I'm dissapointed in you, KHV. No thread started about this awesome band, really? They're a brilliant band, their songs have good meanings behind them. My favourite song by them is probably "With Me", followed closely by "Pieces" and "Crash"
I like a few of their songs. In too deep, We're all to blame (from Chuck), Still waiting and Makes no Difference. (I owe Elite Beat Agents for that last one)
I used to really like them when I was in middle school; what prevented me from getting super into them was a lack of originality on their part, though. A lot of the songs sounded very same-y and some were really just blatant blink-182 rip off. I know they cite blink as an influence but sheesh, no need to copy them completely. My favorites were: We're All to Blame, Still Waiting, In Too Deep, Over My Head (Better Off Dead), March of the Dogs, and others.
For me they are a band that I feel either does very well or rather poorly. I noticed that I liked a lot of the songs already mentioned in this thread and eventually bought "Does This Look Infected?" But I only found myself listening to "The Hell Song" "Over My Head" and "Still Waiting" off of it the other nine tracks just failed to impress me.
You ever listen to Cascada? Her songs sound a lot like each other as well, but they're still good. And besides, what's wrong with having songs like blink-182? Granted, I don't really like them, so I'm glad I have Sum 41. Besides, if you want a song that's copied completely, just look up something like What Hurts The Most and other songs yeah, not many of them I really really enjoy, but I can appreciate them for what they do.
I never said they were a bad band, or that other bands aren't guilty of this as well, just that the lack of originality & innovation made them boring to me. Why listen to, say, a new Sum 41 album when it brings almost nothing new to the table from the last album? They have a few good songs but the rest of the discography is just kind of same-y and bland. As for the blink-182 comment, listen to this song: Spoiler [video=youtube;Qd8_mh5eCPE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd8_mh5eCPE[/video] And then this one: Spoiler [video=youtube;COCa-8LDApI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COCa-8LDApI[/video] The resemblance is just really strong. I'm not here to accuse but having your own, unique sound is important to me when looking for music.
She means the arpeggiated chords in the songs. Basically the stuff in the beginning and around the 1:30 and 2:10 minute marks for Blink and Sum respectively. It's much more noticeable later in the songs and it kinda sounds like the same pattern and chords to me. Other than that there's not that much resemblance in the songs, especially considering the fact that it's the same kind of rock. ...90's Rock? >> I dunno. Never paid much attention to either band.
I like Sum 41. I've got AKNF, Does This Look Infected, Chuck, and Underclass Hero, and I like about half of the songs on each record (Except Chuck, I like all of the songs on that record). Not my favorite band or anything but they're pretty good. I did kind of dislike the fact that they had so many songs on their albums that I didn't like though.
I enjoy their music, especially their newest album. "With me" and "Pieces" are my favorites, I think.
I only have one album, Go chuck yourself, the live performance one. I love their music, hate their politics, but thats neither here nor there. Favorite songs are We're All to Blame, Hell Song, Still waiting, and Fat Lip.
I saw them last year' and I'll never forget that gig. I've often cited Sum41 as my favourite band back in middle school. I even had a sig of them that I used on another forum. I'm not crazy about them but I still like their work. Favourite songs would be Fat Lip, There's No Solution and Angels With Dirty Faces (extremely underrated song).