    It would be easier to make Geno a playable character than it had been for them to transition all of the above characters into Super Smash Bros, but even with what little material they've had to work in the past, they still pulled it off and made them all great and enjoyable Brawlers. Considering the array of unique abilities and material they have to work with for Geno from Super Mario RPG, they would be able to come up with moves for Geno without even breaking a sweat.
  9. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    I said I wanted Geno in, but it just doesn't look likely, I really am off of that topic now for it bores me to read your long posts.
  10. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I think it is very likely that Geno is the next 3rd Party addition >.>
  11. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
  12. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    The 15th falls on a Saturday, so who's betting that on Friday the 14th they update the Dojo with the info that CoroCoro plans to reveal in their magazine issue? xD
  13. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
  14. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    That's not that surprising...Melee's Euro release was almost 6 months after the NA release, June 2008 is only 4 months from February
  15. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    <.< I posted about the "possible full roster thing" weeks ago, Kharna Jube. And it was stating "at least the starting roster" with the possibility of it being the 'full roster'.

    And I also thought Sakurai already said he wasn't planning to reveal the full roster before Brawl's launch in Japan.

    CoroCoro has been right about several things already, but they haven't definitively said the full roster was going to be shown.

    If anything, a starting roster would be more prevalent.

    EDIT: And don't say June 2008 like it's 'the' release date, either. Article said 'till after June 2008'. Really now, consider the quote itself: "If the game is not listed on the schedule up until the end of Q2 it is currently not due out until after that time." They're basing June 2008 off Q# periods, nothing greatly specific.
  16. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006

    As usual we get the short end of the stick, you would think now this sort of delay would be minimal but nope, Square-Enix still like to wait almost a year after the Japanese release to release it in Europe, but this delay isn't too bad i guess, i'm not surprised this happened. =/
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Square-Enix? XD Nah, I get what you mean.

    I'd totally import... somehow.
  18. Muncher34567 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 3, 2007
    hey can some1 tel me how to post by myself it gets really stupid after a while havin to do this
  19. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Seriously, are you just some banned member talking a stab at trolling the forum? Because if not, I'm just speechless.
  20. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Yeah SE was just an example. XD
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