I actually think the brightness is great. congratulations, sprinkles, you've just might've found your right style! XD The only critique I have is try experimenting with different fonts. (FONTS! not the way you place text,FONTS, 'cause text placement is perfect xD)
I agree, try some new fonts and see how they work out for ya. Other than that there really is nothing else wrong.
WOOT!! I won't whore it though. And yea fonts would be cool but my laptop at this time has some pretty ****** fonts so far. I'll have to go on a downloading spree. And yes the brightness is part of the style.
Woah~! This is beautiful <3 I love it Mr. sprinkles~ ;D It really pops out~ I agree, this is an awesome style ^^
That's actually pretty damn sweet :v I've seen some of your other works and this is the style for you, I think. Not having an overwhelming light focus is good, too <3
The variation of effects and color is amazing, but I feel that it's a bit too bright. Other than that, the background of the city is a bit blurry. Very wel done overall. Nice depth and flow to it as well.
This is awesome, as it says in the sig, it pretty much is crazy, I love crazy. I think that this is your style.
it is teh smex and all but it is a bit too bright at the back of the guys head XD but seriously, it is very smexy XD