
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jayn, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    It is annoying, it is serious, and there are many different kinds of cases. They've all been mentioned already: the drama queens (and...kings?), the ones doing it for attention (although that could easily fall under the drama queen category), and the ones who have some seriously low self-esteem. I've also had friends that have contemplated suicide. One of them has had a rough life (well, really, who hasn't?) and didn't have much of a chance growing up. Not the best family background. It is a helpless and sometimes hopeless situation for everyone involved. The suicidal person has this idea in their head that death is the only solution, and loved ones have to watch feeling like there's nothing they can do to help. Sometimes the person in question is so determined that they're right that they won't be persuaded, and even though the loved ones feel guilty, there is nothing they can do about it. They cannot get inside the person's head and make decisions for them. The person has to come to their own conclusion. A friend of someone who killed themself should never feel like it is their fault or that they didn't do enough to help.

    I've got another friend who's always saying that he won't amount to anything, and I think it might be a cry for attention. Again, he didn't have a good family background either. He's dropped out of high school and is not on the best path, and although I worry about him and (figuratively) smack him over the head for thinking he's worthless, there's nothing I can really do to change his mind. He's not suicidal as far as I know, but these self-esteem issues are connected. People who don't believe in themselves and are not proud of things they done might resort to suicide. It takes just the right mix of personality traits and experiences for a person to be driven to killing themself.

    Wow, I kind of went off on a rant. Sorry if the thoughts aren't very organized, I was just kind of writing whatever came to mind.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Sadly a lot of individuals will see suicide as an able way for attention and/or a way out. The problem with that logic is that killing yourself directly defeats the purpose of attention. If you want attention, wouldn't it make sense to be around after it happens so you can feel satisfied? If you're dead that can't happen. And in terms of getting out, yes, that does work. In fact it's a perfectly good way to get out of any situation; offing yourself. Do I want to kill myself so I never have to feed my dog again? No. In reality it's a really stupid and easy way to get out. But anything worth having/doing never comes easy.

    I had a friend once who had incredibly oppressive parents. They were quite wealthy and she couldn't take how her mom controlled her life so much. But, in the end, I had to stop her from doing it at 3 AM. Which was hard, to say the least. <_< At any rate, I had to explain that the only thing that will happen is even more troublesome things. Her parents will be sad, others will pity them, thus embarrassing the family. It's an on-going thing. It's like the boy a few county's away from me who killed himself because he was failing one class and couldn't graduate. The teacher was very harsh and failed him, and then ended up retiring at 39 because of how horrible it was. It just causes more problems.

    It's a selfish thing to do at the very least. But it's also one of the most interesting things to do: to voluntarily choose not to exist anymore. It's profound, actually. As George Carlin said, "It's the ultimate make-over." He also made the take on how difficult it would be to do. You have to plan that ****, that's for sure. You can't just go running off a bridge. You need to decide when, and how to do it. And you gotta write the suicide note. Which sometimes isn't always the easiest task. If you're married you might as well kill the whole family so at least no one directly close to you needs to suffer. But, it's poetic and trite, but that's all it'll ever be, I think.
  3. Missingheart Destiny Islands Resident

    Suicide is a very serious matter.

    There are these people who may have a serious issue with their self esteem, and there are these people who fake it because they're not getting enough attention recently.

    People commit suicide because they get depressed, or just can't live with the stress. I was watching the news the other day and something about suicide came on, and a psycologist said that sometimes people can get so depressed they think even their family would be better off without them.Unforunately I have felt depression before, but thankfully not as strongly as that. Some people might not be able to take the stress but I have a twin sister so it was easier to get over once she'd convinced me that all my friends DIDN'T hate me.(they were just leaving me out).
  4. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008

    Having lost one of my very close friends to suicide about 10 years ago I've come to veiw it as a coward's way out. My friend was forced to break up with his girlfriend because of her parents and he was too weak to deal with it. He snuck out of his house later that night and hanged himself. He was too selfish to to reach out to his friends, too scared to face the future, and too stupid to consider the people he left behind. It also shows that you had no real attachment to this world or those people you call friends. Suicide only leaves pain and sadness behind.
  5. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Suicide doesn't solve anything...
  6. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Of course suicide is bad. It is one of the few matters out there that humankind agrees unanimously is bad. This thread is stupid. It's not even a discussion, it's just repetition of "suicide is bad and you should feel bad if you think otherwise".

    MORE RELEVANT EDIT: Well, unfortunately people do have this mindset but a lot of the time it's related to a mental issue of some sort. I used to be one of the people who thought like this, and the only thing that I can advise people in this situation to do is to seek help asap.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Did you even read the first post? The question was not "is suicide bad?" That's pretty obvious. There wasn't even a question.

    The post was regarding people who say they're going to kill themselves, but don't mean it. People who say they're going to practically everyday for attention, when there are people who are really having a hard time and need serious help and how attention-getter's in this way can desensitize people to the topic of "suicide". ​
  8. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Of course I didn't read the first post. I'm lazy. But then again, in retrospect it probably would've been a good idea. I'll read it later and edit my post properly, thanks for pointing that out.
  9. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    I agree with you :'D.

    People shouldn't have the need to take away their life because of any of the reasons you stated or any other lame ones. I think they do it for attention, and never realise that just because they feel lonely or rejected, they'll hurt someone in the process of hurting themselves.

    And sure, there are people in this world who have mental issues and will always be scared of their own reflections, you can't really help that. And seeing members on this forum who have lost their closest friends because they committed suicide is annoyingly sadd.

    The people who say that for attention is PATHETIC. Stop it, stop it right now. You're attention seekers and when you realise it, no-one will feel sorry for you. There are better ways, healthier ways to make friends, deal with families & friends.

    Now all of you who cut yourselves hoping one day that the cut will be deep enough and you'll bleed to death victouriously, PUT THE KNIFE/SCISSORS/ANY OTHER SHARP OBJECT THAT YOU'RE HOLDING DOWN. NOW.

    Understood? good~
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Suicide is bad.

    Until today (Today I became the happiest I have been in like...months. And it's staying that way for a looooong time) I was depressed. Not once did I consider suicide, or cutting myself. You know why? IT'S NOT THE ANSWER. You want to cause pain to people then go ahead. Because if you want to cause that pain to people, you're selfish. To any one who wants to, don't commit suicide. Don't.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I think it depends on the reason. euthanasia I think is okay.
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    But euthanasia isn't suicide...
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Some people would class it as a type of suicide. Assisted suicide I think is the term. Sometimes euthenasia is a kind of suicide.

    I personally have wanted to kill myself before, attempted to do it before too. When it is going through your mind you aren't thinking about the people you are leaving, or even really anything. All you are thinking about is finding some way to finally get peace and finally get away from everything.

    I think it is incredibly judgemental to ***** about the people who feel inclined to kill themselves, it is a very hard thing to deal with and the majority of people aren't like, "omg I know, I'm going to destroy everyone's lives and throw myself off a cliff".

    There are times when it genuinely does feel like it is the only answer and the only way to gain control. Or there are cases where the person does think of other people and genuinely believes that dying is the best answer for everyone.

    Last summer I got to a point where I really, really, found it incredibly hard to go on, it was actually a member on here that talked me around about it. They didn't yell or ***** that I was being selfish, they listened to me and told me a few things I needed to hear. Sure I still have down days, but really, I love life. I love being alive, and every day I am alive, I appreciate it more I think because of how close I came to ending it.

    If someone comes to you telling you they want to kill themselves then listen to them, if you can't cope with it then direct them to someone who can. It may seem like it is just a cry for help, but not everyone who says they want to kill themselves is doing it for attention. Sometimes they just need someone to talk to. Yelling at them or pushing them away calling them a selfish coward won't help anyone.
  14. Alphonsefanatic Traverse Town Homebody

    I've had suicidal thoughts in the past. I'm diagnosed Bipolar. I was to scared to do it.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I'm bipolar too. I take meds though, so now when I tell someone, they are all surprise because I don't act like it.
  16. Alphonsefanatic Traverse Town Homebody

    I still have my moments, despite medication. Though I've been really good recently.
  17. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    Suicide is not the answer. People do love you. Think about the person who gave birth to you. I know you might have been a mistake, but they learn to love you.
    And if that doesn't go well, think of yourself. You must love yourself. I mean, I know I do. And even if you're not a 'pretty' as someone next to you, you might be better looking then the person behind you. And so on and so fourth.

    Suicide is deffinately not the answer.
    Get help if you think you need to suddenly die. <3
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    And I'm talking about when it's not the only answer. I mean small problems that can be fixed that people want to end their life for. The examples in my first post are mainly what I'm talking about. (Not all together, just one of those problems). That can be solved in SOME way shape or form, or WILL be solved in the future if you give it a chance. It's not worth ending your life, your existence, and throwing away any potential you could have or any impact on this world you could make because of small problems. I have contemplated it before more than once but I always find that the problems can be solved in some way and that it's not worth throwing away an opportunity at a better life in the future. It's not worth it.

    When someone is seriously considering suicide, I don't yell at them or make them feel like a terrible person. (Like I stated in a previous post somewhere on here, I think to Repliku @ @), I try to help that person to the best of my ability. But when it gets to the point that nothing helps, no one can help, and the person just keeps talking about how they're going to do it and how they hate life and are miserable no matter how much help and love they get from friends or family, then I would think it's time to seek professional help because it can be a serious problem that's beyond the help of your peers.

  19. Viscount_of_Stardust Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 22, 2008
    Does it matter of their views. People commit suicide for silly reasons instead of continuing their lives. Those who commit suicide lose out in the end
  20. Nuff' Said Banned

    Dec 20, 2008
    OH i've got one to add to ur
    using my own life btw

    my parents died-take happy pills
    my girlfriend died-take more pills

    i'm an effing pill-popper now because how my life's been.
    I'm in the ninth grade and i've attempted suicide 12 times in 4 months

    sometimes it is the right thing to do.because sometimes theres no one to just talk about it to.
    1. my parents have been dead for 13 years.
    2. my girlfriend just died last saturday.

    That is why u start popping the happy pills so u live.

    anti-depressants will solve any reason to wanting to kill urself.