Suggest Games, please?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sufris, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    I'm not much of a planner, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need something to do for our coming Christmas break. As learning to play the piano is just gonna slip by me, I decided to postpone it to summer (besides, I'm still getting used to reading notes and scales), learning the violin is even harder; practicing my basic Japanese isn't what I feel like doing so I might just end up not doing it at all.

    In short, I have things to do in my life but I don't feel like doing some of them and the others just can't be done during our Christmas break.

    Why I didn't actually vaguely plan what to do during Christmas break is because my dad suddenly gave us no permission to go out of the country this year, for Christmas. We were planning to go some place cold (I live in a tropical country).

    Well, I figured that I'm most likely going to practice drawing (learning Ventus right now, haha), coloring, continue with my story, read Harry Potter, but alas, I'm sometimes in the mood for gaming.

    But what the hell, I don't have that much games. And when I look through games, the summaries and everything, they sometimes seem nice but actually suck, they sometimes seem bad but are actually okay, and some just have a bad way of advertising. All in all, I don't have a good eye for games--I need recommendations, usually. From my brother most of the time.

    Now, this is where YOU, the humble forum-ite, might want to come in.

    I'm looking for ANY game. ANY, ANY game. Absolutely anything.


    Well, any game that is for a console that we have.

    -DS (so it can handle GBA. Of course, this is already a known fact, yes?)
    -PSP (it has been hacked [I'm so sorry, Sony!], so I can play PS1 games.)
    -PC (with a good video card. I've seen my brother play Starcraft, was it? Good graphics. And Portal; it's very smooth on medium. Though at high, it goes a bit laggy.)

    I'm not going to list down the games I have as there are quite a few that I can't remember and they're embarrassing.

    Someone's suggested Zelda already (in another thread, but on-topic-ish), and I'm keeping an eye out. For those Zelda fans, no need to list them down (unless you REALLY feel the need to).

    Oh yes, I nearly forgot. I trust you, the humble forum-ite, already know this, but as a reminder, please state why you suggest said game/s.

    Thank you. Once again, KH-Vids has saved my life (from boredom).

  2. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Ah, uhm, you can try The Sims, but you really have to like it, otherwise it's crap... And you could buy The World Ends With You, very enjoyable... Ah, and Phantasy Star. You can try Zero, for the DS, its okay, but doesn't take to much time.. And try Pokémon, because it's almost always enjoyable... And you could try some online games.....If you want a list of a few I can tell you some...
  3. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I think Onimusha games are good (the first one is a bit slow though) you can never go wrong with a bit of sonic so how about the classics game on DS and lastly how about the god of war games? they forfill a range of consolls
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    For PC:
    - The Sims 3, but if you're not into Sims games you probably shouldn't even bother. I think Sims is one of those things that you either love or you just don't play.
    - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic; I have an intense passion for this game so I may be biased, but it's excellent. Even if you're not a huge Star Wars fan (I wasn't when I first began it), it's still worth checking out imo. Great RPG, released in 2003 (with great reviews!) so you don't need a high end graphics card or anything, I play on max settings with my onboard graphics. If you like it there's also a sequel, but it's not quite as good.

    - Kinetica; seriously underrated racing game. I'm normally not into racing games but I dunno, this game is just different somehow. You can pick it up pretty cheap, mine was about $4 at Gamestop. It doesn't have a huge amount of tracks and no story mode, but it's got a decent amount of unlockables for its time and is fun to play with friends.
    - Jak & Daxter series, if you haven't already.
    - Primal; I only really just got this game so I can't vouch for it too much, but it's fun so far! The gameplay isn't terribly difficult, it's mostly just running around and occasionally stamping on some beasts, but there are interesting puzzles and pretty graphics for the PS2. If you're not great at fighting in games though (like myself) this is good for you, there's honestly no penalty at all for dying, haha. The story is really interesting though, if you pay attention and make note of some key names. ;o

    - Animal Crossing: Wild World; endless hours of fun right here.

    Hope that helps. :]
  5. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    For the DS I highly recommend the Professor Layton series. If you're into brainteasers this is for you, I spend countless hours daily playing this game. You can also take it onto Nintendo WFC and download new puzzles for the games weekly.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    PS2 I highly recommend...
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Shin Megami Tensei's Nocturne
    Persona 3
    Persona 4

    For PSP
    Persona (I highly recommend the PSP version, not the original PSX version)
    Persona 3 Portable (its even worth it when if you have the original P3)
    Jeanne D'arc

    Dragon Age: Origins
    Assassins Creed series (the first game is really slow, but the rest are worth it)
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones These three games are amazing and probably the best action/platformer/semi-puzzle games out there.
    Also, anything with "Megaman X" in it is awesome. 8D There's eight games in the series...although only X4 through X8 are for the PS2 unless you find the Megaman X Collection.
    Zone of the Enders 1 and 2. They are hands down the best mech-fighting games in existence. Anyone who denies this will be crushed. B|


    Eh...Megaman ZX and ZX Advent.


    Final Fantasy Dissidia or just any Final Fantasy game. If you haven't played Crisis Core, do it now.
    Megaman Maverick Hunter X, the best way to get into the Megaman X series! Although it's rare now.


    Resistence: Fall of Man
    Resistence 2 ...Both of these games are amazing First-Person Shooters. Seriously, they're probably the best that the PS3 has to offer. Screw the other games! >8D
    Prince of Persia (2008) The game is merely called Prince of Persia, don't get the one called "The Forgotten Sands", it's alright but not nearly as good. Although people complain about the fact that you cannot die in this game, they are merely a bunch of whiners who don't understand the genius of the game mechanic behind such an idea. Instead of taking time for the game to load after you "die", you immediately start back at the last safe point so you can continue playing instead of waiting in frustration because you will fall a lot.
  8. XION#14 Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2010
    Star Ocean: The Last Hope
    Army of Two
  9. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    PS2: DMC series in case you haven't played those.
    Okami. Yeah, just get it, you won't regret it.
    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in case you haven't played this as well. Despite the horrible graphics it is an amazing game ;)
    Dark Chronicle: Not sure if you can find it nowadays but it is an amazing RPG, one of the first that Level 5 made, sequel to Dark Cloud. A bit too difficult when it comes to battles and especially at some boss battles but the story, music, graphics, everything about it is brilliant. And since i'm on the topic of Level 5, you could always try Rogue Galaxy as well.
    I guess, DMC 4 is a choice, i am not sure about it since i have yet to play it and to be honest i am positively biased towards it because i love DMC. But it's worth checking it out.
    And since you mentioned Harry Potter, assuming you are a fan, you have to play the Lego Harry Potter game. You will love it.
  10. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.
    Sims; ah, I shall download it. Never bothered trying again because the first time I played it, I was young and stupid so...I had to live in the park and get arrested on a regular basis. For sleeping on the bench. XD

    We already have TWEWY, but I don't want to overwrite my brother's fail cause he worked hard on it. :3" I guess I'll download it again, then.

    Ah Pokemon...XD" We're planning to get Black and White, and our Soul Silver is glitchy.

    If you want to, sure. I got a lot of suggestions from many people. XD

    Sure; thank you. :3 I shall try Onimusha. XD I have pent up anger. God of War could help me. e__e

    I crash in EVERY RACING GAME KNOWN TO MAN. And the game where you HAVE to crash the car, I did it by accident. I'm afraid I have to cross Kinetica out. :D"

    I've been hearing a lot of Jak & Daxter. I'll try it then; thank you. :3 Primal, I shall look for it (PS2 games are strangely hard to look for here~).

    I never had enough time for AC:WW. TTATT Thanks, again! And yes, it helped me very much. :3

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually been somewhat thinking of getting it. :3

    My brother's been pushing me to play Persona. I can see I'm probably gonna be preoccupied with all the Persona and Shin Megami games for the break (and the rest of the year...).

    Thank you. :3 I've heard a lot of Assassin's Creed, so that just might be one of the few games I'd try first. XD

    You have been denied. You can't crush me. B|

    Just kidding. I couldn't resist. XD I actually didn't expect Prince of Persia to be here, but I trust your opinion. I'll try to get at least one of them, and I have a Megaman somewhere in this house...


    ...MECHA? HOLY CRAP. D8< I need that.

    Played DFF, FFIX, about to play VII, was supposed to play CC but it just wouldn't work. ;_; I've got Megaman in my DS already~

    Resistance shall be the first FPS I shall play, then. Yes, I never played FPS. :D I see PoP again. I'll try to get my hands on that.

    Thank you; I shall try the second one only--SO is finished. XD"

    Sure, I'll try Level 5. I played Grand Theft Auto, I've never seen Okami here, but I'll look, and I'll keep an eye out for DMC. XD

    Maybe I'll stick to PS2 DMC. As for Harry Potter...well, I'm obviously gonna try it. XD

    Thanks once again, people! I have enough games to last me the whole year! 8'D

    I think I'll keep this open, so I don't have to keep asking. :D
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Get Pokémon Black/White in Japanese. Kill two birds in the bush with one hand.
  12. eentje Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 7, 2007
    Okay so these are the MMORPG's that are worth trying...
    Fantasy RPG:
    Perfect World for the amazing graffics
    Flyff for the fun, although it's not that good anymore... And also for litlle kids...
    Kitsu Saga, but this is more for girls...

    Shooters (my brother tried them..)
    Wolf gang, its a little fantasy...
    Combat arms, he really enjoyed this...
    Right now he's playing MAT, I think it was...Mission Against Terror, he also loves this...

    Ah, and, do you download games for your DS, because if you do you can try Tales of Innocense, which is really worth trying, and there is an english patch version so, no worries...
  13. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    PS2: Persona 4. - One of the best jrpg games I've played recently (bought it after seeing hiimdaisy's comic dub from youtube, since it looked interesting.), it certainly kills time and has awesome voice acting/dialogue/plot thing going along there. (Released in 2008/2009, so its fairly recent too)
    Its like a combination of pokemon/the ring/simulation/fishing/digimon/silent hill and a lot of other stuff. xD Gameplay may come in a bit late at first, but its not really a bad thing.. c: You get to choose from a set amount of options as to what your character can say, who they hang out with and what they can do. Inaba's your oyster.
    Overall I'd deffo recommend it to ya.

    PS1: CREATURES. I know its as old as hell, it being a ps1 game and all but its just hilarious. You get to bring up a bunch of mutated weird monkey thingies... To sum it all up its kinda like the sims, only animalised (plus you're also a floating fairy and given the amount of babies you find/your creatures give birth to, you can unlock new worlds. Dangers may include making your creature eat weird mushrooms and leaving them exposed to tinier creatures that could potentially wound the creatures.) xD

    PS3: Little Big Planet 2. c: You'd get to race on friggin hamsters. Plus, its not just a platform anymore which is a great improvement.

    Assassin's Creed

    DS: Either Elite Beat Agents (music game) or Professor Layton (puzzle game).
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I'll list a few games I have that haven't already been mentioned unless I missed them

    Star Ocean: Till The End of Time
    Shadow Hearts (I've never played it, but it would make sense to put it on the list for the next two)
    Shadow Hearts: Covenant
    Shadow Hearts: From The New World
    Metal Gear Solid 2
    Metal Gear Solid 3

    Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (I doubt you'd need to get the first one since they don't really have a plot, it's just "KILL STUFF WITH GUNDAMS")
    God of War Collection
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Resident Evil 5 (more so if you have two players)

    Dissidia: Final Fantasy
    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

    I'll probably edit this later when I remember some more games

    Also, Onimusha 2 and 3 are the best of the series IMO, but 4 is a stab to the heart of fans yet still pretty good.
  15. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Don't bother getting them for the PS2 get them in a nice wee trilogy set for the PS3. They look so much better on the ps3.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Heavy Rain - If you like murder mysteries and many choices, this game will be for you. Every action can have a critical consequence.
    Yakuza 3 - Another lovely story driven game, with great combat where you can use a fish to absolutely kick the **** out of some punks. Japanese spoken language, with subtitles, which doesn't drive away from the incredible story at all.

    Most other people have mentioned great games too. Heed their advice.
  17. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Beyond Good and Evil is getting a PSN (and Xbox Live) release Amarch next year. I know that the winter break will be over by then, but I thought if you wanted to wait and get in in redone HD for cheaper then buying a $80 secondhand copy from eBay, i'd say just wait.
  19. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  20. Sufris Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 15, 2010
    In a mushroom. No, really.